Friday, February 19, 2010

Bus Fights

Still having a hard time figuring out if you're racist or not? Check out this bloody bus fight video without any context about what the argument is over and decide if you're rooting for one of the guys to win. Case closed!

Normally we don't advocate violence around here on the List, but this shit is pretty compelling. There are a couple of good lessons we can all take from it as well:

Don't say shit to anyone. Ever.
Don't look at anyone either just to be safe.
Don't mess with bearded Nam vet types who casually drop the word China-man, no matter how old they are, regardless of whether or not they're wearing fanny packs and short shorts.
Don't ride the bus.
Chicks in purple leggings are pretty cute.

Probably a good idea to stay away from the comments under the video on You Tube as well if you want to avoid catching a case of the stupid. That shit is like some Civil War era message board action. Just wow.

You Tube is a lot like the crowded city bus line of the internet in a way. Good idea in theory but ends up being more trouble than it's worth, everyone on it smells like perfume and McDonalds and some paranoid asshole is always ranting about the government.

Oof, this whole thing. Contemporary American discourse innit? This internet experiment is really bringing us all together nicely though. Breaking down boundaries, if you will.

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Anonymous said...

that beard is pretty epic.

epic boner said...

epic beard man posted a follow up interview.


The girl in the purple is Amber Lamps. You can hear the dude asking for her at the end of the video.

"Somebody call Amber Lamps!"


Pretty good stripper name. Stripper names are on the List though. As are strippers. And names.


I'd like to get all American Apparel ad with Amber Lamps. (Not sure exactly what that means, but still...)

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