Wednesday, August 15, 2012

NBC’s Worst TV Show Ever Glorifies War, Idiots

If Americans felt a giant ghost boot in their collective pants last night it probably had something to do with the premier of what some people (me, specifically), are calling the worst idea in the history of television, NBC’s valor of battle/depression of faded celebrity hybrid concept Stars Earn StripesBack in August I pointed out that it was likely to be a big hit:
There are a few things that the American viewing public just can’t get enough of: fawning treacle about the nobility of the armed forces, watching vaguely familiar-looking “celebrities” running from one point to another, and the Palins. NBC’s forthcoming reality show Stars Earn Stripes has all three, which puts its projected ratings numbers at roughly 150 million people per episode.
I’d like to tell you that the show was a galumphing horror show failure of nationalism and anxiety-inducing schadenfreude that was instantly canceled, but I can’t. Not because it wasn’t, I just didn’t watch it; I don’t love you people enough to subject myself to that. Also not watching were a group of Nobel Peace Laureates, including Archbishop Desmond Tutu, who wrote a letter of protest to the show’s host, former big time war guy General Wesley Clark, reading, in part... .

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Anonymous said...

Why do you hate America, Luke?

Instead of having these turds do high speed shit like kicking in doors and double tapping Bin laden targets they should take a page from these guys and gals.

Hate, discontent, and some of the funniest shit you'll ever read.

Anonymous said...

Sarcasm doesn't translate well on here so...

Why do you hate America, Luke?



Because it killed my family?

Anonymous said...

And Colbert ganks more content from PTSOTL.,0,6204084.story

Stewart told him it was cool.


heh heh. couple of lines in there i wish i had thought of.

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