Wednesday, February 15, 2012

What people think I do meme: Bloggers

We've all seen these lulzy What People Think I Do memes by now, right, like the one above? Check out Know Your Meme for more, or, you know, just literally open your eyes, because they're all over your Facebook.  I haven't seen one yet for bloggers, so I took the liberty of getting the ball rolling. I didn't put it in one of those convenient black boxes though, because one thing bloggers like me don't do is fuck all when it comes to design. 

UPDATE: Oh turns out there is a Bloggers one but it is fucking stupid. Who in the world thinks bloggers make money? Check out mine below. (h/t Richard B)


What my parents think I do

What people with real jobs think I do 

What my lady thinks I do

How I see myself

What my friends think I do all day


What I actually do all day 

How I imagine my readership

What it actually looks like

How a cartoon wolf with, like, a tablecloth tucked up into his shirt and a fork and knife in either hand sees me when I've fallen down the edge of a ravine and I've hurt my ankle pretty bad probably and things are looking pretty grim.

How a shark eats another shark

What happens when you die

brought to you by



you don't wear underwear!


Ha, second friend to email me with that clarification. Perverts!


so even YOU think you're gay?


It's not if there's only one guy involved.


But yeah, to answer the quesion, I guess so.


PS,wait till you see the next post I am cooking up (via me being gay). Will boggle your tits.


I was referring to your use of Oscar Wilde, not your unnatural envy of your own (metaphorical) penis.

Anonymous said...

haha, busted!


Ha. Oh yeah, that. Kind of interalized that one. If Oscar Wilde and Morrissey were really into football and lifting weights, then yeah, that's me.

Lophiodes caulinaris said...

I also find these things stupid. I saw one for my profession and it was like "what my clients think I do" and it was some dude with a bunch of money. I was like, WHA? I really hope my clients don't see me like that. You know? It's insulting. So I made my own. Do you know how fucking hard it is to find a woman on a computer who isn't naked? Maybe you do know.

I like the last two ones on yours. Everyone's like LOLZ then it hits them, we're all going to hell.


What do you do? Let's see the graphic.

Wait, there are pictures of women with their clothes on online? What kind of weird sites are you on?

who cares if he is gay said...

Oscar Wilde is awesome.


CHUCKLE. I wish I had a lady-dinosaur to gossip with.

lolcats said...

I am a web designer and developer:


Ha. Pretty good.

Cats though, am I right.

Jim from the Office said...

This was the first stupid one:

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