INSTAGRAM NOW OWNS YOUR SOUL Congratulations are in order to the NRA and the gun advocates of the world for somehow engineering the genius coup of siphoning off all of the internet’s ire by convincing Instagram to announce that they would maybe, potentially, some day, possibly, use one of your #nofilter #selfies in an advertisement that some company would want for some reason. You’ll be aware of this fact by outraged posts from the same friends who shared that a couple of weeks ago whining about it all day. Here’s a #selfie of me above that any companies out there looking to advertise rugged masculinity and/or the effects of cigarette smoking on aging can feel free to use.
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whining about it all day. buy instagram likes for all pictures Here’s a #selfie of me above that any companies out there looking to advertise rugged masculinity and/or the effects of cigarette smoking on aging can feel free to use.
It’s easy for a designer to roll their eyes when a “commoner” (heh) decides to play around with type and design their own book cover. buy instagram likes fast
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