Great news for people who are into really half-ass sounding world records that no one realizes exist and people who are into really half-ass sounding music that everyone reluctantly acknowledges as existing, because hobo-astronaut chic studyhallcore heroes 30 Seconds to Mars are set to break the world record for "Most Amount Of Shows Performed During A Single Album Cycle" which is only slightly less impressive than their previous world record for most wristbands worn by a forty year old in eyeliner.
Thirty Seconds To Mars will celebrate their 300th and final show in support of their critically acclaimed third studio album This Is War with a special Tribus Centum Numerarae concert at New York City’s Hammerstein Ballroom on Dec. 7th, 2011. They will also set a new Guinness World Record for the most shows played during a single album cycle. This Is War was released in December, 2009 and the band has since circled the globe numerous times, playing over 300 shows in almost 60 cities in 6 continents.
"We thought documenting this for posterity with the Guiness Book of World Records would be fun especially as we aren't any good at growing our fingernails very long or cultivating the world's largest squash,” said frontman Jared Leto, which, OK, is pretty funny.
By the way, I'm a fucking poseur, because I still bump those "Beautiful Lie" and "Attack" tracks from time to time when I go running, but that's partly because I can't figure out how to load any new songs onto the iPod nano I tricked out with the playlist "epic prog emo jock rock jams of the 2kz" five years ago. Also considering the old band I used to be in was basically a worse-sounding version of this type of stuff, I'm not really in a position to talk shit.
Funny story about 30 Seconds to Mars. Well, not funny as in funny, but funny as in coincidental: the drummer, Jared Leto's brother, whose actual name is Jared Leto's brother I'm pretty sure, was one of the single most difficult subjects I have ever had to struggle through a phoner with a few years ago. Read the interview below in which I said "I needed to take a shower after speaking with drummer Shannon Leto, part self-aggrandizing 'artiste' and part vapid band douche who somehow managed to let stray cracks of genuine humanity and excitement about his fans slip through his exasperating persona." Lest you think my questions sounded boring, which they are, keep in mind that this stumbling turd of an interview consists of the good, usable material I got out of it.
Still though, <3 that "Kings and Queens" song I hear at the gym these days. Gets me pumped up to lift weights/cry/choreograph dance with a team of street urchins.