Wednesday, February 24, 2010

On the List Gentle-man of the Month

When the economy is in the shitter as it has been for years, and greedy pig fuck banks are foreclosing on the homes they gave out sketchy loans on in the first place, there are a few different ways to express your frustration. Crying in your basement so the kids don't see you, for example. Or maybe writing an angry post on the internet will teach them a lesson.

Asking for a restructuring of your loan might work too. That way the banks will have at least some money coming in instead of becoming the proud new owner of a vacant home that an absentee landlord won't keep in good shape, thereby completely devaluing the property that they won't be able to sell anyway since no one can afford it, and what's worse, no one even wants it anymore.

Another thing you can do when you're frustrated with "these rich fucks" and "this whole thing" is fly a plane into an IRS building. That would be the chicken-shit insanity of a deranged terrorist. Fuck that dude's tax-scamming face in hell.

Or, you could be like this fella here.

MOSCOW, Ohio, Feb. 23 (UPI) -- An Ohio man said he made good on his threat to tear down his home before allowing his bank to foreclose on the property.
Terry Hoskins of Moscow said RiverHills Bank refused a $170,000 offer to pay off the money owed on the $350,000 loan, with officials saying they could make more money from a foreclosure sale, so he gave the bank an ultimatum for the final fate of his house: "I'll tear it down before I let you take it," he said.
"When I see I owe $160,000 on a home valued at $350,000, and someone decides they want to take it -- no, I wasn't going to stand for that, so I took it down," Hoskins said.
Hoskins said he used a bulldozer two weeks ago to raze the home he built decades ago.
"As far as what the bank is going to get, I plan on giving them back what was on this hill exactly (as) it was," Hoskins said. "I brought it out of the ground and I plan on putting it back in the ground."
Spiteful? Perhaps. A bit rash? Sure. Complete and utter fucking awesomeness? That too. You sir, are a modern day Robin Hood, and the first recipient of the coveted On the List Gentle-man of the Month award. Bravo, sir. Bravo.

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dc said...

some duke just called you out for this one over on google buzz, luke


Google Buzz is on the list, right?


a lot of important info is missing from this story. If he owes 160K on his mortgage, his bank can't not accept this money and choose instead to have the house sold through foreclosure. He cannot be truthful in saying he offered 170k to pay off 160k worth of debt, and the bank refused. He's a liar and a cheat and a criminal. He's no modern day robin hood. And was this a sketchy loan? I know for sure that neither you nor I know. Still, I can see the appeal of you putting him forward as a symbol of something-or-other related to banks.


respectfully, of course.


Google Buzz is indeed on the List.

Also, Greg old buddy, your probably reasonable and fact-based argument doesn't really change my opinion. Not interested in the particulars of what he actually owed, or whether or not he even was on the up and up. I just like idea of a guy smashing up his house so the galderned banker couldn't take it.

Although I think pretty much any loan whatsoever is by its very nature sketchy. I think houses cost way too much money, and that people should not be in the business of making money off of usury. But that's a whole other thing.

Anonymous said...

"He's a liar and a cheat and a criminal. He's no modern day robin hood."

incongruous sentences...
none taken, robin hood.

dhs said...

Robin Hood was kind of a prick though wasn't he?

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