Monday, May 2, 2011

Follow your dreams y'all. Your shitty, shitty dreams.

What's worse, the actual fact of this bungled abortion of a cover, via desecrating the memory of a junkie saint who taught me how to wear the same dirty pants for three weeks at a time through his poetry of alienation in the nineties, or people who are going to be legitimately offended by it, and say with a straight face that "music today sucks" like about half of my old ass friends will?  Tough call. Personally, I'm more offended by those Elaine Benes style dance moves she does there at the start. And the bullshit speech about following your dreams. Maybe I just hear that one too much because I go to way more concerts meant for children than your average quickly approaching the halfway point of his life (if he's lucky) man should.

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D. Jean Mustard said...

if you think about it though, and i certainly haven't, music has always sucked.


Yeah, music is pretty awful. What else is there though. TV I guess. Staring into the void. Occasional porking, and there you go, call it a life.

D. Jean Mustard said...

shit, that's right. TV sucks too. fuck. i miss the rat and the channel, etc.

dcmp said...

Small time. This version's where it's at.


Good god man, that is so bad.

dcmp said...

The best is the puny guitar tone/playing/face


Jesus. I had forgotten this existed over the last 9 hours. Now I know again. It's like when you go through a tragedy or something, and finally get to sleep. Then you wake up for a moment feeling good, forgetting that something bad has happened, and the realization slowly creeps back in.


woh, just noticed that ten foot tall goth clown playing guitar.

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