Monday, March 29, 2010

The Ocean

You ever see that movie The Mist? The one based on the Stephen King short story where alien bug monsters from another dimension invade the earth. Then at the end the hero kills all his friends and his kid before getting ready to kill himself because he'd rather they all die quick than be eaten alive by the fucking devil on 14 legs? The prospect of living in a world where monsters like that exist was just too much to deal with and it broke everyone psychologically. That was a pretty good movie.

Anyway, here's this unrelated thing I just came across on the internet:

Fuuuuuuckkkkk. It's a 2.5 foot long deep sea creature that eats dead whale carcasses that was found attached to the camera on a submarine. So this will probably be my last post ever. Good bye cruel world. I really would have liked to have seen what sort of new cell phone gadgets everyone is going to be pointing at their faces in the future and stick around for the Lost finale, but it's better that I end it quick and painless.

Oh and just in case you still have some remnants of a will to live leftover, watch this video.

Nice knowing you.

Sunday, March 28, 2010

Fighting is Gay (Literally)

No words. No words. They should have sent a poet.

Saturday, March 27, 2010

Feeling forced to feign amusement and/or admiration for your child's expression or behavior

I know we can pretty much put children and parents on the List and already have in many ways, but yesterday when I was in the general vicinity of a child doing hilarious and endearing things such as babble incoherently and throw shit on the ground, I experienced peer pressure to express mirth or goodwill towards this child by the other adults in the area.

I did not really find this child to be exceptionally cute or awesome. Ok, yeah sure she's kinda cute but I'm trying to stand in line and look bored while I pay for my toiletries. The other people in the area all ooohhhed and aaaahhed and cast accusatory glances at me for not doing the same like I was some fat whore with a barren womb (I am, but whatever). What am I supposed to say? "Oh my, she looks so cute as she's throwing the store's merchandise on the floor and gurgling up boob milk"? I don't want to reinforce this behavior. Call me when the kid can perform some real tricks, like speaking russian or talking on her cell phone too loud or writing bad jokes on the internet.

Friday, March 26, 2010

Alexander Graham Bell

Dear Mr. Graham Bell,

We regret to inform you that your invention, "the functional telephone" has made The List. We respect the fact that way back in old-timey days, when men wore suspenders while digging coal and chinamen were putting their backs into laying the tracks for our now-defunct railroad system, your invention was the bee's knees (Hell, it connected the nation and went on to connect continents!), but due to circumstances beyond your control, the telephone has made The List.

Sure, it has enabled many a wife to hear a distorted version of her husband's voice explaining why he wouldn't be home for dinner, many a father to call his son a failure from a great distance, and many a creditor to disturb a layabout's afternoon nap, but despite all that, we'd hazard to guess that had you foreseen the noise pollution created by 4 billion idiots yammering away to their golf buddies/mistresses/business partners/mothers, or worse yet, experienced the frustration of having your phone call go unanswered by someone who you knew had his/her telephone attached to his/her hip, you would have thought twice before placing that first call to Mr. Watson.

So, welcome "the functional telephone". You've officially made it!


The List

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Water Chestnuts

I love non-fat ice milk. I love stevia. I love Tim Burton. I love neon green t-shirts with lobsters on them. I love getting sunburned. Want to hear some poetry? Not all of my hair is in dreadlocks but there's a few patches. I don't drink alcohol. Sheryl Crow is to die for. Hacky sack. I have a tattoo of a butterfly on my left shoulder. Tom Robbins is my favorite author. I get along with all people. I am not a racist. I am not a racist. Save the environment. Let's tell those fat cats in Washington to STOP global warming NOW.

Water Chestnuts.

Wednesday, March 24, 2010

Hate To Do This Here... But

What's up dudes? Good looking blog up here. We should hook up for a blog convention or a usenet group sometimes. Really looks like you're having fun up here. Anyway, my band is playing a gig at All Asia on 9/11. The cover is $17.76 and all the proceeds go to Scott Brown's gas bill for his pick-up truck. Anyway, hope you guys will make it.

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

You People

Every now and again I like to go digging through the stat tracker for the List to see what sort of bored weirdos are looking my jokes in the face for one to one and half minutes at a stretch every day. By far the best part of that is seeing what sort of code red level perverts like you are searching for online that leads you to this sight. For example this guy at a public library in Oakland today who made the following google search:

"what to jerk off with in the library"

So, just to recap, our boy here in Oakland was in a library dead set on jerking off, but instead of just searching for something like, oh, I don't know,
porn, he went with the stone cold literal approach. Can you imagine how disappointed he was when he clicked over to the List entry about jerking off in the library? What did he expect to find, a blueprint of the library with a big red arrow pointing at some broad's sweater hams?

I kind of wish I could put him in touch with this other guy from Köln, Nordrhein-westfalen, Germany who got here by searching for "Geschlecht in der Bibliothek." If I could bring just two lonely masturbators from across the globe together in sweat-fisted brotherhood I would consider my job here a success.

Let's see, bla bla bla, oh! Apparently dead fish handshake is the name of a band! People searching for them found our little time out corner of the internet. Check them out
unless you're allergic to earnest butt rock.

What else? Someone in Bloemfontein, Free State, South Africa wants to know what a pr person does. Somehow I don't think our entry is really going to help much. Hold on though, think about that for a minute. First off, wanting to be a pr person. Secondly, knowing so little about a profession that you have to look it up online to figure out how to do it. It would break my heart a little if I didn't already harbor an inherent antipathy for those spooky bizarro world albinos they've got down there.

Alright, that's all for now. I've gotta go google "how to hate things and write jokes on the internet." Been meaning to figure that whole thing out for a while now.

Monday, March 22, 2010

Writing a Blog

Just a reminder, in case anyone writing a certain comedy-related minor-social-grievance-driven blog is getting a little big for their britches.

Transpose this evolutionary progress onto a chart of modern time wasting behaviors and you'll find dudes who play Keeno at the packie all day about 4th from the left. Just behind him, the shorter fellow represents guys who call into sports talk radio.

And while people who write blogs think of themselves as C3PO over here on the right, they're more accurately represented by the fish on wheels crawling out of the ocean at the far left (not pictured).

So who actually represents the people who subscribe to the list?

This kid:

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

There Is No Title That Will Do This Justice

There are few things easier or lazier than making fat jokes. Most people have some sort of disdain for the obese. It's their own fault, put down the donut, etc.

In a way, I feel bad for people who are obese, the same way I feel bad for junkies or smokers, but at least they look cool in those American Apparel ads. At the end of the day though, none of them really want to be what they've become. A number of circumstances have led them to their fate; some their own fault, others that are factors that are beyond their control. There is a point in here somewhere. Oh yeah, regarding the whole fat people not wanting to be fat bit. Scratch at least one person off that list, but definitely make room for them on this List. A lot of room. HAHA, CUZ THEY'RE FAT! See how easy that was?

600-pound woman sets weight goal - 1,000 lbs
By Associated Press
Tuesday, March 16, 2010 - Added 22h ago

This girl’s dreaming big!

Donna Simpson, 42, of Old Bridge, N.J., already tips the scales at 600 pounds but says she won’t be satisfied until she’s porked herself up to 1,000 - to grab the title of world’s fattest woman, the London Dail Mail reported.

That’s why she’s gone on a junkfood jihad. But Simpson has given herself two years to hit the millennium mark. She earns her chow bucks - a whopping 750 clams a week - with a Web site where men pay her to watch her eat fast food.

“I love eating and people love watching me eat,” Simpson said. “It makes people happy, and I’m not harming anyone.”

“I do love cakes and sweet things, doughnuts are my favorite,” she said. She’s also fond of burgers and fries - an important part of her 12,000-calorie-a-day diet - and carefully avoids exercise. Simpson already holds the Guinness World Record as the fattest mom, 532 pounds when she gave birth in 2007. She says boyfriend Philippe, 49, eggs her on. “I think he’d like it if I was bigger. He’s a real belly man.”

I could probably create an entire new blog (same way I basically created this one!) about what's wrong with this story. One post about that lead sentence, another one about the phrase "junkfood jihad", another about this whole fucking thing, but I digress. I will say though... actually, nevermind. Time to shut it down (the world, that is.)

Monday, March 15, 2010


Dear friends,

It's painfully obvious that the written word has died. R.I.P., I guess. The days when members of polite society gathered to discuss the latest novel/selection of short stories/essay while drinking tea in wood-paneled rooms and being served by well-dressed butlers are behind us.

And to be honest, they won't be missed.

Lets face it, those blouse-wearing gentleman and corset-strapped ladies were only looking for a socially acceptable excuse to congregate and try to get laid. Nowadays it's hard to find a way not to wind up in a stranger's bed, am I wrong? Women's suffrage, contraception, and the Internet have made it possible for even the ugliest and most socially awkward members of society to find a little action.

E-harmony would have shut up both Virginia Woolf and Emily Bronte right quick!

So lets agree, for once and for all, to let go of these outdated grammatical conventions, because I'm way too old to figure out how to find the CAPS key on my iPhone.

Sunday, March 14, 2010

March Madness

It's time someone shuts this thing down. Turn out the lights in every college gym and let the non-elite "student" athletes go home and study for their anthropology final. No one (apologies to gambling addicts, ex-college hoops players, and husbands who hate their wives/families) cares about college hoops 11 months out of the year (see The Olympics), so why is it that come March every idiot with a mouth wants to bray at me about their bracket like a real life, unavoidable Dick Vitale?

Not to get off topic, but Dicky V? Definitely on the List. You'd have to work pretty hard to convince me that he's not a cartoon character. At least John Madden was a drunk.

Don't get me wrong, I could care less that the NCAA is a corrupt organization that makes millions by pimping unpaid minors while at the same time enabling them to neglect their education. The true crime here is how low the talent level is. I want to see steroid-fueled bears dunking over superhero dinosaur robots (see the NBA), not some pasty white boy from HC hitting an awkward last second fake three pointer over a frat boy who was up all night playing beer pong.

And I don't care about a Cinderalla story either, unless it's me predicting the inevitable upsets and taking home the office pool!

Saturday, March 13, 2010


Predicting the future is a little bit hard these days what with the shamefully nonexistent progress these fat cat scientists in Washington DC have made on the time machines they promised us years ago. But against all odds I just came back from a trip twenty years into the future myself, and it was pretty informative. Still no fucking jet packs, so that kind of sucks. But on the plus side no zombie robot apocalypse either, so call it even.

There was one question on everyone's minds that I talked to though, which was this: "Why is my kid a fucking moron?"

They say hindsight is 20/20, and even though they are a bunch of clueless fucks, they're right in this instance. It's easy to look backward and pinpoint pivotal events in history with the aid of historical distance. From time to time however you just get a feeling about a momentous event where you absolutely know instantly how it is going to effect human history. Like this story for example:

AUSTIN, Tex. — After three days of turbulent meetings, the Texas Board of Education on Friday approved a social studies curriculum that will put a conservative stamp on history and economics textbooks, stressing the superiority of American capitalism, questioning the Founding Fathers’ commitment to a purely secular government and presenting Republican political philosophies in a more positive light...

In recent years, board members have been locked in an ideological battle between a bloc of conservatives who question Darwin’s theory of evolution and believe the Founding Fathers were guided by Christian principles, and a handful of Democrats and moderate Republicans who have fought to preserve the teaching of Darwinism and the separation of church and state.

Since January, Republicans on the board have passed more than 100 amendments to the 120-page curriculum standards affecting history, sociology and economics courses from elementary to high school. The standards were proposed by a panel of teachers.

“We are adding balance,” said Dr. Don McLeroy, the leader of the conservative faction on the board, after the vote. “History has already been skewed. Academia is skewed too far to the left.”

Battles over what to put in science and history books have taken place for years in the 20 states where state boards must adopt textbooks, most notably in California and Texas. But rarely in recent history has a group of conservative board members left such a mark on a social studies curriculum.

First of all, wow. Secondly, you ever see a post-apocalyptic or dystopian movie and think "I wonder how things got to this point in this universe? Where did shit go wrong for these people in such a way that now they can't have kids anymore, or they ran out of water or they're slaves to mole men from Jupiter or whatever?" Well, if any of us are unfortunate enough to survive five minutes into the future in this rotted corn husk of a society we live in we won't really need to ask, because now we know.

...Mavis B. Knight, a Democrat from Dallas, introduced an amendment requiring that students study the reasons “the founding fathers protected religious freedom in America by barring the government from promoting or disfavoring any particular religion above all others.” It was defeated on a party-line vote. After the vote, Ms. Knight said, “The social conservatives have perverted accurate history to fulfill their own agenda.”

Cynthia Dunbar, a lawyer from Richmond who is a strict constitutionalist and thinks the nation was founded on Christian beliefs, managed to cut Thomas Jefferson from a list of figures whose writings inspired revolutions in the late 18th century and 19th century, replacing him with St. Thomas Aquinas, John Calvin and William Blackstone. (Jefferson is not well liked among conservatives on the board because he coined the term “separation between church and state.”) “The Enlightenment was not the only philosophy on which these revolutions were based,” Ms. Dunbar said.

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Forget what I said about that dude below being the personification of the List

I don't know, I guess I'm just a big music fan. Doesn't really matter what it is. Country, rock and roll, I just really like all kinds of stuff. Except hip hop. Also Mexican music.

The thing I like most about music is the lyrics though. I like it when a song tells a good story, and especially when it has an uplifting message I can believe in. Like this one below from which I will post here in hopes of spreading the good message. There's too much negativity around these days.

Written exclusively for Governor Sarah Louise Palin who exemplifies the character, vision, & steadfast leadership that made our nation the greatest the world has ever known. Thank you for your service & bravery during these troubled times. You are the very essence of the Heart of Freedom.

heart of freedom

Oh say can you see
Through the fields of great uncertainty

Just beyond our gate of fears
Lies a pathway in the waiting

Battered from our perilous fight
Standing strong though slowly drifting
Through the darkest hour of night
Lies a pathway worth taking

From across a northern shore
Like a mighty lion's roar
With a voice I heard her say...
"Stand & fight with me this day"

Heart of Freedom beat for me
Holding high the light of liberty
Guardian of our way of life
Lead us safely through the night

Heart of Freedom beat for me
Be the voice a nation heeds
Lead us safely through the night
To the dawn's early light

words & music: chess ward September 11, 2009
<-------- [Editor's Note: wow wow wow wow]

Written exclusively for Governor Sarah Louise Palin who exemplifies the character, vision, & steadfast leadership that made our nation the greatest the world has ever known. Thank you for your service & bravery during these troubled times. You are the very essence of the
Heart of Freedom.

Indian Bullfighting

Maybe this does seem like kind of an obscure sport to feature with its very own List entry -- I don't hand these things out to just anything stupid I see you know. Unless I'm feeling lazy, which is a pretty good possibility nine times out of ten. But every now and again a sport comes along that is just paradigm-shifting. I can't really look at the global community the same way ever again after seeing this shit show go down. Kind of like the first time I met your mom.

What's different now? Well, for starters the Spanish are officially pussies. Also, Americans are no longer the greediest, dumbest bastards in town, and the Japanese just lost the title of most fucked-up pastimes. (They're still the biggest perverts though.)

Check it out: the object here is not to run away from the bulls, it's to jump on their backs and tame them. Reasonable enough, right? Cowboy shit. But did we mention the bulls are drunk? And they've got money stuck to their bodies? And their horns have been sharpened? We mentioned it now. Also, the horns are painted pink. Also, is that Indian Junior Seau in that picture? Anyway, watch a video about it here if you really want. I'm not gonna plan out your entire day for you though.

The List is a man, and he walks among us

Having to listen to anyone talk about anything anywhere is bad enough, but when you combine the impressive powers of banality of a Watertown, MA townie with the vast cultural void of a self-identifying "Italian" and roll all of that into a collapsed circus tent of a giant with a floppy purple eggplant head who spends all his time at the gym rehashing sports talk radio bits with barely interested guys unlucky enough to be standing in his sweat blast zone what you get is the literal embodiment of the List.

So, congratulations everyone. You can stop searching because I found our guy. Turns out he looks a lot like the alternate universe version of Kevin McHale where instead of smoking dudes on the reg on the low post he dedicated his life to dunking cheese pies into his teeth.

In this universe, however this dude is all too real. I sort of want all of you guys to meet him. List field trip?

That reminds me, I need to get one of those speech to text features on my phone because I could probably just point it at his face every day and the List would write itself. That way I wouldn't have to put in all this hard work like I do all the time.

So why not just avoid this guy, you might ask? He's got one of those smoke-burnt fog-cutter voices that blasts everything within a 100 yard radius with sketchy accent germs, and he goes about six foot nine, both ways. Easier said than done. And there's no acquaintance too casual, or too disinterested that won't stop him from calling out across the room in greeting. No worries if there's no one around to repeat ESPN talking points to in person though. He's got the burner on standby and a contact list full of friends to shout at on a moment's notice.

So, stay tuned for updates from my man's daily lectures. Like today's turd-cutter wisdom about ethnicity:

List Man: Hey man. How's the kid?
Quiet Mustachioed Fellow: Good, thanks.
LM: Hey, where are you from?
QMF: Guatemala.
LM: No shit, my wife's from Guatemalan. I been there. Your kid is halfie though, right?
QMF: Um.
LM: Hmmm. He doesn't look Spanish, your kid. He's white.
QMF: Well, my wife is from El Salvador.
LM: Nah, your kid looks white. He don't look Spanish.
QMF: ...
LM: He don't look Spanish.
QMF: Well, I, um...
LM: Yeah, I been to Guatemala once.

[Enters black guy]

LM: What up
son? Yo! You get a haircut, my man? You look fifteen.
BG: Yes.


*(of everything ever)

Tuesday, March 9, 2010

Rolling Into Somewhere and Not Attempting to Speak the Language

I'm no friggin professor, kid, but I know the most basics of the Romance languages: "hello," "goodbye," "how much for the white baby?" "thank you," etc. I can pretty much get by in any place that speaks French, Italian or Spanish just with those 3 or 4 phrases. In fact, almost anyone can look those up, using this machine called the internet.

When I recently found myself in Mexico I noticed that almost none of my fellow citizens even attempted the very basics of this exotic language that we hear literally everyday right here at home. Actually, that's not entirely true there was that group of biker skanks who did yell "Excuse me senorita!" at the restaurant when they wanted margaritas, so points for that.

Anyway, just a reminder for my fellow travelers, your rental car doesn't come with a Speak English or Get Out bumper sticker so you're pretty much stuck trying to tough it out with the most basic of attempts. Also, no need to spice it up with the cruise wear while you're on vacation. Would you wear that shirt if you were farting around Ohio like usual? Pretty good rule of thumb there. Just a tip from one traveler to another. Now repeat after me "Estoy en la lista."

Monday, March 8, 2010

Ink Cartridges

Not to get all Office Space on you up in this pig, but seriously? Forty fucking bucks for these shitty plastic boxes full of poisonous black jizz that leak all over your fingers and last about as long as a 20-bag of the McQueen on Friday night? How is it that my printer cost about $50 but I’ve already spent like six times that on cartridges? I’m writing a letter to Canon as soon as I get off this website, and that letter is gonna start off with the words “Fuck,” “You” and “Cocksuckers.” And I’ll bet you the cartridge I just bought shits the bed when I try to print it out.


OK, so it's been a week or so since I last updated you on the state of the world's assholes, but that's largely because I've been going undercover as one myself during that period. Also because I came up with the fascinating idea of asking women why they want to sleep with rock stars. Hard hitting stuff. Read it here if you're desperate for some of my uncanny journalism-science. Or don't. Whatever.

Here's a quick listicle (Listicles.) of the List-worthy shit I've been up to lately:

Watching the Oscars.
Reading about the Oscars on blogs.
Playing a synthesizer.
Sleeping till 3 in the afternoon.
Watching a Jack Black movie.
Going outside without a jacket when it's nice out in the day and forgetting that spring doesn't start in Boston until July.

That about sums it, and me up. Hopefully someone will do something stupid in my face real soon so I can hurry back and tell you about it. I'm going to an engagement party tonight, so fingers crossed on that one.
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