That shit is for real. Those were the things that they were actually reporting and talking about. I know. But! It gets better! Millions of people from all over the place actually watch it. All the fucking time. Even worse, sometimes they talk about it to me, directly to my face while I'm standing in line for grill day in the cafeteria. Hopefully the next time it happens, they'll be using a charcoal grill and I'll go out Brad Delp style before I hear the stunning conclusion to that car chase involving a teenager in Woburn.
Tuesday, June 30, 2009
Local News
That shit is for real. Those were the things that they were actually reporting and talking about. I know. But! It gets better! Millions of people from all over the place actually watch it. All the fucking time. Even worse, sometimes they talk about it to me, directly to my face while I'm standing in line for grill day in the cafeteria. Hopefully the next time it happens, they'll be using a charcoal grill and I'll go out Brad Delp style before I hear the stunning conclusion to that car chase involving a teenager in Woburn.
Musicians talking about selling records

Monday, June 29, 2009
Goat Meat
Doesn't matter how much coriander or cumin or whatever you brine this shit in, it's still gonna taste like sweaty prayer rug. I'll pass. Although if it's ok with you I'd still like to get signed off on the extra credit for my multiculturalism symposium for ordering it in the first place.
Complaining About the Cost of Food at the Movies or Ball Game
First of all, bringing your family out.
Second of all, here's a wild idea: don't eat there. Just. Don't. Eat. For. A. Couple. Hours. You fat nervous mess.
It's hardly the ideal dining experience anyway being cramped into a row of tiny seats next to a herd of neck breathing savages. I think you'll be ok waiting out the massive stabs of hunger pain for just a little while longer till you get home.
Internet IQ Tests
Wax Museums
Saturday, June 27, 2009
Friday, June 26, 2009
Self-Deprecating City and Town Nicknames

Also Plymouth (“Brockton by the Sea”) and Worcester (“Wormtown”). And calling Boston “The Bean.” (especially if you’re a white rap fan).
Michael Jackson

Tuesday, June 23, 2009
Reading the Classics
UPDATE: Wait just a goddamned second!!!
Abraham Lincoln
These special interest vanity plates that everyone has these days:

Saying You Liked the Book Better
We do understand the impulse. There are certain conversational prompts that subconsciously elicit an automatic response from people. Like when someone brings up whatever jerkoff northeastern college you went to, or the backwater town you came from, you are automatically compelled to identify yourself as one of their tribe. It's Pavlov's dog shit -- which, by the way, bringing up Pavlov's dog is on the List as well -- or some prehistoric caveman response system. It basically means don't stab me with a rock and rape my family, except in this instance you're talking about belonging to some dickhead author's cult of personality (Authors.) and not where the best place to hide from dinosaurs is.
Knowledge is power, right? When you let the person you're talking to know that you've gathered information they aren't necessarily privy to, you're trying to come off like some Heart of Darkness motherfucker returned from parts unknown with news of the mysterious. But instead you're just a dude who's been all the way to Border's and back on a mission for Oprah. Magellan with a kindle over here.
Save it, we all know the book was better. And we all know you're a douche, but you don't have to come right out and show us every chance you get, do you?
Hating Hipsters. Still.
I think what you're doing here is replacing the part for the whole. It's a common practice poets (Poets.) call metaphor and perverts who can't jerk off without sniffing vinegary sock pubes call a fetish (Fetishes.).
You don't hate hipsters, what you hate are assholes. You don't hate someone because of their haircut, you hate them because of the smug, shit eating grin floating underneath it. Or because you don't like the way that they hate things different than you hate things. You know, tangible, important shit.
Now, there may be a case to be made about the correlation between the number of ridiculous retro fluorescent pieces of flare some douche accessorizes his beard and DJ bag (is that a thing?) with, but cracking on a dude because his costume is comprised of slightly different configurations of patterned cloth than your own personal costume isn't really the type of high degree of difficulty banality smashing we're looking for here. What, do you hate reality tv and neo-cons too? Bush league, amateur shit.
Although come to think of it, those kids in the ubiquitous terrorist scarves chap my ass up pretty good. They can all die in an avalanche of fire.
Monday, June 22, 2009
Skateboarding Adults
It is really sweet that you are from California, or actually Utah, but stayed with a cousin in Orange County for a week once. But back here on the big bad East Coast we really are going to have to ask you to do your rollin & asshollin on a motorcycle or in some ridiculous sportscar or tinted racetruck.
And again, there are rules dictating how ridiculous and how many people you must flip off before you're allowed to put that badboy pissing on a dodge logo up there. Getting ahead of myself though. Skateboarding is not a crime braaa, neither is pulling poopie out of your pants and showing it to a waitress. But let's try to all get along like normal people here.
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Punny Headlines
Get a load of this steaming mess up here on the left. I'm not only embarrassed as a "journalist," but as a person who can read. We're looking at the lazy hack trifecta:
Illogical, truncated alliteration: "Jets plan Plax play."
Pointless rhyming that adds nothing to our understanding of the story: "Yanks weep as Sox sweep." The Yanks did not weep. We all know ths.
And the kicker, a serious story reduced to a goofy but recognizable cliche that...what? How does this help anyone understand anything? "Hog Wild"? That's what you did. You came into work and decided on that. And presumably a series of other editors agreed on this? For your giant newspaper in a huge city? You deserve to go out of business. Everyone does. We're shutting the whole thing down. Not just newspapers. Everything.
Here's a couple more examples it took us five seconds of Googling to find. For more pick up any newspaper or magazine ever printed.
Ok, so here is this. Oh good, a phrase I recognize. I guess I'm obligated to read the story now.
Hehe. I see what you did here.
Ok, so this is...Uh? That sounds like a word I know. I's supposed to be...negative, right? Is it negative? No one likes skunks. Fuck it, just to be safe I better pick it up and find out what's going on with these skunks.
You can't argue with logic like that. Not when it rhymes. Rhymes are like logic steroids.
[Snickers] That's not how you spell that word silly!
[head explodes]
Shaving for Work
Although, and I don't want to stir the pot here, encouraging me to show up with hundreds of bloody, ingrown hair bumps up and down my neck seems just a touch arbitrary.
I know we've been doing this for hundreds of years now, but remind me again what rolling into the office looking like I just crashed my motorcycle neck first into a poison ivy frialator has to do with professionalism?
Chatting Someone Up at the Bar
Join me in the old douche lab, won't you?
Number of times you can explode some non sequitur diarrhea onto the person sitting next to you at the bar in order to rope them into a conversation they don't want to have:
1 + x/5. x being the number of syllables in the obligatorily friendly but disintersted grunt the person responds with.
Minutes you may talk about yourself without allowing for a reponse from the person you just pulled into your lonely life:
Number of consecutive yeahs, I knows, or yups you get in response before it means it's time to hitch that banality wagon to the next person down the bar, because I am not fucking feeling it right now and you would obviously be able to tell that if you weren't a clueless cat-lady/serial killer dude/ regular every day alcoholic (none taken everyone here) with a wacky story about your day at the office.
It's a pretty straightforward proposition here. If I want to talk to you, you will for fucking sure know about, vis a vis my mouth making words in the general vicinity of your hearing holes. That's what people who want to talk do. They talk to you. People who don't sit here reading like me and probably haven't made eye contact in ten minutes. Who knows though, maybe telling me you're sorry to interrupt like five more times might do the trick. Beats sitting there alone.
Cocktail Purist Fascists
Manhattans are great. They really are. We get where you're coming from. Simple, well-made, classic. They are really, really great. Just great. But you're starting to turn into one of those Civil War reenactment types with this classic cocktail fetish. They made cars back then too you know? I must have missed your Model T parked out front.
You know what else they made 100 years ago? Food. Somehow chefs have managed to innovate since then without feeling like sell outs. There's nothing wrong with mastering your craft or what have you, and respecting tradition, but this is America, dude, and remaining oblivious to history is sort of our thing.
Tell you what, you really want to pull me into this classic cocktail obsession, how about taking the price down a few dozen notches. For the price of one martini here today I could hire the ghost of Joe Kennedy Sr. to deliver a truck load of hooch to my back door and shoot Al Capone in the skeleton dick.
Expounding on the Merits of Sub Par Books

Wednesday, June 17, 2009
Lady Gaga
Solving a Captcha
Forcing Your Buddy to Do a Shot
Look friend, I'm grateful that this little impromptu bonding ritual means enough to you to forecfully include me in it against my will. What else are friends for if not for peer pressuring eachother into doing shit they don't want to (get married, buy a house, have kids, watch their shitty band etc...). But what part of making a grown man sick or wasted beyond his regular drinking capacity is it that appeals to you? You're going to forget whether or not I did it .5 seconds after I do anyway. I know it was funny that one time when Jeff passed out and we put funny stuff on his head, but that was like over a decade ago now. You're a lawyer for fuck's sake. Should I just throw this shit over my shoulder to get you to shut up?
Fine, fuck it. Gimme the shot, I aint a pussy like Jeff. He's not even drinking tonight!
Tuesday, June 16, 2009
Jamaica Plain
Don't believe me? Try it, pal. Yeah, which way are you thinking about? All the way down Mass Ave. then down Washington St, and through the South End. Good luck. Oh, you thinking of taking the J-way? Have fun cutting through BU and Brookline and the little hospital city deal, be sure you get off Riverway and onto the J-way or you end up in West Roxbury. Better pack some spare gas tanks and check your Google map for Jiffy Lubes, you're gonna need an oil change halfway through.
It's all worth it though when you get there though, am I right? That one bar has a fireplace or whatever and that's pretty cool. Oh and that place that books your friend's band on a Tuesday. What else? Oh yeah, the original JP Licks(hey ice cream - that's on the list, right?) It's on the T though if you're car breaks down. Just jump on the old orange line. Insider's Tip: You might want to avoid eye contact until you get past Downtown Crossing unless you want to get your ass kicked. All in all, great place.
Computers, man.
Everything is different, but the same... things are more moderner than before... bigger, and yet smaller... it's computers... San Dimas High School football rules.
Red Bull
Pre-teens in Baby Strollers
Monday, June 15, 2009
Landmark Cinemas, Kendall Square
The Massive Hairy Balls on Large Corporate Ad Campaigns
I realize I'm getting into where's my bailout territory here but I'm thinking maybe you should just cool it with the ads on TV for a bit. And by cool it I don't mean put more happy looking, well-dressed minorities picnicking or senior citizens breakdancing in your car ad. Nor do I mean have a child do a voiceover while cowboys save a trapped calf from a well in your mutual fund ad.
The Sanguine Big Picture of Recent Graduates
I don't need to lay out the major arcana over here to prognosticate the odds of any of this happening. I mean, your propitious plans sound good on paper, Pollyanna but you're prolly gonna' marry some townie, have a couple of tadpoles and end up a girl scout leader that meets with the girls at the Cheesecake Factory for Mojitos (Mojitos, ON THE LIST).
Have fun paying off your student loans until you collect Social Security, sweetie.
Saturday, June 13, 2009
Sports Betting
What a dumb hobby. Sure, a lot like drugs can make parties and general social interactions that last longer than 30 seconds reasonably tolerable, betting on a game gives you a reason to pay attention. Throw 50 beans on the line and all of a sudden a preseason cricket match between two countries you've never heard of has all the drama of watching your dad play against Bin Laden in the Superbowl.
I'm no expert here, but I'm pretty sure that with most drugs you buy if they don't work 8 times out of 10 you stop buying them, right? Unless you've got friends in from out of town or there's a party your girlfriend is making you go to in which case you take what you can get.
Anyway, FML and put me on the List. I'm getting out.
Although if anyone has a line on some easy money tomorrow shoot me a text. Let's get this ball rolling again!
Know what I don't get? Cribbage. So I don't play it, I don't talk about it, never even think about it.
Talking About How Little You Had to Eat Today
Sweet Lord of fire and pain, are we really talking about this? You got anything else? Isn't your fantasy baseball team doing well this year or something? What'd your cute little cat get up to today? Literally anything else would do the trick here. You have any totally weird dreams last night?
Incidentally, last I checked barely going over the regular daily allotted calorie intake for a tennis playing centaur doesn't exactly count as starving. I know it's tough going ten minutes without a face full of Cheezits and pepperoni, but unless there's a motherfucker with a machete outside your hut right now let's keep the use of the "s" word to a bare minimum ok?
Friday, June 12, 2009
Being like 36 and going shares on a beach house
The Word 'Moonbat'
Thursday, June 11, 2009
But seriously folks, I just wanted an excuse to post this photo, in which three of the most powerful men in the world manage to come off like they just got done raiding the minibar at a Lehman Bros. corporate weekend or something. Berlusconi, well, based on the news lately this would actually appear to be one of his more somber moments; Medvedev is actually the fat kid from Goonies (look it up) so he is also exempt, I suppose. But Mr. Obama ... for shame.
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
Following Box Office Numbers
"You know, I was thinking about purchasing a roll of Charmin toilet paper to wipe my ass with, but I read they only did like $9.1m in sales this week, much less than they were expecting. And after all the marketing and ad buys Proctor and Gamble did this quarter! Then again this is traditionally a bad three day holiday weekend for taking shits across the country, so that might explain the numbers. I might just go ahead and wait to see what the overseas receipts look like before I decide."
What is your job title again? Executive Producer? No. No it is not. You're not even a best boy grip. (Is that a thing?) You're a dude who watched a few episodes of Entourage (and this is almost sort of redundant) who has nothing else to talk about.
Lil Wayne
He is not the greatest anything. Disagree? You probably also think girls don't shit or fart. Also, you are white. And there is a good chance that you work for Rolling Stone or Blender (R.I.P.).
Quantity is not quality. That's why the phrase was invented, Weezy, so people like you wouldn't spew out inaudible mix tapes every hour of every day in between getting blown by Supahead, interviewing with Katie Couric and riding around on a segway with T-Pain while sipping lean out of a Styrofoam cup the whole time.
None of that qualifies you as one of the hip-hop greats. It actually just makes you one of the reasons why I want to quit music journalism. Remember when you shot yourself accidentally at the age of 14? I wish you had aimed a bit higher. Like, at your face.
Shit it's my turn and I forgot the damn CVS card in the car.
Hey, I'll be right back. Hold the line for me please.
* Or Duane Reade, Rite Aid, Anywhere else that sells cigarettes, condoms, medicine, Easter baskets and shampoo
Liberal Guilt
Well first I have to thank Darfur. Hearing celebrities talk about this really opened my mind. I’m still not entirely clear on what’s going on down there, but I definitely know that I could be doing more than not doing anything at all. I also need to thank the liberal media. Without reading a quarter of the articles in The New Yorker and The Economist, I would never be so well informed and indignant. Of course, Jon Stewart and Stephen Colbert. Without laughing at your show when my friends do, it would be impossible to memorize and re-iterate your material at parties. As always, I need to thank any minority that is successful in the public sphere. I’m not supposed to thank Bono because liking Bono is not “cool,” but really he has done a lot for charity. To my gay, black, Jewish, physically and mentally disabled facebook friends… keep on keeping on, you know?
I’m forgetting so much. I would NOT like to thank my trust fund. Really? Do you know how awkward it is when my poor friends bring you up? It’s bad enough I don’t have any student loans. I’m forgetting myself. Ahem. Above all, I have to thank my similarly entitled wealthy liberal brethren. Without you guys, I could never live my lavish lifestyle that includes fleeting (yet crippling) moments of liberal guilt.
This one’s for you guys!