It is just amazing how many times you have to wait in line to get in or out of this place. The ticket line (or the line for people who purchesed tickets on the internet - weird one), The concession line, the line to get up the stairs, the line to have some fat Cantabridgian whore dressed in a burlap sack give you the stinkeye for being considerate, the line to get the parking validated, the line to pay for parking, the line of cars that you sit in for an hour waiting for the douche who forgot that it was a central pay facility and still refuses to pull over to the side. And you know what? Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon was a total piece of shit.
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Years ago, I applied to be a manager at this place. The test they gave me was harder than the GREs. I did not respond to the call back.
Granted, I am terribly dumb.
Pretty convenient location, if you're not coming in from the burbs or whatever
stay home.
Place is harder to find than JP too innit? Been there maybe 50 times over the years and still get turned around in that weird video game evil bio tech warehouse streets.
Like to pop on over to the blue room or whatever afterward though.
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