Photo by Rachel Leah Blumenthal |
Sorry, this is really turning into a heavy dose of personal branding promotion this week. I guess I took that stuff I wrote about 'improving yr brand' to heard. Ehh, get your own blog if you don't like it.
Eater Boston, one of the only websites I actually read (I can never think of websites) ran an interview with me on Friday as part of their cocktail week series. I talk about Boston's Cocktail Past, Present And Future and generally don't sound like too much of an idiot. If there's one thing I actually want anyone to take away from it, it's the piece of advice toward the end about trying something new every time you go out for a drink. It's only like $10, stop being such a fucking pussy, it's not going to ruin your night if you get something it turns out you don't like so much and you have to stand there for like 15 minutes drinking it.
What first drew you to cocktails? I didn't even really like drinking through most of my early twenties - I was never much of a drinker, but I just found out that I wasn't drinking the right stuff. I was like "this is weird, this vodka cranberry is gross, I don't like the taste of it, I guess I don't like drinking." People talk about their gateway cocktail or their epiphany. I don't remember where it was, I just remember having a Manhattan, a really well made Manhattan, and it just blew my mind. I was like wait a minute, this is something that is much different than what I've been drinking my whole life as a young idiot. It immediately turned me on and I was just kind of hooked from there.
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