Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Is Body Dysmorphic Disorder by Proxy the Fakest Sounding Disease Ever or What?

Kind of confused by this advertisement on the train in Boston (spotted by @mishkafrances on instergerm). Is this the fakest-ass made up sounding disease you’ve ever heard of, or is it literally the most pervasive, all-encompassing shared condition of humanity that we are all afflicted by on a daily basis? I’ve certainly suffered from heard of regular body dysmorphic disorder, that’s science. But hating someone’s stupid, punchable face and dipshit pants is an actual medical condition now? What’s the treatment for that exactly, poking out your eyes? I went to the URL on the ad to find out more and to see if I’m suffering form the grave condition myself....Read the rest at Bullett.

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1 comment:

Lukazoid said...

Nonetheless, it sounds like a pretty badass disorder.

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