Monday, June 1, 2009

Jay Severin

The fact that people take this rat faced hyena seriously is mind blowing. This guy is just another in a long line of professional victims. Come on Severin you big fucking baby, just pay your taxes like the rest of us and shut the fuck up about it already.

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It's fun watching a media company defend bigotry.

Sure, we all support free speech and Jay's right to spew his ignorance, but hate-speech doesn't foster discussion on the topic, it spoils it. Greater Media looks away and distributes this tool's crap because they make money off him and feel like an apology is an appropriate bandaid for his cultural bullet hole.

Fuck you Greater Media. You're on the list too.

Anonymous said...

poor white guys can't catch a break these days. it's gonna get even worse with that racist spic judge going to the supreme court right?

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