For some reason I made the really worthwhile decision to engage in a discussion about race and white guilt on a comment thread on the internet here.
Being proud of your race, no matter [what] it is, or your city, or your country, is ridiculous. I understand using it as coping mechanism to deal with the fact that you’ve been shit on by other races/countries, etc… though. Doing it while white is still worse. Sorry, we’ll just have to deal with that...I’ll just go ahead and guess that my very sincere belief in white privilege is unlikely to be a popular one around here. A person in power whining about how they don’t get to play the victim role is a very ugly thing to witness.
A colleague of mine, who wanted to remain nameless, but let's say he's an Italian American guy, didn't exactly agree. The following is our 100% engaging, and really TLDR political discussion that will certainly end the question of white privilege once and for all.
GUY: Yeah Luke, "being proud of being white is worse." White people SUCK SHIT. Seriously though, what is it about our race where we feel the need to extinguish ourselves. No other race has this trait. You don't hear Japanese or blacks saying, "We need to be ashamed of ourselves. We need to be overrun and out-populated, we blow."
LUKE: I think being proud of being anything that you didn't do yourself is stupid, be it black or white or Japanese or whatever. I do, however, understand the impulse to over-exaggerate your minority identity if it's something people have traditionally been made to feel ashamed of or alienated by, or fucking dead because of what they are. Gay pride, for example.
By the way, are you sure there is no such thing as the Japenese version of white guilt? They've done some pretty oppressive, colonialist military shit in their day. I imagine there's a dude sitting over there right now like me who thinks his nationalist dad is a prick for being so proud of his country.
You think we shouldn't be ashamed of things we had nothing to do with, like why should I feel bad about my white slave owning great great grandparents? That's a valid point. But then why should I be proud of my country-building great great grandparents who made America what it is then? I didn't have anything to do with that either.