Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Photos I stole from my Facebook friends

BG: "Dirty Vegas and Bodega Girls takeover of the Perez Hilton party. This is what happens when we crash your party."

Not sure why I didn't think of this sooner, instead of asking people to send me things, I'm just going to steal them from them, then link them to it, and be like, lol zatok? Because the only thing more exciting than looking at photos from your Facebook friends is looking at ones from people you don't actually know!

Photos and captions from the person in question. 

Nate sings sexy dance songs in Mystery Roar. "Dont go back to Knoxville."

Taylor designs stuff real good for Beer Advocate. "I guess this means it's officially spring..."

Christian, well, I don't know what he does. He has though. "No, I didnt eat this. I probably would though."

Richard write stuff for us sometimes, like a post he's making me wait on right now. Fucker. "This gentleman does not like Bank of America. Maybe there was a long line or something."

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