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Emma Mae (via YIIIIIKKKESSS) |
I've been meaning to pull together a post about some of my favorite comments and emails I've gotten in the past month or two, but then again I've been meaning to do a lot of things for a long time, like not do that thing I just said, so you can see my predicament. Ah, fuck it, some of these are too good to go un-shared.
This anonymous fellow, (obviously a dude, because only dudes care enough about the quality of music to sound this angry), writing about wants to teach us a lesson about quality or good taste, or something. His stance against Katy Perry and Lady Gaga is, frankly, very brave, and must have taken a lot of courage to muster up the words to express it. No fucking way I'm listening to that blues-hammer link he included, so someone tell me if it's any good.
lmfao fucking sucks. so does lady gaga. so does katy perry. it is institutionalized, corporate music. made solely to make money, with no other purpose, nothing benevolent in the minds of the creators. it is an apparition of everything which has gone terribly wrong within our society. the amount of AMAZING fucking music being recorded these days is dizzying, and somehow the shit on the top of the charts is the scum that got scooped from the bottom of the barrel. the way i see it, anyone oozing over lmfao like you did, while you are entirely entitled to your opinion, you are irreconcilably depraved by delusions forced upon you by society, you are a slave, you are inundated, but most importantly YOU SHOULD NOT BE BLOGGING ABOUT MUSIC.
this one's for you, mate.
A lot of people were MAD about the How to talk to people about their tattoos piece, and the earlier accompanying plugs/life choices bit Scene for life. Literally. | Sick ear gauges, bro.
Modied Zombie wins the prize for BUTT HURT OF THE YEAR COMMENT:
- Why wouldn't you trust someone who has big plugs in their ears, handling your prescription at their job? You think because someone has a passion for body modification that they're strung out or what? That's a bullshit stereotype and you need to pull your head out of your fucking ass. And I think it's ridiculous to judge someone for a job, based on their piercings or tattoos. They're here to work like everyone else and not hurting anyone. And it's not mutilation, unless certain people make it out to be that way or choose to make it a bloody massacre. Also, they're called plugs and tunnels. Not gauges, you uneducated fucktard. Different? Yes. Extreme? Sure. Art? Definitely. Just because someone looks different and has a different viewpoint, you shouldn't judge them. They know what they've done to their bodies and I'm sure they know they'll have to live with that and accept that, graciously. So they don't need dicks like you bashing them or trying to brainwash them into this uptight, normal looking citizen of this piece of shit planets society. And you know why? Because some asshole said so and got followers, so on and so forth. And you're one of them, so please go die in a fire. ^^
His homeboy Fader comes in a close second, however:
I agree completely with Modified Zombie.
To Luke, the person who posted this: YOU are a fine example of how intelligence is a dying art these days. You are an intolerant, ignorant bastard. These people that you have ridiculed and posted are doing what makes them happy. I, myself, am a passionate member of the body modification community, and I have stretched ears, and I can tell you firsthand that these peoples decisions about how they choose to change their appearance have NO EFFECT whatsoever on the content of their character. They are, without questions, more respectable members of society than you will ever be, because you're blind to seeing the beauty in everyone. Narrow minded people like you need to open their eyes. People with body modifications make conscious decisions about modifying their bodies, just like you make a conscious decisions to cut your hair, etc. Seriously, if you can't even use the proper terms, why are you even sharing your worthless, ignorant opinion. Stretched lobes, plugs, and tunnels are all proper terms for this modification. Maybe if you educated yourself even a little bit, you'd be less narrow minded and judgmental. Judging someone by how they look is wrong. I thought we all learned this during the Civil Rights Movement, but I guess there is still idiocy everywhere on this planet. You have never even met these people, and you are judging them solely because of how you look. What if that was your child, your mother, your brother or sister? Would you hate them? Would you disown them? No. Because they are still the same wonderful person on the inside, no matter how they look on the outside.
Anon here is feeling the butthurt flow as well:
Give me a fucking break, everybody!!! Go live your lives and stop worrying about what everyone else is doing!!! Tattoos are beautiful, I have six myself and I am getting my right arm sleeved out this year, they don't have to mean anything at all, they just have to represent whatever it is that your into or that you love. If you're going to get a visible tattoo, people are going to be curious and ask about it so suck it up and just be nice to whoever asked you. For the guy who said that tattoos are a bad idea, it was obviously a bad choice for you but most of the world's population loves tattoos and has them, so don't put them down or the women who have them. Everyone is beautiful in their own way, so let them have thier fun. We all know what tattoos are going to look like when we are 60 so quit telling us already!!! Tattoos and beautiful, fun and sexy in my opinion, that's why I have choosen to put them on my body and if someone is going to ask me to let them look my tattoos, I always proudly let them do so. The world would be such a better place if people worried more about themselves and their families and less about strangers that their never going to see again inking up their bodies.
Bob Farley said:
A-bloo-bloo-bloo. Your tattoos are purely for yourself just as much as pair of fake tits. They are there to make you look different to other people, and thus make you feel better.
Your problem is that everyone can see them, including the people you don't want a reaction from. Now if this was a haircut or a shirt, hey, whatever. You just wear it to the club/bar/etc. where you want to be noticed and take it off later.
Except you can't, because you infused it into your skin. And now the only thing you can do is bitch on your blog about the reaction your stupid tattoo gets at bars.
Not everyone was mad bro. This Anon old timer thinks tattoos are stupid, because of his life I guess? I dunno, dude, that panther fighting with a snake piece sounds kind of fresh actually.
Tattoos are a bad idea for anyone! I got one on each arm in 1984, when I was in my 20's and at that time I thought I was a Bad-Ass Headbanger, playing my Kramer guitar and marshall half-stack in a bunch of garage bands that didn't go anywhere. I got a big flying dragon on one arm and a panther fighting with a snake with a jungle background on the other arm. Now it is 2012 and I am 47 years old, and I don't do heavy metal anymore, and I am stuck with these two stupid ink drawings on my human flesh, and there's nothing I can do about it! I have had a rotator cuff surgery a couple of years ago and they cut through the beautiful expensive dragon tattoo and ruined it. All of you young people out there who want these disgusting things, please DON'T DO it! Three Reasons! 1. You cannot get colored tattoos lasered off, the technology does not exist yet. 2.You'll be old and wrinkled before you know it, and you're tattoos will look like a big blob of colored cancer on your 60 yerar old body, cause' the designs will become faded and blurred and stretched. 3. If you ever have to have surgery somewhere on yourself, the tattoo will be cut up and ruined. There are also lots of disgusting chemicals in tattoo ink such as mercury, zinc, iron and coal that can later on in life give you cancers and skin conditions. And you can never get in a public swimming pool without being stared at! And ladies, keep your skin natural and beautiful, you don't need these disgusting things to enhance your beauty, a woman's skin is sacred! Marylyn Monroe had no stupid tattoos! And besides they'll make you look like a cheap biker tramp! Tattoos are not fashion, they are cheap body destroying trash! Take care everybody!
Some liked the tattoo piece so much they fell in love with me, which is a problem I'm accustomed to dealing with every time I leave the house. One reader, a Mr. Joshua, wrote:
Hi just read your tattoo article for some reason. what was it? oh yeah because you had that chick with boob tattoos. wow. i mean where did you find her? jesus.
also that article was so great. it went on for a long time and maintained a fairly cogent state while being a humorous rant that you've clearly thought about far too long in your life.
also you aren't a girl so you dont have to worry about me having a crush on you which is probably something that would happen if you were a woman writing an awesome article.
Thanks for the reassurance. Dollface doesn't like tattoos, but she looks cute in her picture she commented from, so she gets a free pass.
honestly i think tattoos are dumb and i'm never going to have one but have you ever seen miami/LA/london/'insert city here' ink? every fucker that walks in the shop has some lofty reason for getting a tattoo..
i'm getting this huge fish tattoo cause it means strength and my dad is a strong guy and his best friend's sister has cancer so i'm getting this fish.
idk why people feel they have to justify them at all really..
it's like someone asking me why i have my ears pierced
obviously so i can hang shiny jewels from them!
why did he get a huge picture of a fish?
idk. probably wanted nothing more than to be able to look at a fish all day long
someone i know has a tattoo of me.. it's dumb but it makes me feel famuzzz
Some people reached really far back into the PTSOTL deep cuts archive to find things to get mad about, like this ancient post I don't even remember Sylvester Stallone Using Big Words To Prove How Intelligent He Is. Monstermaster13 is a big Sly fan, I'm guessing. U WEIRD BRO? (Yes.)
Screw you man, Sly doesn't deserve to be picked on like this.
And again you are overlooking him, he only plays big and tough in the movies he's been in but in real life he is really smart and is not only an actor, but also a director, writer and painter.
He's also one of the most gentle fathers in the entertainment industry.
Other people are simply confused. I guess this was probably in reference to some restaurant or bar piece I wrote somewhere else, but then again, people are really stupid, so you never know. Quoth DLH:
You are very wrong. You have no Mexican cuisine listed. You totally ignore Swedish cuisine and, Norwegian cuisine you have probably never heard of. That is my family’s ethnicities, all three of them ane we have been totally left out like you have got something against us.As far as “drink more and think less” I agree with that but it is not your idea. That was in and English movie that I saw recently at an arts theater.So where are you in all of this? I know where I am. I am in California where there are lots of Mexican Restaurants and people out of work. Did you know that liquor in moderation is better than a shrink! Probably not or you would have written about it.I can see you are based in New England so it all figures. Now I have to finish cleaning my bathrooms and plan the rest of my day.
I think that last sentence is a metaphor. Don't we all dude. Don't we all.

Ha. I didn't realize that there is such an active body modification community that monitors blogs. I also feel that if one is going to use fancy terms of art such as "body modification community", they can't follow it up with "stretched ears". "Elongated" perhaps?
There is a community for everything monitoring everything now.
that first dude's definitely got better taste in music than you.
Well, yeah, but who doesn't?
he definitely seemed defensive, but he's got a point and yet at the end of the day, caring about music either way. fuck, i am confused.
I always love the "you're entitled to your opinion, bro, but if it's not in line with mine it's totes wrong, #justayn" line of thinking.
To be fair to yourself you should have included how much Vegan Jules jizzes all over your tits.
@Mustard, do you like that band or somfing? Seems up your old timey AUTHENTIC MUSIC alley.
@Anon, ha, right? Did someone say that in here? I forget already.
Respect to VJ for having great taste in blogs.
Where's the one about all the clever, hilarious, and insightful comments that I have made? Facebook counts. I have to write funny and cogent blogs so guys will have crushes on me.
I can't speak for anyone else, but I have tats because a) I enjoy the way they look and b) I like the way they make me look to other people. Wow, that sounds pretty lame when I write it like that, but it's true.
I was surprised at how many BAEs* don't like people asking about their tattoos. I've had many good conversations with people all over the world about their ink and mine. Additionally in Korea and Japan if a girl has a tattoo she's a "bad girl" so talking to her is a very, very good idea.
*Body Art Enthusiast
As a dude who understands the importance of visual stimulation at the exact, right time, whoa dude, I really think you've found some sort of magical formula where; what: Being a dude (WITH testicles) + at least a pulse for new inteligence that helps you do things easier x a chick-clothes (over time)= some sort of magic blog formula!
@Fraiche: I already told you you were the funniest person on here like, I dunno, two times, but fine, I will create a post to your br00tal geniosity.
@patrick: That sounds like a reasonable justification to me.
@Joz Math checks out on that to me. Although as a blogger it probably goes without saying that I never learned to math.
You should have Fraiche and Vegan Jules get married on your blog.
That's a great idea! Has that happened yet? Be great for traffic. You guys are both cool with that I assume? I'll get started on the paper work.
Quick, make a post wherein you are insensitive about animal cruelty and I will rash you to capture his heart.
Fucking A man, I got a rash.
There's just something off-putting about the word fucktard being preceded by uneducated.
Not to mention it was all over calling gauges by their "real" name: Plugs and tunnels. Cuz that sounds SO much better.
Yeah, how indelicate of me.
Not that I have love for LMFAO, but what a terrible example of modern, "dizzying" music. It's a predictable ballad of Vietnam-era rock, run through a prog-rock filter, and sprinkled with a dash of early Metallica bass arrangements - catered exclusively for Renaissance Fair enthusiasts.
Blues Hammer - Ha!
Her name is Radeo Suicide http://radeo-suicide.tumblr.com/
Yes i'm a Sly fan. So what? He's one of the action heroes of the 80's, 90's and 2000's.
Sure he may not be as good as Arnie but he tries.
Heck he's even got Chuck Norris and Van Damme included as the new additions to the Expendables sequel.
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