I was watching porn when I wrote this piece for Vice, but I didn't masturbate to it. Wait, is that worse?
Of all the alarming aspects of the Republican Party platform—and there are many, particularly if you're the owner of a vagina, or a brown vagina, or a poor vagina—there's one particular revelation contained therein that has got the internet's denizens paying attention. According to a press release earlier this week from Morality in Media, a "faith-based" "non-profit" Mitt Romney intends to make a war against porn a part of his presidency, if elected.
Patrick Trueman, president of Morality in Media, and a former anti-porn prosecutor, says that the means through which we consume pornography are “a violation of current federal law.”
“Yet, most children in America have free access to obscene pornography as soon as they learn how to use a computer. The average age of first exposure to obscene Internet pornography is now eleven.”
New, stronger anti-porn language would suggest that “Current laws on all forms of pornography and obscenity need to be vigorously enforced.” Tony Perkins, president of the Family Research Council, was instrumental in jamming this language into the lusty and willing platform.....Read the rest at Vice.

Porn should be dropped from the internet and relegated back to particular video stores etc... I pretty much wish you'd stop putting porn links or lures on this site itself.
Good piece, bro. Not going to argue with a lot of that data. Still, at the adult level, person accountability comes into play, just like with any other vice. Moderation is key. But for reals, if you look at porn and/or j off a good bit and you're in a relationship with someone you bone (or should bone), on the reg, give up the porn/jaying off for a minute and see what happens. It's revelatory. Your partner will think you're taking dick pills. You get super into the sex and then you're like, "man, this whole actually fucking thing really IS better than sitting slumped at my computer jerking off." so, I guess you need to find a way to teach that to the kids. As someone who has clocked a decent bit of man time watching porn, and has done his best to cut way back to reap the IRL sex rewards, I find I kind of wish I couldn't access it at all. So, who knew, the day would come where I can sort of nod in agreement with both Republicans and Vegan Jules. This is a fucked up day.
watch porn together perhaps?
We did that once and it did not go well.
at least I'm still famous on the internet even though they block me on Street Carnage.
Also 'anonymous' dude. You'll be mine in 40 years anyways:
There's one other element to this argument though. If we want to get off the internet and go meet real girls then we also need REAL JOBS in order to lay those REAL GIRLS.
^^^ Christ, Julian Matthesen up in here? You won't be having any sex in the future, bro. You've made sure of it.
I don't get that reference.
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