Fights aren't funny because violence isn't funny. Haha, that dude just got his head jumped on. No thank you. But the humor of fights comes in when the dudes involved start arguing with each other in the lead up. You ever see this shit play out? It's like the part of their brain that's usually reserved for logic and coherent thought is so busy focusing on the karate department of their memories they learned from tv that they can't speak clearly anymore. They start saying vaguely angry-sounding things that don't even make any sense as a threat. I am gonna fuck you. I will fucking fuck your face...Fuck your face up I mean.Oh-kaaay? Wait, are we fighting or flirting? Or else they start using racial slurs that don't even apply in the scenario. Fuck you nigger man, I'll kill you bitch ass, fuck you ... Chinese ... homo? It's like their blindly flailing around for anything that sort of sounds like an insult, throwing everything that comes to mind up against the wall and hoping some of it sticks.
That's why getting in a fight is so shameful. It's not the violence that usually causes regret for otherwise normally decent people, it's the shit you say that makes you cringe later on. What the fuck was I even talking about there? Sort of like sexy talk in a way. Later on you're like...Woh, where did half that shit even come from?
So it's probably a a good idea to try to keep your shit together whenever you can. Call it the Bruce Banner corollary: you wouldn't like yourself when you're angry.
That said, in a related story, these mother fuckers. welkjhjfhergkjr efjsfm,wqo erwqweor I will fucking wkj whefekjf erewfwrg ewrgiewjrg I can't even kjsdfejrfpewlrfk;welfkew;rewfwf
Not every military family has managed to ignore the painful intrusion of picketers from Westboro Baptist Church, who have made headlines around the country by asserting that US military deaths are divine punishment for the country’s sins, including tolerance for homosexuality.
Outrage over the church’s protests has risen to the Supreme Court, in a constitutional test that pits claims of First Amendment speech protection against a desire of mourning families to practice their religion and bury their loved ones in peace. via
These mother fucking anuses These mothers I fucking anal ... push their noses on their own ... donkey ass and shit? Everywhere. I can not. I want ... I went to dick. I'm fucking fuck all.

I'm going to whip you silly and fuck you stupid. And not because I'm gay or anything, but because I can.
you gotta love Iron Mike though, right?
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