Saturday, March 19, 2011

If it isn't on Facebook, it didn't happen. Or did it? (Probably not).

F. Martin Ramin for The Wall Street Journal

I'm a super important music writer with tons of indie cred and scene points so I don't really know the answer to this, but do people still save ticket stubs to shows? Used to be a total thing back in my day. Just in case they do there's a new website where people can post images of the old stubs and tell the story behind the show or sports-ball thing, that way everyone else knows the fun stuff you're up to while they're doing whatever it is that regular people do. Work? Not sure.  The site is called StubStory and I wrote about it for the Wall Street Journal today. (I know, right?) The newish Off Duty weekend section there is actually some really good stuff. Read the rest there, or after the jump.

Status Blast from the Past

If we've learned one thing from the barrage of status updates from our friends at concert venues and sports arenas lately, it's that the only thing better than going to a memorable live event is being able to brag to everybody who isn't present that you scored tickets. How's the saying go? If it's not on Facebook, it didn't happen?
But what about our favorite sporting and musical memories from the pre-social networking era left moldering, forgotten at the bottom of some drawer? What if you're a Yankees fan who was at opening day in 1978 for the infamous "Reggie Bar" game, where fans littered the field with candy? Maybe you saw Patti Smith play in Central Park on the night of a torrential downpour in August of 1979, Ozzy Osbourne with opening act Mötley Crüe on the Bark at the Moon tour in 1984 or Gretzky's last game at Madison Square Garden?

If you're like the users of the new website, you'll take the ticket stubs you've been keeping for sentimental reasons, scan them, post your memories online and garner all the retroactive cred you've been missing out on.

"Food triggers memories, smells, and tickets trigger memories too," says the site's founder, Matt Peter. "When there are 80,000 people in a building watching a game, they all share one thing in common: that ticket stub."

But years later, none of those cherished ticket stubs end up being exactly alike either in appearance or personal significance. That's the beauty of the site: It lets the faceless names in the crowd assert their own place in historic events, be it a pivotal World Series win, the first Coachella Music Festival or just an early performance from a beloved band. Which reminds me, did I ever tell anyone about the time I saw the Strokes at a tiny art gallery in Somerville, Mass., in 2001? You really had to be there.

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I almost always save my ticket stubs, especially for concerts and important sporting events, (like Opening Day, every year.) Sometimes, I feel like a packrat but then, I find someone who did the same thing 20-30 years ago and get excited looking at all that old stuff. I guess, part of me thinks that someone, someday will appreciate all the dumb shit I've saved up over the years. Probably not though.

luke said...

Pretty sure that site will care. What're your top 3?


Could I possibly scan them myself, write the story and post it as a photo on facebook? If so, please don't tell the creators of that website.

Anonymous said...

losing the specific focus of the community that way.

Sergeant D said...

I see kids on Tumblr post pics of their tickets sometimes. These are the same kids who will reblog a picture of a Bring Me The Horizon shirt 12,000 times. I think to them, the idea of purchasing anything tangible that's music-related is kind of a novelty.


Yeah, it's like a gag. LOL, this thing actually exists in the physical world. What a blast!

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