I'm just as sick of all the tired, old Masshole Boston accent videos as the next guy who spends 15 hours a day on the internet in Mass., whether it's , , or the latest, , which is great because it takes that one thing everyone knows and makes it a little different so other people who recognize the references can get in on the same fresh joke.
"We don't even sound like that," most of my friends say. I know, these things are so far off it's not even funny. The reality is so much worse, like in this video below that Evan K. just unearthed from a local news report. I present to you, the most Bostony Boston accent I've ever heard. Shit is retarded. Here's how you make an authentic Shit Massholes Say video: wait for someone to get stabbed, then turn on your camera. The end.
Now that is hilarious. I mean, aside from the stabbing part.
You need to smoke like 2 packs of Slims 100's.
Kent Ultralight 100s I think.
The news story definitely has my favorite ending out of all those videos.
Oh man. I feel a little bad at laughing at that^
I think there's a little methadone maintenance going on with that accent.
So, yeah, very authentic.
No, no, no you guys. USA Gold. I also agree she is on drugs. I'm going with percs. I was going to make one of those videos last night because that Boston one was just so fucking stupid. And the Jackies Packie one. Some one please call the cliche police.
Lisa looks like a good time. "Hey theah, maybe you wanna do it ah somethin'? Lemme drop tha kids awf." I'd like to see her and Fran Drescher scissorfuck and be vocal about it.
The chick from things boston people say or whatever is from pembroke or whatever allegedly...
Which one?
that one, I hate to be a meme-oid but there it is...
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