At some point, when America has fully fallen from power, scholars from around the world will study its meteoric rise to become the world's only remaining superpower and its tragic downfall while the rest of the world cheers. There will have been triumphs: getting 'er done against the Nazis, landing on the moon, the tuck-rule, etc. There will be turning points: JFK assassination, September 11, the time they renamed french fries in the Congressional cafeteria to freedom fries because the French didn't share our fervor for slaughtering people in Iraq.
Anywho, when America is said and done, it'll be a vast wasteland, not much different from "The Road." One can only hope that this clip will be the only thing played on the radio, the television, the internet and any sort of transmission that one can pick up while tirelessly walking towards the coast and fending off marauders. Just out there on an endless loop forever.
Let's face it, that time is now.
Anywho, when America is said and done, it'll be a vast wasteland, not much different from "The Road." One can only hope that this clip will be the only thing played on the radio, the television, the internet and any sort of transmission that one can pick up while tirelessly walking towards the coast and fending off marauders. Just out there on an endless loop forever.
Let's face it, that time is now.
I've been trying to erase that horror show from my brain.
If our government can't come up with one lousy forged birth certificate to quell all those pesky truth-seekers, then indeed our country is in deep do-do.
True that, but they don't even need to. There is a real one.
We had a great, well, ok a pretty good...hmm, a decent run.
The mom jeans make that clip
I can't bring myself to watch it. This looks like an extended version of the one I've seen. Does the woman have on mom jeans or do they get into Obammer's mom jeans at the All Star game?
She gets them all to agree to say the pledge of allegiance. Not a joke.
and yet somehow it still is a joke.
She's sporting the moms - visible during the sad pledge of allegiance . . .
lest we forget, mom's are on the list.
why won't this fucking piece of shit let me past a link into the box here? guh
Links that don't actually link - list.
totally awesome list entry yo.
I can't believe no one has done America yet
America is sort of implied in every post innit?
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