Thursday, June 18, 2009

Cocktail Purist Fascists

Don't get it twisted, we appreciate your respect for your job, we do. As much as we can appreciate anything, which admittedly isn't that much. But if it's ok with you we're just gonna go ahead and drink this here shitty well vodka with flaming sugar juice and exploding fruit and flashing salted lights out of a glass big enough to sit inside and save the lecture on Depression-era mixing techniques and their effects on getting dudes in old timey hats drunk on the way back from the breadline for next time.

Manhattans are great. They really are. We get where you're coming from. Simple, well-made, classic. They are really, really great. Just great. But you're starting to turn into one of those Civil War reenactment types with this classic cocktail fetish. They made cars back then too you know? I must have missed your Model T parked out front.

You know what else they made 100 years ago? Food. Somehow chefs have managed to innovate since then without feeling like sell outs. There's nothing wrong with mastering your craft or what have you, and respecting tradition, but this is America, dude, and remaining oblivious to history is sort of our thing.

Tell you what, you really want to pull me into this classic cocktail obsession, how about taking the price down a few dozen notches. For the price of one martini here today I could hire the ghost of Joe Kennedy Sr. to deliver a truck load of hooch to my back door and shoot Al Capone in the skeleton dick.

brought to you by


Anonymous said...

hoof. that picture.


Is that an espresso store in the background spelled Expresso?

Calling it expresso, by the way.

dcmp said...

"Expression," numbnuts


2 oz love this post, .5 sweet vermouth, pour delicately over shaved ice, stir, serve straight up on the list.

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