Thursday, October 27, 2011

To Which I Say to the President, O RLY?


D Jean Mustard is back from the grave with his first PTSOTL post in a while:

Here's one of those funny things on the internet, where when it comes to protesters and what not.  You can basically phase it out after the first two minutes if you can't stomach watching this phony prattle on about a bunch of shit he doesn't care about. I know what you're thinking.  Mustard, this is old news, I've seen like 7000 cat singing in autotune videos since then, what does this have to do with anything?  Well, actually...


That guy, the one who got shot in the fucking face with a beanbag (same thing that killed that one girl after the '04 World Series, FUCKING SOX DOOD), well he's a veteran.  Now I'm not one to wax nostalgic about this guy defending our rights to write shitty comments on and play bejeweled on Facebook, but usually when someone is a veteran, there's a whole phony outrage over the sacrifices that he's made to "keep us safe."  You can't have it both ways.  Nice touch dropping a flashbang when other dudes tried to drag his injured body away from the teargas though.  I play Black Ops too, man.  Oh wait, this isn't a fucking video game?  Guh.

Anyway, everything sucks.


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Richard is scared to get arrested said...

There was the documentary back in 2000 called the Party's Over that set out to compare and contrast the two sides of the election. There's a great moment where Clinton is speaking to the delagates at the DNC about peace and prosperity for the future while out on the sidewalk, literally right outside the doors to the Staples Center, the LA cops were beating protesters.


That sounds like an effective contrast. Was it on purpose?

Still Richard said...

Well it was effective in pointing out that no matter how different you think they are. if you're screwing their shit up, Dems in power will break out the tear gas just as quickly as Republicans. I'm sure the delegates inside had no idea what was going on and walked away saying "Hey that Clinton was a swell fella, we sure do like all this peace and non-violence!"

It's been a while since I watched it, but from what I remember it was a situation where the protesters had the correct permits to march, but then the city revoked the permits after things had started. Cops showed up and told the people that they had to leave, obviously there was confusion so the cops started in with the bean bags and tear gas.

leo said...


Anonymous said...

Haha, that's not America right?

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