I know you can't use the example of a few sociopath assholes to broadly condemn an organization as large as the US military, because many of them are most likely very well adjusted, reasonable, and fair people who signed up for the job of killing other people without asking any questions about why. But that's what I'm going to do anyway, because I don't read so much and sometimes the words come out all bad and my brain don't think no good.
ABC News yesterday aired footage of 22-year-old Specialist Jeremy N. Morlock offering a confession to US Army investigators about the killing of an unarmed Afghan civilian in 2009. In the video, Morlock is very matter-of-fact about the event, in which he and four other soldiers stood an Afghan man up against a wall, tossed a live grenade to give the appearance of an attack on them, and "waxed" the man. Morlock said the man was unarmed, cooperating, and posed no threat to his comrades. He says the alleged ringleader of the crime, Staff Sgt. Calvin Gibbs, said to the other troops: "Hey, you guys wanna wax this guy or what?" via
I'm not saying that everyone who volunteers to kill people in other countries that pose no threat to their own is a monster, but then again, that's exactly what I'm saying. Except your uncle or whatever. I'm sure he's a nice guy. And my cousin, who is sweet and good-hearted. And everyone else anyone who reads this might know. And the guy that's going to punch me in my hippie pussy face when I walk out of the house today. You're all good with me, bro! Thanks for defending me.
Why don't you GET IN THE VAN PUSSY?
This guy was almost killed by a Marine a while back for talking about this stuff. You know that sound a bar stool makes when a 6'5" guy kicks it back and makes the world stop? That's not a good sound for a liberal commie pussy to hear. It's my own fault though, talking politics at the bar is on the list and all that.
You probably had it coming.
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