I went to see The Hundred in the Hands last night. I only bring that up because, aside from the obvious artistic merit of this blurry-ass photo I took from a mile down the road with my 1998 vintage Gameboy camera, I just wanted everyone to know I was at a cool thing, doing cool things. Because apparently that's what we do now.
Thursday, September 30, 2010
Put the phone away and enjoy the goddamn show for five seconds you ninnies
Labels: how are we disappointing eachother today?
I guess funny t-shirts are still a thing?
So I was just surfing the googles, hitting all my usual search queries, and, well, long story short, it's funny the stuff that just pops up in an image search that you don't expect.
Wednesday, September 29, 2010
Now we're scared of dead Muslims too?
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These two are like, "Come on with this horseshit you guys." Ben Templesmith img |
Look, I don't know what-all black magic transpires when you plant the Muslim bones in the dirt, and quite frankly I don't want to know. I assume it's something like that movie Poltergeist, only the skull monsters have beards. That's why I support this normal American town's decision to make sure they don't ever have to find out. Sure, it's been five years since the bodies were originally buried, but I don't read the Arab words, and all my Korans are fresh burnt up, so better safe than sorry...
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Pictured: "foreign" rotting bones, their prayers unheard by an absent god, place entire town in harm's way |
A town in upstate New York is trying to force a local Muslim religious community to dig up a small cemetery on its property and never bury anyone there again because it says it's illegal.
"What we would not want is an unauthorized cemetery," says Bob McCarthy, town supervisor of the Delaware County town of Sidney, population 5,993. "We're taking care of a bunch of cemeteries, and they just came in and buried the bodies, and didn't go through...there's no funding there, it's not a standard kind of deal, and it's going to become a liability to the town."
So what steps have the Muslims skipped? "I don't know what the exact law is," he says. <---!!!!!!!!!! [emphasis mine]. via
Except, woops, that guy is lying and it's barely illegal (hotttt), the Huffington Post reports.
And there's certainly nothing illegal about it as far as the State Troopers are concerned. "We looked into the cemetery and it was determined what they were doing is lawful," says Captain James Barnes of the New York State Police, Troop "C," based in Sidney.
Hmm, sure they are. What about this, Mr. Fancy Police Cop: 9/11? What do you say to that?
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The author, pictured, as a woman. |
Jesus fucking christ (no offense to Muslims) these people make me want to do a sailor's dive off my back porch. Guh. There's only one thing that I can think of to take my mind off idiots like this.
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Shay Maria makes the brain boo boo go away |
There. All better. What Muslim cemetery was that now? I don't know what you're talking about.
Labels: barackhusseinobamasoloperto the secret muslim from kenya who also attended a radical christian church even though he's muslim, muslim bones
Nice dome piece
I'm all for diversity in the news or what have you, but when even National Geographic starts incorporating hip hop slang into their stories, it might be time to throw the breaks on this normalization of street slang shit:
The fish, discovered alive in the deep water off California's central coast by the Monterey Bay Aquarium Research Institute (MBARI), is the first specimen of its kind to be found with its soft transparent dome intact. via
Oh, and btw, will you look at that fucking thing? That's not a fish, that's a J-horror ghost girl with a haircut and an efficient breast stroke. I know I've covered how terrifying the mutant-infested hellscape of the ocean can be at length here, but there seems to be no end to the demonic monsters they can pull out of that thing. Kind of like the scab-crusted, smoked-mucus nasal passages I've been dealing with all month. What? I have allergies. Don't judge.
A lot of great things throughout history have been discovered by accident: penicillin, potato chips, boners. But the genesis of this bullshit delicacy still has me a little perplexed. Caveman chef who pulled this one out of his ass was really stretching that day.
"Let's see...maybe if we scrape these sharp water rocks off the ocean floor then boil them for an hour a slimy little salt turd will pop out and I can charge $18 for like ten of them?" Good call, dude.
Although in a way I'm sort of jealous of the ingenuity and sense of discovery you got to experience back then. It was either figure out some new shit to stick in your face hole, or get eaten by a dinosaur. That sense of living on the edge played a big role in our evolution as a species and we're better off for it.
Haha, just kidding, evolution is a liberal myth.
Labels: my weird food neuroses, the ocean
Tuesday, September 28, 2010
Obvious stuff is obvious
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Joshua Hagler via |
Sorry to link to two Gawker stories in a row, but I'm feeling really lazy today, and besides, pointing to other people's hard work is pretty much their m.o. over there, so I don't feel too bad about it. Get me! I'm like a real grown-up blog, linking to things.
This time I'm gonna follow up that stunning revelation down below that the military is violent by pointing out some other big news: religious people are dumb.
Like most religious people, Americans are breathtakingly ignorant. We already knew we were ignorant about science and other factual matters, of course—but it turns out we're equally ignorant about religion! Except for the atheists. A new survey by the Pew Forum on Religion and Public Life found that most religious Americans don't know shit about their own religions. Sample fun finding: "A majority of Protestants, for instance, couldn't identify Martin Luther as the driving force behind the Protestant Reformation." via
Pointing out that atheists tend to be more informed than people who believe in comic books set in ancient Egypt isn't exactly surprising. Still, it kind of helps to reinforce my sense of smug superiority when it comes to dismissing broad swaths of culture that I have a disdain for.
American atheists and agnostics tend to be people who grew up in a religious tradition and consciously gave it up, often after a great deal of reflection and study, said Alan Cooperman, associate director for research at the Pew Forum.
"These are people who thought a lot about religion," he said. "They're not indifferent. They care about it." via
In other words, the more you think about some bullshit, the more you realize how disgusting it is. Here's another thing I've been thinking a lot about today after having gravy and cheese-based diarrhea all morning: poutine is gross. Cheese curds? That's one letter away from cheese turds, dude. And it has "poo" right in the name. No thanks, every restaurant I go to these days. So I guess that makes me an expert on Canada. Someone do a study on that.
Fuck the Troops
I know you can't use the example of a few sociopath assholes to broadly condemn an organization as large as the US military, because many of them are most likely very well adjusted, reasonable, and fair people who signed up for the job of killing other people without asking any questions about why. But that's what I'm going to do anyway, because I don't read so much and sometimes the words come out all bad and my brain don't think no good.
ABC News yesterday aired footage of 22-year-old Specialist Jeremy N. Morlock offering a confession to US Army investigators about the killing of an unarmed Afghan civilian in 2009. In the video, Morlock is very matter-of-fact about the event, in which he and four other soldiers stood an Afghan man up against a wall, tossed a live grenade to give the appearance of an attack on them, and "waxed" the man. Morlock said the man was unarmed, cooperating, and posed no threat to his comrades. He says the alleged ringleader of the crime, Staff Sgt. Calvin Gibbs, said to the other troops: "Hey, you guys wanna wax this guy or what?" via
I'm not saying that everyone who volunteers to kill people in other countries that pose no threat to their own is a monster, but then again, that's exactly what I'm saying. Except your uncle or whatever. I'm sure he's a nice guy. And my cousin, who is sweet and good-hearted. And everyone else anyone who reads this might know. And the guy that's going to punch me in my hippie pussy face when I walk out of the house today. You're all good with me, bro! Thanks for defending me.
Monday, September 27, 2010
Slavery still exists
At the risk of scaring off the overwhelmingly female and giant, insufferably-sensitive pussy demographics that make up my loyal readers, I'm gonna turn to sports for a minute here. Like all good sports stories though, it's really about class, and politics, and squeezing every last fucking nickel out of the blue-collar, REAL AMERICANS who make up a team's fan base, so I think it's ok.
Complaining about how much athletes get paid is already on the List, as is interviewing athletes, but I'm gonna call a quick time out on those two for a minute until I can slowly glue the exploded pieces of my head back together after reading this story.
WASHINGTON -- Albert Haynesworth said Saturday his $100 million contract doesn't make him a slave to the Washington Redskins.
In an interview with 106.7 The Fan, the two-time All-Pro defensive tackle said the big paychecks don't mean he can't push back when the team asks him to play a different position.
For those of you who don't follow football (weirdos) what this means is that this 500 lb fat ass doesn't want to stand three feet to the right while he prepares to tackle the guy with the ball, because he's used to standing in another location. Did we mention get gets paid $100 million to do this?
Haynesworth protested by staying away from the team's offseason conditioning program and practices. He also skipped a mandatory minicamp and was unable to pass the team's conditioning test until the 10th day of training camp -- all despite receiving a $21 million bonus on April 1.
"I mean, I'm not for sale," Hayesworth went on to say, lying.
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Haynesworth before Sunday's game |
"Yeah, I signed the contract and got paid a lot of money, but ... that don't mean I'm for sale or a slave or whatever," he continued. "Fuck you poor people and all of my ancestors who may have actually been worked to death through forced labor," he did not go on to say but probably meant to.
Now, I'm no expect on race relations in America, on account of being a white person raised Catholic in the suburbs of Massachusetts. They don't teach us what race is until age 17. But I'm pretty sure that getting millions of dollars to play a game doesn't exactly count as slavery. Although I hear they're doing some weird things with textbooks down in Texas nowadays, so maybe history has changed since I was a kid. The important thing is, I think we can all agree this guy can go fuck himself.
Now, let's take a look at today's forecast with Luke at the weather desk "It sucks and my feet are fucking cold."
Saturday, September 25, 2010
Dranx is some shit
Thanks to my man Terry Turnipseed for rolling this up on me real nice and slow. That kid likes to drink him his purple. This may just be the internet's crowning achievement.
PS: Am I the only one who feels like the feds are gonna kick in my door after watching this? I am laughing my ass off in slow motion over here. "I'm gonna scream!"
PS: Am I the only one who feels like the feds are gonna kick in my door after watching this? I am laughing my ass off in slow motion over here. "I'm gonna scream!"
UPDATE: Oh. Oh no. There's a long version floating around. If my goomers guy is reading this, cancel that last order bro. I'm gonna be sorted for like a month off slow Olsen fumes.
Thursday, September 23, 2010
I made the mistake of bringing tuna sandwich leftovers on the bus after dinner tonight. It smells like microwaved vagina up in here now. (No offense to microwaves). Fortunately the #1 down Massachusetts Ave. only stops every ten seconds, not counting the ten thousand red lights, so this should be a short trip. Woops, people are moving away from me. Sorry dude, I don't have a set of gym-balls in my bag. Here, look, I promise:
Wait a second though. Isn't bringing leftovers home a total boner move for fatties and rookies? Well, yes, but if a certain news weekly I write for actually paid in cash as opposed to gift cards then I wouldn't have to order dinner out of spite.
Nice bag and face, loser.
Labels: gym-balls, microwaved-vagina, microwaves, the bus, tuna, vagina
Wednesday, September 22, 2010
Stop Calling Me Sir
This is an oldie, but still applies. Always good to be reminded of all the different ways you are making me feel insignificant, world. Also, no one read this in the first place anyway, so no harm, no foul.
Much like granddad and that haircut you've been rocking for the past twelve years, it's probably time to put this sad old workhorse to pasture kids. It's ok. No regrets. No. Regrets.
It had a pretty good run, all things considered. But it really hasn't meant what it's supposed to mean for a long time now. Sure, feudal lords in the 1400s put it to decent use what with that whole pervasive slavery and utter indifference to the suffering of their people thing. Knights too, I guess. Back when knights did shit like kill Moors so god would love them in Heaven. More recently, when Dickensian ballbusters needed a word to remind shifty little cutpurses and bootlicks just how insignificant they were it made a lot of sense. When people did insane shit like respect their elders and superiors in their career fields it made sense. But now it's an empty shell that tarnishes its own once proud reputation every time it rolls out there. Like Brett Favre, for example, or this blog.
You know who uses the word sir now? Cops. Doesn't matter what the situation. They could be trying to talk a naked spaz out of a tree and it's still gonna be "Come down from their, sir." Do you really think they intend any respect there? "I'm gonna have to ask you to step out of the car while I search the trunk, sir." Oh, ok. Well at least he's being polite about it!
Who else? Broads named Tawnya who work for the cell phone company when they're explaining why your bill is four thousand dollars this month. Always quick with a sir, those fucking criminals.
Waitresses who can barely conceal their face burning hatred for your self-entitled demands? Sir you to death. Sir. Sir. Sir.
And these shit-hoofed southern zombies might shoot you in the gay face with their patriotic Jesus boner, but you can be darned sure they're gonna address you with the appropriate honorific title when they do it. Meaningless waste of time.
Who else? "Dear sir, we're writing to inform you we have yet to receive your student loan payment for the past seventeen months in a row." Motherfuckers. Die in a cancer fire. I am not worthy of your respect, nor do I seek it.
The word has simply been devalued by inappropriate use to the point of dilution. It's ironic in that sir now means the exact opposite of what it was intended to mean. It doesn't denote respect anymore, it denotes seething, barely restrained rage. And you can be pretty sure any time someone uses the word what they really mean to call you is asshole.
Let's try that out from now on, ok? "Dear asshole, where's our fucking money?" "License and registration, fuckwad." "We're just recooking your well done burger now, douche cunt. It will be right out." At the very least it's honest.
Thank you, Sirs, as always, for your time.
I remain, etc...
image (which is a painting by the way ho-lee shit)
Labels: how about those dudes that grew up calling their dad's sir? little weird.
If we didn't talk the whole time, I'm not gonna say goodbye
So this is how it's gonna work from now on: If the last interaction we had at this party here was when I first walked in and we did the whole round of limp handshake heydudehowyoubeenmans? and now it's time for me to leave, then I'm just gonna go ahead and assume you won't care if I drop a smoke bomb on my way out without checking back in one more time and confirming your ball-shriveling indifference about my general whereabouts.
Seriously though, how have you been?
Seriously though, how have you been?
Tuesday, September 21, 2010
Hooking Up (update)
A writer friend and I [adjusts monocle, strokes chin whiskers] were talking about how to get work in new publications lately andzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz....
Woh, sorry. I just bored myself shitless there for a second. Anyhooo. We were talking about how to break into new publications. And the conclusion we came to was that you basically just have to hang around until they really have no other choice but to use you for an assignment because of the mere fact that you are there at the exact moment they are shit out of ideas. Your email pitch happens to show up in an editor's inbox on the day he or she needs something written, and BANG you're in.
Long story short, it reminded me of what it used to be like trying to hook up with broads. Granted, it's been quite a long time since I've been in the mix as it were, but when you think about it, getting into a magazine, or getting any job really, is the same as getting handsome with some bird with a pissed-off roommate and a box of cat shit in the corner of her tiny apartment. You just hang around long enough until you're called into the game. Like Rudy Ruettiger with a boner. Then everyone carries you off the field on their shoulders while the crowd cheers and old men cry into their hats. I think. Like I said, it's been a while since I've been there.
Remember that shit though? Just sitting there all night, toughing it out. Tough-ing-it-out-all-fuck-ing-night. The utter shit you'd talk. The shit you'd have to listen to from whatever other hopeful mopes still had their hat in the circle. Hoping you'd be the last person around. The interminable, iron man triathlete will you needed to just sit on that shitty futon in Allston or wherever it is douches in your city get drunk until everyone else gave in and peaced out? It was like one of those hands-on-a-truck contests that they have out there in real America, but instead of getting a free car at the end if you can hold on long enough you get a half-assed hand job.
Anyway, if you really want to know, that's exactly the same way journalism works. Except at least in one night stands you have a better chance of getting a call back the next day.
Woh, sorry. I just bored myself shitless there for a second. Anyhooo. We were talking about how to break into new publications. And the conclusion we came to was that you basically just have to hang around until they really have no other choice but to use you for an assignment because of the mere fact that you are there at the exact moment they are shit out of ideas. Your email pitch happens to show up in an editor's inbox on the day he or she needs something written, and BANG you're in.
Long story short, it reminded me of what it used to be like trying to hook up with broads. Granted, it's been quite a long time since I've been in the mix as it were, but when you think about it, getting into a magazine, or getting any job really, is the same as getting handsome with some bird with a pissed-off roommate and a box of cat shit in the corner of her tiny apartment. You just hang around long enough until you're called into the game. Like Rudy Ruettiger with a boner. Then everyone carries you off the field on their shoulders while the crowd cheers and old men cry into their hats. I think. Like I said, it's been a while since I've been there.
Remember that shit though? Just sitting there all night, toughing it out. Tough-ing-it-out-all-fuck-ing-night. The utter shit you'd talk. The shit you'd have to listen to from whatever other hopeful mopes still had their hat in the circle. Hoping you'd be the last person around. The interminable, iron man triathlete will you needed to just sit on that shitty futon in Allston or wherever it is douches in your city get drunk until everyone else gave in and peaced out? It was like one of those hands-on-a-truck contests that they have out there in real America, but instead of getting a free car at the end if you can hold on long enough you get a half-assed hand job.
Anyway, if you really want to know, that's exactly the same way journalism works. Except at least in one night stands you have a better chance of getting a call back the next day.
Labels: Allston, Doug Flutie (just kidding), hand jobs, toughing it out, work, your mom
Monday, September 20, 2010
Here's the second part of my A-Z guide to drinking like an adult. Now with %15 more cultural insensitivity. Go read the rest over at Street Boners and TV Carnage
First of all: That’s racist. Secondly, this cocktail is sort of a tough sell if you aren’t used to the bitter taste of Campari, which tastes like your balls if your balls were oranges and not balls. Italians love that sort of thing though (balls, I mean). In a Negroni you mix Campari with sweet vermouth to balance out some of the bite, gin to get you fucked up and an orange peel for color. Then you sit there drinking it all afternoon on your stoop, bitching about how you can’t find a good cannoli around here anymore and how the neighborhood is “changing.” MORE
Labels: babies doing things like they're people, boner jamz, drinking, Italians
Sunday, September 19, 2010
Drugs at a wedding
One of the best parts about doing dirt in the toilets at a wedding is that you always have somewhere to be every twenty minutes when schmoozing gets stale. If you're too old to party anymore, but sort of miss that feeling, you can compensate in other ways.
Labels: chicken wings, drugs, this insane Delaware broad who hates masturbating
Getting Hammered
After a certain age it kind of stops being cute.
Labels: drinking beeyahs, getting wasted, nonetaken everyone i know
Saturday, September 18, 2010
Injuring yourself while sleeping
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"Dude, lay another one out for me, bro? I'm good for it." |
Don't really have anything to add to that header, aside from the fact that breaking your foot while you're sleeping is sort of weird. Feels like I did that somehow last night. Maybe I was so busy kicking ass in my dreams that it translated over to the other side? BRAAHHHMMMM. That's some "Inception" style shit.
Actually I just wanted an excuse to post another painting by Joshua Hagler, whose work I will now be using as headers for every List entry for the rest of my boring life.
Friday, September 17, 2010
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"The Same Every Christmas" by Joshua Hagler |
Sending someone a link to some tea party nonsense is like blowing ass then tricking your friend to come over and stand in it. Or is it like giving the world a dutch oven? Something that involves shit anyway. I'll figure out the deets later. Meanwhile, friend of the List Nick kindly invited me to puke out of my eyes when he pointed me to this letter that's making the rounds of the internet's roomier brain-dungeons this week:
Dear Mr. President:
During my shift in the Emergency Room last night, I had the pleasure of evaluating a patient whose smile revealed an expensive shiny gold tooth, whose body was adorned with a wide assortment of elaborate and costly tattoos, who wore a very expensive brand of tennis shoes and who chatted on a new cellular telephone equipped with a popular R&B ringtone.
While glancing over her patient chart, I happened to notice that her payer status was listed as "Medicaid"! During my examination of her, the patient informed me that she smokes more than one pack of cigarettes every day, eats only at fast-food take-outs, and somehow still has money to buy pretzels and beer. And, you and our Congress expect me to pay for this woman's health care? I contend that our nation's "health care crisis" is not the result of a shortage of quality hospitals, doctors or nurses. Rather, it is the result of a "crisis of culture" a culture in which it is perfectly acceptable to spend money on luxuries and vices while refusing to take care of one's self or, heaven forbid, purchase health insurance. It is a culture based in the irresponsible credo that "I can do whatever I want to because someone else will always take care of me". Once you fix this "culture crisis" that rewards irresponsibility and dependency, you'll be amazed at how quickly our nation's health care difficulties will disappear.
If you agree...pass it on.
First of all
But more interestingly, what this dude is saying is that people should be forced to purchase health care, because the government knows what's best for them? And that we need the government to fix our culture? That doesn't exactly sound like small-government, low tax conservative policy, now does it? Racism and bitching about poor people are the bread and butter of heroes like this and they can't even get that shit right without fucking it up anymore.
Thursday, September 16, 2010
I haven’t got the demographics for this site in front of me, but I’m pretty sure it falls well within the coveted “too poor and young to drink anything but piss-water beer” bracket. Who knows, maybe occasionally you splurge on a vodka cranberry when you’re feeling fancy? Go read the rest over at Street Boners and TV Carnage
Your Move, Cigarette-Smoking Baby
Kids grow up so fast these days, don't they? Seems like only yesterday that our babies were merely huffing two packs of butts a day, doesn't it? Now there's this:
Police in Ohio have released shocking cell phone video of a two-year-old girl smoking what appears to be a joint. According to authorities in Cincinnati, the toddler's mother is heard in the background coaching the child. The girl holds the joint and appears to be smoking it while watching television. The Ohio Department Of Job And Family Services was sent the video in August by someone who saw the incident. via
Granted, I was sort of a late bloomer. I didn't have my first taste of the marijuana cigarettes until I was like 20, so maybe I'm a bad judge.
Speaking of kids, it's really getting harder and harder to keep up with the hipsters lately, isn't it? I know I'm not exactly young anymore, but how do you compete with two? You can't. The best you can do is hope her tiny little lungs aren't powerful enough to suck the whole joint down and ask her to pass it off when she's finished.
Labels: babies, babies with pubic hair designed for you to shave off WHAT THE FUCK, existing, having babies, mating
Wednesday, September 15, 2010
Dude, you have no Koran Dude
Or does he?
Couple things:
That rat tail.
Those glasses.
No shirt.
Skateboarding past the age of 14.
Living in Texas.
Other than that, we may have just found the contemporary Robin Hood our fucked-up era deserves. This video might be the most American thing I have ever seen in my life, and I've been to a TGI Fridays in a suburban strip mall. Multiple times. Kind of brings a tear to the eye. I'm gonna go out and burn a copy of the complete works of Put That Shit On the List that I'm printing out right now at Kinkos as a testament to the love I'm feeling coming out of this video like shit vapors. Rainbow-colored shit vapors. Maybe that's Islamophobic of me, but I think we can all set aside our difference on this one, at least for a few brief, shining moments, because when you think about it, when all is said and done, and it comes time to meet that magic man in the sky none of us will "have a Koran", will we? Dude.
How To Throw A Bachelor Party
I just got back from a weekend long bachelor party deal I threw for my tight bro 4 lyfe + beyond at this pretty bad ass lodge in New Hampshire, and aside from the fact that I got so fucked up on the first night I literally slept through the entire second day (sorry gang), I’ll say it was a success.
Oh, also the guy we rented it from is small-timing us on cleaning fees. Seriously, look at this itemized break down. $25 to clean a fucking microwave? I wrote back to the dude to ask if he was looking for a new microwave wiping down guy, because I want to apply for that position. Haven’t heard back yet, but fingers crossed.

These things become more and more frequent as you get toward 30 – I’ve probably been to a dozen by now, and organized a few of them – and since no one explained shit to me, I figured I’d pass on the wisdom I’ve accrued over the years.
Just like everything else these days from your birthday to weddings to holidays, everything is super-sized now. Weddings last a fucking month, what with the rehearsals and parties when everyone gets into town, the morning after brunch, the party before everyone leaves. It’s brutal. Same thing with bachelor parties. One night out at the same old bars you’d hang out at normally isn’t going to cut it. That means you have to plan at least an overnight. Two is even better. If you just do it in the city you all live in, a lot of the other married dudes and assorted pussies are gonna peace out early, or aren’t going to relax because they realize they have to go home to the missus later that night, and they don’t want to get beef for wandering in at 3 am all crooked. Get the fuck out of dodge then. New environments are more exciting, and it makes it seem like more of a thing. The bars you go to in Providence are probably going to be the same shit you see in Boston or whatever shitty town you’re from, but it’s like playing an away game. You’re never entirely comfortable, and that means everyone is on their toes and ready to party.
If you’re into outdoorsy shit, get up into the mountains and go hiking, or white water rafting or something. That stuff is going to be a lot more memorable vis a vis bro-time-forever than tossing back shooters and buffalo wings at Applebees before hitting the strip club. Speaking of which…
Don’t hit the strip club. Invariably some distant friend of your friend that you don’t know is going to insist that it’s not a bachelor party without some Ukrainian broad’s sweater hams up in your face by the end of the night at $30 bucks a minute. No thanks. No offense to my buddies, but I don’t exactly derive pleasure from watching them get an awkward boner. High five bro, solid wood. Plus, Willy fucking Loman with implants over here giving the hard sell all night is a total bummer for everyone involved. There’s a name for people who think a bachelor party automatically equals strippers, and that is dudes who are already married. Sorry man, shouldn’t have gotten married in the first place if you were into chicks. Go to a strip club like a normal person if you must: alone.
Like I said, hiking or boating and shit like that is fun, because you can get it out of the way in the day before getting down to the entire point of the weekend: sitting in each other’s faces, getting wasted, and talking shit about the good old days. That’s what a bachelor party is all about. It’s not necessarily about creating new memories, it’s about hanging out with this one turd you all sort of like and toasting to the person he will soon cease to be. What do you usually do together? Play poker? Shoot pool? Play sports? Blast rails until you can’t stand to look at each other anymore and you start to pull out all the old grievances that have been simmering underneath the surface for ten years? Do that. No need to invent new hobbies all of a sudden. Go to the well, so to speak. Keep it within your wheelhouse. But don’t have an itemized agenda. No one wants that. Have a general outline of a few possibilities that you can do – there’s a golf course nearby, there’s a target shooting place, paintball, a beach…whatever – but don’t stick to it. No one likes a drill sergeant when they’re trying to relax.
It’s ok to get a little sentimental and pull out some of the bachelor party cliches, but no one enjoys this phoney bonding ritual. Hoooboy! A novelty sized, dirt-flavored cigarette that I can’t even inhale but still gives me cancer anyway? I’m in. You’ve never seen so many people standing around pretending to enjoy something when the cigars come out. Not unless you spend a lot of time in art galleries. It’s the epitome of obligatory bonding. Let’s just punch each other in the nuts, call each other fags, and go back inside where the tv and food is if it’s all the same to you guys, ok?
You’re gonna have to suck it up and realize this weekend is gonna run you like $500 bucks. Sorry, that’s just how it works. Between buying cases of beer, throwing down on a round of drinks for 15 dudes you’ll never see again, or picking up a couple pounds of meat to grill, that’s just part of the deal that comes with being a man. You are a man now, by the way, in case that shit wasn’t evident. Pick up the fucking tab every now and again you deadbeat.
This is gonna come a few weeks later, but since we’re on the subject, best to start thinking about it ahead of time. Granted, it’s really not that hard to be a better dude than me, but how is it possible that every guy I’ve ever witnessed tie the knot turns out to have secretly been a combination of Ghandi, Jack Kennedy and Batman all rolled into one? Somehow, every time, the best man manages to make a summary of this investment banker from Connecticut’s life play out like a montage of Rudy, Old Yeller and The Shawshank Redemption set to a Coldplay track.
Don’t bullshit everyone. We know your buddy is a decent dude. Just tell him that, say a few nice things about the wife, and get the fuck back to your seat. Do not use this as an opportunity to dust off some of your old stand up material. Do not talk about drugs, or getting shit-faced together, or breaking the law. Surprisingly, that stuff isn’t funny to his mom because mom’s are total buzzkills at weddings. And most importantly, do not mention any exes, under any circumstances whatsoever, no matter how villainous, or how charming you think the story is going to sound. The wife will never, ever, ever forget that slight and your boy will have to put up with all sorts of hassle the rest of his life every time he wants to go watch the football game with you.
All the same, I’m actually kind of worried about what my future best man is gonna say. “Uh, he never shot anyone on purpose, and he, uh, liked football I guess. I don’t know. They serve that chicken yet?”
Anyway, the point is this, there’s a couple times when it’s completely acceptable to lie about your friends. One, after they’re dead. Two, at the wedding after they’ve just gotten married (same thing.) And three, when the woman they marry asks about the bachelor party amirightfellas!!
I just got back from a weekend long bachelor party deal I threw for my tight bro 4 lyfe + beyond at this pretty bad ass lodge in New Hampshire, and aside from the fact that I got so fucked up on the first night I literally slept through the entire second day (sorry gang), I’ll say it was a success.
Oh, also the guy we rented it from is small-timing us on cleaning fees. Seriously, look at this itemized break down. $25 to clean a fucking microwave? I wrote back to the dude to ask if he was looking for a new microwave wiping down guy, because I want to apply for that position. Haven’t heard back yet, but fingers crossed.

These things become more and more frequent as you get toward 30 – I’ve probably been to a dozen by now, and organized a few of them – and since no one explained shit to me, I figured I’d pass on the wisdom I’ve accrued over the years.
Just like everything else these days from your birthday to weddings to holidays, everything is super-sized now. Weddings last a fucking month, what with the rehearsals and parties when everyone gets into town, the morning after brunch, the party before everyone leaves. It’s brutal. Same thing with bachelor parties. One night out at the same old bars you’d hang out at normally isn’t going to cut it. That means you have to plan at least an overnight. Two is even better. If you just do it in the city you all live in, a lot of the other married dudes and assorted pussies are gonna peace out early, or aren’t going to relax because they realize they have to go home to the missus later that night, and they don’t want to get beef for wandering in at 3 am all crooked. Get the fuck out of dodge then. New environments are more exciting, and it makes it seem like more of a thing. The bars you go to in Providence are probably going to be the same shit you see in Boston or whatever shitty town you’re from, but it’s like playing an away game. You’re never entirely comfortable, and that means everyone is on their toes and ready to party.
If you’re into outdoorsy shit, get up into the mountains and go hiking, or white water rafting or something. That stuff is going to be a lot more memorable vis a vis bro-time-forever than tossing back shooters and buffalo wings at Applebees before hitting the strip club. Speaking of which…
Don’t hit the strip club. Invariably some distant friend of your friend that you don’t know is going to insist that it’s not a bachelor party without some Ukrainian broad’s sweater hams up in your face by the end of the night at $30 bucks a minute. No thanks. No offense to my buddies, but I don’t exactly derive pleasure from watching them get an awkward boner. High five bro, solid wood. Plus, Willy fucking Loman with implants over here giving the hard sell all night is a total bummer for everyone involved. There’s a name for people who think a bachelor party automatically equals strippers, and that is dudes who are already married. Sorry man, shouldn’t have gotten married in the first place if you were into chicks. Go to a strip club like a normal person if you must: alone.
Like I said, hiking or boating and shit like that is fun, because you can get it out of the way in the day before getting down to the entire point of the weekend: sitting in each other’s faces, getting wasted, and talking shit about the good old days. That’s what a bachelor party is all about. It’s not necessarily about creating new memories, it’s about hanging out with this one turd you all sort of like and toasting to the person he will soon cease to be. What do you usually do together? Play poker? Shoot pool? Play sports? Blast rails until you can’t stand to look at each other anymore and you start to pull out all the old grievances that have been simmering underneath the surface for ten years? Do that. No need to invent new hobbies all of a sudden. Go to the well, so to speak. Keep it within your wheelhouse. But don’t have an itemized agenda. No one wants that. Have a general outline of a few possibilities that you can do – there’s a golf course nearby, there’s a target shooting place, paintball, a beach…whatever – but don’t stick to it. No one likes a drill sergeant when they’re trying to relax.
It’s ok to get a little sentimental and pull out some of the bachelor party cliches, but no one enjoys this phoney bonding ritual. Hoooboy! A novelty sized, dirt-flavored cigarette that I can’t even inhale but still gives me cancer anyway? I’m in. You’ve never seen so many people standing around pretending to enjoy something when the cigars come out. Not unless you spend a lot of time in art galleries. It’s the epitome of obligatory bonding. Let’s just punch each other in the nuts, call each other fags, and go back inside where the tv and food is if it’s all the same to you guys, ok?
You’re gonna have to suck it up and realize this weekend is gonna run you like $500 bucks. Sorry, that’s just how it works. Between buying cases of beer, throwing down on a round of drinks for 15 dudes you’ll never see again, or picking up a couple pounds of meat to grill, that’s just part of the deal that comes with being a man. You are a man now, by the way, in case that shit wasn’t evident. Pick up the fucking tab every now and again you deadbeat.
This is gonna come a few weeks later, but since we’re on the subject, best to start thinking about it ahead of time. Granted, it’s really not that hard to be a better dude than me, but how is it possible that every guy I’ve ever witnessed tie the knot turns out to have secretly been a combination of Ghandi, Jack Kennedy and Batman all rolled into one? Somehow, every time, the best man manages to make a summary of this investment banker from Connecticut’s life play out like a montage of Rudy, Old Yeller and The Shawshank Redemption set to a Coldplay track.
Don’t bullshit everyone. We know your buddy is a decent dude. Just tell him that, say a few nice things about the wife, and get the fuck back to your seat. Do not use this as an opportunity to dust off some of your old stand up material. Do not talk about drugs, or getting shit-faced together, or breaking the law. Surprisingly, that stuff isn’t funny to his mom because mom’s are total buzzkills at weddings. And most importantly, do not mention any exes, under any circumstances whatsoever, no matter how villainous, or how charming you think the story is going to sound. The wife will never, ever, ever forget that slight and your boy will have to put up with all sorts of hassle the rest of his life every time he wants to go watch the football game with you.
All the same, I’m actually kind of worried about what my future best man is gonna say. “Uh, he never shot anyone on purpose, and he, uh, liked football I guess. I don’t know. They serve that chicken yet?”
Anyway, the point is this, there’s a couple times when it’s completely acceptable to lie about your friends. One, after they’re dead. Two, at the wedding after they’ve just gotten married (same thing.) And three, when the woman they marry asks about the bachelor party amirightfellas!!
Oh, also the guy we rented it from is small-timing us on cleaning fees. Seriously, look at this itemized break down. $25 to clean a fucking microwave? I wrote back to the dude to ask if he was looking for a new microwave wiping down guy, because I want to apply for that position. Haven’t heard back yet, but fingers crossed.

These things become more and more frequent as you get toward 30 – I’ve probably been to a dozen by now, and organized a few of them – and since no one explained shit to me, I figured I’d pass on the wisdom I’ve accrued over the years.
Just like everything else these days from your birthday to weddings to holidays, everything is super-sized now. Weddings last a fucking month, what with the rehearsals and parties when everyone gets into town, the morning after brunch, the party before everyone leaves. It’s brutal. Same thing with bachelor parties. One night out at the same old bars you’d hang out at normally isn’t going to cut it. That means you have to plan at least an overnight. Two is even better. If you just do it in the city you all live in, a lot of the other married dudes and assorted pussies are gonna peace out early, or aren’t going to relax because they realize they have to go home to the missus later that night, and they don’t want to get beef for wandering in at 3 am all crooked. Get the fuck out of dodge then. New environments are more exciting, and it makes it seem like more of a thing. The bars you go to in Providence are probably going to be the same shit you see in Boston or whatever shitty town you’re from, but it’s like playing an away game. You’re never entirely comfortable, and that means everyone is on their toes and ready to party.
If you’re into outdoorsy shit, get up into the mountains and go hiking, or white water rafting or something. That stuff is going to be a lot more memorable vis a vis bro-time-forever than tossing back shooters and buffalo wings at Applebees before hitting the strip club. Speaking of which…
Don’t hit the strip club. Invariably some distant friend of your friend that you don’t know is going to insist that it’s not a bachelor party without some Ukrainian broad’s sweater hams up in your face by the end of the night at $30 bucks a minute. No thanks. No offense to my buddies, but I don’t exactly derive pleasure from watching them get an awkward boner. High five bro, solid wood. Plus, Willy fucking Loman with implants over here giving the hard sell all night is a total bummer for everyone involved. There’s a name for people who think a bachelor party automatically equals strippers, and that is dudes who are already married. Sorry man, shouldn’t have gotten married in the first place if you were into chicks. Go to a strip club like a normal person if you must: alone.
Like I said, hiking or boating and shit like that is fun, because you can get it out of the way in the day before getting down to the entire point of the weekend: sitting in each other’s faces, getting wasted, and talking shit about the good old days. That’s what a bachelor party is all about. It’s not necessarily about creating new memories, it’s about hanging out with this one turd you all sort of like and toasting to the person he will soon cease to be. What do you usually do together? Play poker? Shoot pool? Play sports? Blast rails until you can’t stand to look at each other anymore and you start to pull out all the old grievances that have been simmering underneath the surface for ten years? Do that. No need to invent new hobbies all of a sudden. Go to the well, so to speak. Keep it within your wheelhouse. But don’t have an itemized agenda. No one wants that. Have a general outline of a few possibilities that you can do – there’s a golf course nearby, there’s a target shooting place, paintball, a beach…whatever – but don’t stick to it. No one likes a drill sergeant when they’re trying to relax.
It’s ok to get a little sentimental and pull out some of the bachelor party cliches, but no one enjoys this phoney bonding ritual. Hoooboy! A novelty sized, dirt-flavored cigarette that I can’t even inhale but still gives me cancer anyway? I’m in. You’ve never seen so many people standing around pretending to enjoy something when the cigars come out. Not unless you spend a lot of time in art galleries. It’s the epitome of obligatory bonding. Let’s just punch each other in the nuts, call each other fags, and go back inside where the tv and food is if it’s all the same to you guys, ok?
You’re gonna have to suck it up and realize this weekend is gonna run you like $500 bucks. Sorry, that’s just how it works. Between buying cases of beer, throwing down on a round of drinks for 15 dudes you’ll never see again, or picking up a couple pounds of meat to grill, that’s just part of the deal that comes with being a man. You are a man now, by the way, in case that shit wasn’t evident. Pick up the fucking tab every now and again you deadbeat.
This is gonna come a few weeks later, but since we’re on the subject, best to start thinking about it ahead of time. Granted, it’s really not that hard to be a better dude than me, but how is it possible that every guy I’ve ever witnessed tie the knot turns out to have secretly been a combination of Ghandi, Jack Kennedy and Batman all rolled into one? Somehow, every time, the best man manages to make a summary of this investment banker from Connecticut’s life play out like a montage of Rudy, Old Yeller and The Shawshank Redemption set to a Coldplay track.
Don’t bullshit everyone. We know your buddy is a decent dude. Just tell him that, say a few nice things about the wife, and get the fuck back to your seat. Do not use this as an opportunity to dust off some of your old stand up material. Do not talk about drugs, or getting shit-faced together, or breaking the law. Surprisingly, that stuff isn’t funny to his mom because mom’s are total buzzkills at weddings. And most importantly, do not mention any exes, under any circumstances whatsoever, no matter how villainous, or how charming you think the story is going to sound. The wife will never, ever, ever forget that slight and your boy will have to put up with all sorts of hassle the rest of his life every time he wants to go watch the football game with you.
All the same, I’m actually kind of worried about what my future best man is gonna say. “Uh, he never shot anyone on purpose, and he, uh, liked football I guess. I don’t know. They serve that chicken yet?”
Anyway, the point is this, there’s a couple times when it’s completely acceptable to lie about your friends. One, after they’re dead. Two, at the wedding after they’ve just gotten married (same thing.) And three, when the woman they marry asks about the bachelor party amirightfellas!!
Labels: bachelor parties, boner jamz, Platform
Tuesday, September 14, 2010
This Old Widower Who Lives Behind Me and Talks to His Little Dog Like a Person All Day*
If I wanted to confront the grim specter of mortality every time I went out on my back porch to smoke a cigarette I'd bring a hand mirror. Plus that fucking dog just doesn't listen. Get back in the house dog, he's asked like ten times. In a related note, good god someone please help us all.
*updated with 10% more Weltschmerz.
Somebody once said that writing about music is like dancing about architecture. While that is 100% true (whatever it means), I only bring it up because it sums up the extent of my knowledge of architecture. That and the shit I see in the movies where some guy with a shoulder bag more expensive than my car meets Jennifer Aniston in some ridiculous mating-ceremony fiction. Oh, and George Costanza wanted to be one.
My friend here is a successful architect. She’s married to another friend of mine, so I’m not going to comment on the the size of her rack because that would be sexist.
SBTVC: What is an architect? I don’t think I even get it. You draw a picture of a building and then it gets built? Why is that such a big deal?
An architect is someone who is responsible for planning, designing and overseeing construction of structures and spaces. The projects an architect works on can vary between skyscrapers, retail stores, office spaces, parking garages, residences, nightclubs and restaurants. It’s incredibly broad. I specialize in consumer environments (retail spaces mostly), so in addition to the basic definition above, I also find myself doing a lot of consumer behavior research prior to even putting pen to paper.
That sounds like a lot of work. No thanks.
Anyone can draw a picture of a building, it’s ensuring that the building is contextual, and that it meets all of the goals and needs of the client, and subsequently how well it is designed and detailed that relies on an architect’s training — well, at least that’s how it’s supposed to work. Then there are the star architects who crumple up a ball of paper or recycle a watered down version of an iconic building as the so-called design, charge a client millions of dollars, ignore any type of program or function that is supposed to take place in the building, and then wonder why the client is dissatisfied at the end and why people complain that the building is contextually irrelevant.
The big deal and the whole reason we are licensed professionals is that an architect affects public safety. We’re responsible for making sure no one is hurt in the spaces that we design by meeting the building code and accessibility requirements.
Do people generally have no idea what it is you do?
I’ll tell you what an architect doesn’t do: An architect does not do anything that you see them doing in a movie. Very few architects sit at their drawing board with their pencil and pen in the office of their incredibly beautiful custom built, tricked-out all-glass home in the woods that they designed for their young nuclear family, and then throw a drawing tube over their shoulder after kissing the stay at home mom goodbye to run off to a presentation for their client. We work in offices on computers and we email our designs to the client. I typically only use my pencil to tie my hair up in a bun. And architects live in fixer uppers. Very few of us make the money to design our own home, and we do the best we can by trying to breathe new life into homes way past their prime. And those homes are always under construction because we can never make up our minds as to what the final design should be because we’re always sure that if we tweak it a little more it will be perfect. The whole perfectionist thing is also why we’re frequently working at all hours prior to a deadline.
What do you literally do all day? Walk me through a basic day? What’s a good day like? A bad one?
So most of my day doesn’t actually have to do with what I described above. I’m an account manager for our major retail/consumer environments national account clients, and I typically spend my day coordinating work with our clients and directing our teams as to how they should move forward: setting deadlines, dealing with personnel issues, reviewing resumes for new hires when we’re busy, writing proposals, reviewing drawings to make sure they are detailed and organized correctly and meet our design intent, advising people on how to deal with sticky situations, wondering why I went to design school when I spend 90% of my time making spreadsheets, counting to ten a lot….
A good day is when I actually have the opportunity to draw or make a solid presentation to a client who actually sees the value in the good work that we do. A bad day is when I have to take a bullet for another person’s mistake. Middle management is a thankless place to be in, no matter whether you’re an architect or an accountant.
What sort of firm do you work at? Is it called a firm?
I work at a mid-sized architecture firm — I guess it’s better to call it a firm than a zoo -– that specializes in retail and restaurant design, academic buildings, commercial buildings, multi-family residential and workplace design. We’re different than a lot of architecture firms in that we’re made up of about half interior designers, half architects, and we really integrate the two practices together.
Who are the worst people you have to deal with? Contractors who build your shit? Do you deal with those dudes? How many of them are crooked?
I know it’s going to be a bad day when a new contractor on the job calls about one of my jobs and starts off with “Listen sweetheart, I need to speak with the architect.” There’s usually an uncomfortable silence right after I icily respond that I am in fact the architect. You name a derogatory term for a woman and I’ve been called it either on the phone, behind my back or to my face on a job site by a contractor. After I correct them, I usually get a new name. I have come to wear the term bitch with a sense of pride on a job site. That’s not to say they’re all bad. I’ve worked with some fantastic contractors who have treated me with nothing but respect. But I almost always have to work twice as hard and as long as my male colleagues to earn that respect.
In terms of your last question, let’s just say if I wanted to start over and pick a profession where I could make a lot of money and not do a hell of a lot except for complain about how I need more money because everything’s taking me so long and there was no way for me to tell how long it would take when I priced the job, I’d come back as an electrician.
How much school and training do you have go through to get to be a doctor of architecture or whatever it’s called?
You have to either complete a five-year Bachelor’s of Architecture degree or else complete a Masters of Architecture degree after an undergrad in another field in order to be eligible to take the licensing exams to be an architect. During architecture school you learn important skills like how to not cut your hand open with an x-acto knife while making a scale model at 3 A.M. after being up for four days straight prior to a final critique where you will be told that your entire idea for the project was flawed in the first place. By the way, you’ll never use those finely-honed model-making skills ever again for the rest of your life. You also learn “archi-speak” which is basically being able to regurgitate architectural catchphrases to make your designs sound deeper and cooler than they actually are:
“We must strive to subvert the dominant paradigm by exploiting the temporality of spacial experience.”
Sometimes we just make up words that sound good too. This skill is actually useful in real practice. If you confuse the client, you can more often than not get them to agree with you.
Where do architects fall on the pretentious scale from, say, performance artists to, I dunno, some non pretentious person who makes things… I’ll have to fill in that joke hole in post-production.
We’re a pretty pretentious group, and rightly so, no? I’d say less so than performance artists, but more so than, say, scientists. I come from a family of musicians, and I definitely beat them in the pretentiousness game.
What do architects think about when their husbands go to strip clubs for bachelor parties by the way?
That their husband was pretty damn lucky to land an architect and he better think twice before pissing her off again.
The architects everyone has heard of are like, Frank Lloyd Wright, and uh, the dad on the Brady Bunch… Who else is famous? What’s so great about that waterfall house anyway?
Well, the dad on the Brady Bunch never did figure out how to solve the basic problem of building an addition so that those kids could have some privacy in rooms of their own. I’m not sure how much architect-ing he really did.
The waterfall house, “Fallingwater,” is pretty famous mostly because of how well it was integrated into the particular site. It’s famous because you recognize it not only for the house, but also for the waterfall that ran below it. It’s remarkable for the harmonious integration of the two. However, Fallingwater also is known for being extremely leaky and for nearly collapsing into the waterfall (both issues are related to design and construction issues; Frank never really got those flat roofs detailed properly), though it’s nothing that millions of dollars in grants couldn’t fix.
One more thing: What the fuck is taking so long on rebuilding the Ground Zero site? Has every architect in the country taken a swipe at that thing yet or what?
So you know how I talked about how the more agencies and committees were involved in approving something the worse the design ended up being? That works for how long it takes to get built too. The more approvals that you need, the longer it takes. Multiply a regular building times about 4 billion and you get the mess that is the ground zero project. It’s a giant parade of bureaucracy.
Originally published on Street Boners and TV Carnage
My friend here is a successful architect. She’s married to another friend of mine, so I’m not going to comment on the the size of her rack because that would be sexist.
SBTVC: What is an architect? I don’t think I even get it. You draw a picture of a building and then it gets built? Why is that such a big deal?
An architect is someone who is responsible for planning, designing and overseeing construction of structures and spaces. The projects an architect works on can vary between skyscrapers, retail stores, office spaces, parking garages, residences, nightclubs and restaurants. It’s incredibly broad. I specialize in consumer environments (retail spaces mostly), so in addition to the basic definition above, I also find myself doing a lot of consumer behavior research prior to even putting pen to paper.
That sounds like a lot of work. No thanks.
Anyone can draw a picture of a building, it’s ensuring that the building is contextual, and that it meets all of the goals and needs of the client, and subsequently how well it is designed and detailed that relies on an architect’s training — well, at least that’s how it’s supposed to work. Then there are the star architects who crumple up a ball of paper or recycle a watered down version of an iconic building as the so-called design, charge a client millions of dollars, ignore any type of program or function that is supposed to take place in the building, and then wonder why the client is dissatisfied at the end and why people complain that the building is contextually irrelevant.
The big deal and the whole reason we are licensed professionals is that an architect affects public safety. We’re responsible for making sure no one is hurt in the spaces that we design by meeting the building code and accessibility requirements.
Do people generally have no idea what it is you do?
I’ll tell you what an architect doesn’t do: An architect does not do anything that you see them doing in a movie. Very few architects sit at their drawing board with their pencil and pen in the office of their incredibly beautiful custom built, tricked-out all-glass home in the woods that they designed for their young nuclear family, and then throw a drawing tube over their shoulder after kissing the stay at home mom goodbye to run off to a presentation for their client. We work in offices on computers and we email our designs to the client. I typically only use my pencil to tie my hair up in a bun. And architects live in fixer uppers. Very few of us make the money to design our own home, and we do the best we can by trying to breathe new life into homes way past their prime. And those homes are always under construction because we can never make up our minds as to what the final design should be because we’re always sure that if we tweak it a little more it will be perfect. The whole perfectionist thing is also why we’re frequently working at all hours prior to a deadline.
What do you literally do all day? Walk me through a basic day? What’s a good day like? A bad one?
So most of my day doesn’t actually have to do with what I described above. I’m an account manager for our major retail/consumer environments national account clients, and I typically spend my day coordinating work with our clients and directing our teams as to how they should move forward: setting deadlines, dealing with personnel issues, reviewing resumes for new hires when we’re busy, writing proposals, reviewing drawings to make sure they are detailed and organized correctly and meet our design intent, advising people on how to deal with sticky situations, wondering why I went to design school when I spend 90% of my time making spreadsheets, counting to ten a lot….
A good day is when I actually have the opportunity to draw or make a solid presentation to a client who actually sees the value in the good work that we do. A bad day is when I have to take a bullet for another person’s mistake. Middle management is a thankless place to be in, no matter whether you’re an architect or an accountant.
What sort of firm do you work at? Is it called a firm?
I work at a mid-sized architecture firm — I guess it’s better to call it a firm than a zoo -– that specializes in retail and restaurant design, academic buildings, commercial buildings, multi-family residential and workplace design. We’re different than a lot of architecture firms in that we’re made up of about half interior designers, half architects, and we really integrate the two practices together.
Who are the worst people you have to deal with? Contractors who build your shit? Do you deal with those dudes? How many of them are crooked?
I know it’s going to be a bad day when a new contractor on the job calls about one of my jobs and starts off with “Listen sweetheart, I need to speak with the architect.” There’s usually an uncomfortable silence right after I icily respond that I am in fact the architect. You name a derogatory term for a woman and I’ve been called it either on the phone, behind my back or to my face on a job site by a contractor. After I correct them, I usually get a new name. I have come to wear the term bitch with a sense of pride on a job site. That’s not to say they’re all bad. I’ve worked with some fantastic contractors who have treated me with nothing but respect. But I almost always have to work twice as hard and as long as my male colleagues to earn that respect.
In terms of your last question, let’s just say if I wanted to start over and pick a profession where I could make a lot of money and not do a hell of a lot except for complain about how I need more money because everything’s taking me so long and there was no way for me to tell how long it would take when I priced the job, I’d come back as an electrician.
How much school and training do you have go through to get to be a doctor of architecture or whatever it’s called?
You have to either complete a five-year Bachelor’s of Architecture degree or else complete a Masters of Architecture degree after an undergrad in another field in order to be eligible to take the licensing exams to be an architect. During architecture school you learn important skills like how to not cut your hand open with an x-acto knife while making a scale model at 3 A.M. after being up for four days straight prior to a final critique where you will be told that your entire idea for the project was flawed in the first place. By the way, you’ll never use those finely-honed model-making skills ever again for the rest of your life. You also learn “archi-speak” which is basically being able to regurgitate architectural catchphrases to make your designs sound deeper and cooler than they actually are:
“We must strive to subvert the dominant paradigm by exploiting the temporality of spacial experience.”
Sometimes we just make up words that sound good too. This skill is actually useful in real practice. If you confuse the client, you can more often than not get them to agree with you.
Where do architects fall on the pretentious scale from, say, performance artists to, I dunno, some non pretentious person who makes things… I’ll have to fill in that joke hole in post-production.
We’re a pretty pretentious group, and rightly so, no? I’d say less so than performance artists, but more so than, say, scientists. I come from a family of musicians, and I definitely beat them in the pretentiousness game.
What do architects think about when their husbands go to strip clubs for bachelor parties by the way?
That their husband was pretty damn lucky to land an architect and he better think twice before pissing her off again.
The architects everyone has heard of are like, Frank Lloyd Wright, and uh, the dad on the Brady Bunch… Who else is famous? What’s so great about that waterfall house anyway?
Well, the dad on the Brady Bunch never did figure out how to solve the basic problem of building an addition so that those kids could have some privacy in rooms of their own. I’m not sure how much architect-ing he really did.
The waterfall house, “Fallingwater,” is pretty famous mostly because of how well it was integrated into the particular site. It’s famous because you recognize it not only for the house, but also for the waterfall that ran below it. It’s remarkable for the harmonious integration of the two. However, Fallingwater also is known for being extremely leaky and for nearly collapsing into the waterfall (both issues are related to design and construction issues; Frank never really got those flat roofs detailed properly), though it’s nothing that millions of dollars in grants couldn’t fix.
One more thing: What the fuck is taking so long on rebuilding the Ground Zero site? Has every architect in the country taken a swipe at that thing yet or what?
So you know how I talked about how the more agencies and committees were involved in approving something the worse the design ended up being? That works for how long it takes to get built too. The more approvals that you need, the longer it takes. Multiply a regular building times about 4 billion and you get the mess that is the ground zero project. It’s a giant parade of bureaucracy.
Originally published on Street Boners and TV Carnage
Monday, September 13, 2010
As is usually the case with most people without any marketable skills beyond writing penis jokes and serving scallops to yuppies, the idea of a real job confounds me. I’m vaguely aware of the basics, but the actual step by step details are a fucking mystery. I realize that all of my friends have a place that they go to every day to make money, but beyond that, who the hell knows what they get up to. Seriously, what do most of you even do all day?
You’ve got some friends. One of them is probably like an accountant, or a lawyer, or a boat captain, or whatever. Apparently these people sit there doing shit all day while you’re not around. Kind of weird if you think about it.
So here’s a new thing: I’m gonna ask people with jobs what the hell is going on and hopefully we’ll all learn something about our friends, and maybe, just maybe, learn a little bit about ourselves. Probably not though.
My one friend has been a librarian in the New York Public Library system for a few years now. She’s pretty cute actually, which is probably great news for all the masturbating homeless dudes she deals with every day.
LUKE: So you’re a librarian? That’s gotta be peaceful, right? What the fuck do you do all day, read?
CUTE LIBRARIAN FRIEND: I sit at a desk all day answering questions, some of which are inane, some of which are the same questions 14 other people already asked, some of which are annoying, and a few of which are interesting. I also get to be annoyed by people asking me to waive their fines and deal with whatever catastrophic event some elderly patron thinks is unacceptable (usually along the lines of no toilet paper, no copies of the latest James Patterson book, etc.).
The absolute worst thing about my job, besides having my life threatened multiple times by crazy people, is dealing with peoples’ overdue fines. It’s 25 cents a day for fucks sake. I don’t want to know your name, your kid’s name, or your sob story. I don’t care and I didn’t earn a master’s degree to have to haggle with you for $3.75. Half off if you are actually retarded, but that’s the only discount I’ll give. The second worst thing is having to listen to old people fart all the time.
Apparently there is a lot of shitting going on in libraries. I did not know that.
I did not technically see this, but someone once took a shit less than 6 feet from our public restroom door. Not sure why they couldn’t make it the extra few feet.
I’ve been there.
It was not a child-size poop either. There have been a surprising amount of incidents having to do with someone either urinating or taking a dump in the library. One busy Saturday afternoon a parent decided it was a good enough place as any to do some potty training in full view of strangers (with a portable potty thing). Another time a teenager who had been causing a lot of problems urinated on the floor in defiance of being kicked out. There are also a lot of mysterious smells and stains around this place that no doubt have their own personal stories.
General weirdness happens constantly: homeless people, the mentally ill, agoraphobics, narcoleptics, people who haven’t left the Upper West Side in 50 years … they all frequent the library and they all have their own idiosyncrasies. I usually coin nicknames for these people: the Asshole Mormon, West Side Stan, Coast to Coast Mary, the Lecherous Haitian, Fat Connor, the Nazi Grandmother… I have a million names for these people in my head.
I like the sound of that Haitian dude. How do you work up the will to get out of bed every morning knowing you have to go to work?
Although there are millions of things that annoy me about the job, I generally like it and feel like it’s a worthwhile thing to do with myself for a living.
What about your co-workers? Douches, right?
My co-worker used to walk around without shoes on and his feet stank horribly. It was nauseating. He was eventually spoken to by our boss because a patron complained about it. Meanwhile I had been suffering not so silently for years. He also wears stained clothing all the time and leaves his half-smoked cigar butts lying around. Once I walked into his office and he was in his underwear, putting on his pants, with a teenage boy standing at the door. I caught a glimpse of his penis through his old baggy boxers. I turned around and walked away and never spoke of it again. Generally the most annoying thing is the defeatist bureaucratic attitude that everyone has in a public institution. The answer is almost always “No, we can’t do that,” or “It’s not possible” or “We’ve always done it this way,” or “We can’t afford it.”
What else do the library’s patrons do?
Most suck pretty badly but there are some really, really nice and funny people who make up for the assholes. What is really weird to me is that people will come in having no idea what a library is all about and expect me to do their taxes or type a letter or fax something for them. Or kids will come in with only a vague idea of their homework assignments and expect that I am somehow in the loop with their teachers so that I can tell them what the question was.
That’s the most amazing thing I’ve ever heard. So great.
Sometimes it’s incredibly sad too. There was a woman who came in and she was in the early stages of dementia and was trying to figure out her hospital bills. She had no children, no friends, or husband to help. It was heartbreaking. I did the best I could directing her to various city resources for the elderly, but I felt so sad for her I almost cried when she left.
Now I’m gonna cry. Thanks a lot. What’s something about your job that no one really knows that you think people would give a shit about?
People will just tell you everything. Many, many times people will give me their social security numbers and all kinds of personal information, especially around tax season. Today a woman asked me to Google her name and social security number. Seems that she wanted to find out if the government owed her money. After trying to determine what she was talking about, I realized she wanted that guy with the question mark suit’s book, Matthew Lesko. Later on the same day she asked me, “If I miss my period for three months does that mean I’m pregnant?” She obviously has troubles.
You’ve got some friends. One of them is probably like an accountant, or a lawyer, or a boat captain, or whatever. Apparently these people sit there doing shit all day while you’re not around. Kind of weird if you think about it.
So here’s a new thing: I’m gonna ask people with jobs what the hell is going on and hopefully we’ll all learn something about our friends, and maybe, just maybe, learn a little bit about ourselves. Probably not though.
My one friend has been a librarian in the New York Public Library system for a few years now. She’s pretty cute actually, which is probably great news for all the masturbating homeless dudes she deals with every day.
LUKE: So you’re a librarian? That’s gotta be peaceful, right? What the fuck do you do all day, read?
CUTE LIBRARIAN FRIEND: I sit at a desk all day answering questions, some of which are inane, some of which are the same questions 14 other people already asked, some of which are annoying, and a few of which are interesting. I also get to be annoyed by people asking me to waive their fines and deal with whatever catastrophic event some elderly patron thinks is unacceptable (usually along the lines of no toilet paper, no copies of the latest James Patterson book, etc.).
The absolute worst thing about my job, besides having my life threatened multiple times by crazy people, is dealing with peoples’ overdue fines. It’s 25 cents a day for fucks sake. I don’t want to know your name, your kid’s name, or your sob story. I don’t care and I didn’t earn a master’s degree to have to haggle with you for $3.75. Half off if you are actually retarded, but that’s the only discount I’ll give. The second worst thing is having to listen to old people fart all the time.
Apparently there is a lot of shitting going on in libraries. I did not know that.
I did not technically see this, but someone once took a shit less than 6 feet from our public restroom door. Not sure why they couldn’t make it the extra few feet.
I’ve been there.
It was not a child-size poop either. There have been a surprising amount of incidents having to do with someone either urinating or taking a dump in the library. One busy Saturday afternoon a parent decided it was a good enough place as any to do some potty training in full view of strangers (with a portable potty thing). Another time a teenager who had been causing a lot of problems urinated on the floor in defiance of being kicked out. There are also a lot of mysterious smells and stains around this place that no doubt have their own personal stories.
General weirdness happens constantly: homeless people, the mentally ill, agoraphobics, narcoleptics, people who haven’t left the Upper West Side in 50 years … they all frequent the library and they all have their own idiosyncrasies. I usually coin nicknames for these people: the Asshole Mormon, West Side Stan, Coast to Coast Mary, the Lecherous Haitian, Fat Connor, the Nazi Grandmother… I have a million names for these people in my head.
I like the sound of that Haitian dude. How do you work up the will to get out of bed every morning knowing you have to go to work?
Although there are millions of things that annoy me about the job, I generally like it and feel like it’s a worthwhile thing to do with myself for a living.
What about your co-workers? Douches, right?
My co-worker used to walk around without shoes on and his feet stank horribly. It was nauseating. He was eventually spoken to by our boss because a patron complained about it. Meanwhile I had been suffering not so silently for years. He also wears stained clothing all the time and leaves his half-smoked cigar butts lying around. Once I walked into his office and he was in his underwear, putting on his pants, with a teenage boy standing at the door. I caught a glimpse of his penis through his old baggy boxers. I turned around and walked away and never spoke of it again. Generally the most annoying thing is the defeatist bureaucratic attitude that everyone has in a public institution. The answer is almost always “No, we can’t do that,” or “It’s not possible” or “We’ve always done it this way,” or “We can’t afford it.”
What else do the library’s patrons do?
Most suck pretty badly but there are some really, really nice and funny people who make up for the assholes. What is really weird to me is that people will come in having no idea what a library is all about and expect me to do their taxes or type a letter or fax something for them. Or kids will come in with only a vague idea of their homework assignments and expect that I am somehow in the loop with their teachers so that I can tell them what the question was.
That’s the most amazing thing I’ve ever heard. So great.
Sometimes it’s incredibly sad too. There was a woman who came in and she was in the early stages of dementia and was trying to figure out her hospital bills. She had no children, no friends, or husband to help. It was heartbreaking. I did the best I could directing her to various city resources for the elderly, but I felt so sad for her I almost cried when she left.
Now I’m gonna cry. Thanks a lot. What’s something about your job that no one really knows that you think people would give a shit about?
People will just tell you everything. Many, many times people will give me their social security numbers and all kinds of personal information, especially around tax season. Today a woman asked me to Google her name and social security number. Seems that she wanted to find out if the government owed her money. After trying to determine what she was talking about, I realized she wanted that guy with the question mark suit’s book, Matthew Lesko. Later on the same day she asked me, “If I miss my period for three months does that mean I’m pregnant?” She obviously has troubles.
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