In what should come as a surprise to no one in the world, except maybe 6 month old babies who can read, amazingly, but haven't yet fully grasped the meaning of all the words, it turns out that there's a racist streak running through the Boston Police Department. In the current issue of Pax Centurion, which, is it me or does Latin always sound a little racist to begin with?, the newsletter for the Boston Police Patrolmen's Association, the good boys in blue engage in a bit of, what's the word, racism, homophobia, xenophobia, and whatever the phobia is called when you're afraid of college students who want to effect a positive change on the economic system in the country. Being an old conservative douche, I guess, but that doesn't really roll of the tongue so easily.
Jezebel, as they do, has the story on this (they so would, right fellas?). was early on the jump as well. They pulled out a few choice quotes from the newsletter that seems to disparage the Occupy movement as lazy boner-fueled commies (eh...), illegal aliens, Middle Easterners, women, Elizabeth Warren, and your mom. Not confirmed on that last one, but probably is all I'm saying. A piece of the the humor those charged with serving and protecting are engaged in:
"The new Egyptian Government has declared it legal to have sex with your dead wife within 6 hours of her expiration. The sex is the same, but the dishes pile up." (C3)
"Everyone seems to be wondering why Middle Eastern Muslim terrorists are so quick to volunteer on a mission to commit suicide. Let's take a closer look at their lifestyle...... No Beer, No Bars, No Booze. None. Never! Sand. @#$%^&& sand everywhere! ... No thongs. No Victoria's Secret. ... The women have to wear baggy dresses and veils at all times. Your bride is picked by someone else. ... And they tell you that when you die it all gets better! You'll get a plethora of virgins to pick from. No wonder there is no shortage of volunteers for suicide missions!" (C5)
"Oh those loony lefties! wants the word "Illegal" banned when it's used with alien or immigrant. According to the moonbat website the word is racist, dehumanizing (did ET or ALF complain?) and inaccurate. MoveOn is inaccurate-how can the phrase be racist when it refers to ALL groups not here legally-whether black, white or hispanic?" (C3)
What does this all mean? Well, nothing that we already didn't know: that every single police you have ever met, except for the ones reading this and a couple of friends I know who are good dudes I swear you guys, and probably your one uncle the cop, are racist, sexist bullies. Also that everyone in Boston is racist.

I always wonder if ending the drug war would ultimately result in there being less rule-crazy dickheads wearing badges with their blue gang colors, or if that would have absolutely no effect on such behavior.
A good question, and I think it would certainly help in a lot of ways, but I'm pretty sure there have always been power-abusing dickheads throughout history everywhere since before drugs were really a big thing.
"The new Egyptian Government has declared it legal to have sex with your dead wife within 6 hours of her expiration. The sex is the same, but the dishes pile up."
First Jon Stewart and now the fuzz ripping off PTSOTL content.
ha? is that a joke i've made? sounds like me. classic me, we all said.
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