Thursday, September 24, 2009

Telling Me About Glenn Beck on Facebook

Glenn Beck. Chairman of the list, amiwrong? Complete farce; lying sack of shit; getting dumb people riled up by pretending to believe that Obammer is a nazicommiefascist from Kenya. All of which is beyond list-worthy. That aside, I, or anyone else with the slightest shred of brain-power, knows all of this. Constantly smashing me in the face with Glenn Beck knowledge/outrage complete with You Tube clips via your Facebook is a bit much. We're friends, remember?

Part of the reason we are friends is that we hold some things to be self-evident: Brady is the best QB ever, we both want to pork Scarlet Johanson, Glen Beck is a phony fraud dipshit asshole who would literally say anything if it made him money. I don't blast your news feed with "The Patriots are going 19-0*" every day, do I?

Ok, poor example, but anyway, yes I know Glen Beck is outrageously dumb. Let's just leave it at that. Maybe talk over each other about it the next time we get together for a few jars of working man's ale. Sweet?

*Belicheat, dude.

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you tube vid was yanked

Anonymous said...

This guy isn't serious, right?

mustard said...

who? glenn beck? or me? i've never been more serious in my life.

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