Last year we posted about the Outdoor Co-ed Topless Pulp Fiction Appreciation Society, a group that was getting mad internet shine because of, well, durr. Here's what we said wait why am I using the editorial we all of a sudden? New pictures from the group below. NSFW.
This new NYC-based book club is getting a lot of attention online this week, and it's not really hard to figure out why. It's because everyone is really into pulp fiction all of a sudden. Can't get enough pulp fiction, everyone was just saying a few minutes ago.
"How were we supposed to know that our little book club would strike such a chord for so many people?" the Outdoor Co-ed Topless Pulp Fiction Appreciation Society writes on their blog. "As of this morning, more than 100 websites have written about us, and word keeps spreading." Not bad for a blog with something like 4 posts over a week or so.
Maybe it's because of all the b00bs they've got on display? But that doesn't really make any sense either, does it? There is, literally, an infinite supply of tits on the internet. No end to the tits. Just tits falling out of your computer screen all the time like a guy who just looted a tits store and has them spilling out of his pockets and piled so precariously high into a shopping cart of tits that they keep toppling onto the sidewalk as he wobbles away....more on PTSOTL
Well guess what, snooty book-reading perverts, it's summer again, and you know what that means: sun's out gun's out. They've got a new set of books to promote, and some new sets to promote them with. Took me, and every other website in the world who featured them for that matter, a while to figure out this was just a clever marketing plan from the publisher Hard Case Crime, probably because we were hypnotized by b00bs.
Or is it? Not the case, says the group's A.A., who emailed me a heads up about the relaunch for the summer.
Hey there, what's the story here? I asked. This is fun and everything, but it's a marketing thing for Hard Case Crime, right?
"Nah - the publisher of Hard Case Crime is a friend of mine, hence the free books we get, but the group itself is what it appears, a bunch of girls who'd never go topless in the park by themselves but enjoy doing so when we're in a group. Guys'll bother a girl by herself, but it would take balls of steel to bother 6 or 7 or 8 who are all there together. (And even if some guy has balls of steel, we can shoo him away and laugh about it. Harder to do if you're by yourself.)"
"Now, if you asked Charles why he gives us his books, he'd probably tell you he thinks of it as good marketing - pretty girls reading his books, why not? But that's not what the girls care about..."
Eh. Good enough for me. Just doing that much actual reporting has made me exhausted this morning. More pictures and stories from the group here.

i don't know the name of the guy that showed up and stripped down for this thing (@ link @ end of story), but i'm calling him Buzzkill Bob.
I call him Genius Gerry. Dude is all set up.
Reminds me of Robocop where the douche bag coke snorting exec is doing lines with 2 hooers and he's all I love to be with intelligent women!
Have I seen tits? Yes. Have I seen those tits? Not until now. Thanks, Luke!
One never gets sick of it does one?
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