Meanwhile, a dragonfly looks like this:
I mean, both are sorta gay and green-ish, I will grant you that, straw man ... but after that the comparison really breaks down. Dragons breathe fire and inspire fear and dread in all who are unfortunate enough to cross their path; the worst thing dragonflies will do is kind of buzz around you in an annoying way if you are at a picnic or something.
Dragonflies: on the list.
Picnics: dangerously close to making the list if these goddamn dragonflies do not SHUT THE FUCK UP ALREADY

haha, that poor knight doesn't stand a chance. he looks like a vespa at an exploding thai whale contest.
dragonflies been mooching off the awesome name of dragons for too long if you ask me. deadbeats. get a job, sir.
this might be a long shot, but is it possible that this dragonfly is perched on somebody's fat ass? look closely.
Can't get behind this one. Dragonflies are the shit. Possibly not as awesome as actual dragons but they actually exist so they've got that going for them.
existence is way overrated.
Dragonflies don't know they exist though.
how many renaissance fair twats and douches have tats of dragonflies or dragons though? i think this might negate any positive factors for either one of these things.
rennissance fair twats are probably are on the list somewhere. then again, maybe they, surprisingly, are not.
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