I was watching porn when I wrote this piece for Vice, but I didn't masturbate to it. Wait, is that worse?
Of all the alarming aspects of the Republican Party platform—and there are many, particularly if you're the owner of a vagina, or a brown vagina, or a poor vagina—there's one particular revelation contained therein that has got the internet's denizens paying attention. According to a press release earlier this week from Morality in Media, a "faith-based" "non-profit" Mitt Romney intends to make a war against porn a part of his presidency, if elected.
Patrick Trueman, president of Morality in Media, and a former anti-porn prosecutor, says that the means through which we consume pornography are “a violation of current federal law.”
“Yet, most children in America have free access to obscene pornography as soon as they learn how to use a computer. The average age of first exposure to obscene Internet pornography is now eleven.”
New, stronger anti-porn language would suggest that “Current laws on all forms of pornography and obscenity need to be vigorously enforced.” Tony Perkins, president of the Family Research Council, was instrumental in jamming this language into the lusty and willing platform.....Read the rest at Vice.