Friday, September 28, 2012

Can Your Favorite Beer Predict How You’ll Vote?

No. The answer is no, of course, as it will always be for headlines that end in a question mark, but someone did some kind of study or other looking into it, so it behooves us to at least ask the question....

Some other interesting findings from the chart here:  Sam Adams drinkers tend to be Republicans with a high voter turn out rate. Sam Adams Light drinkers identify a bit more toward the left, because being fat is a Republican tent pole issue. Molson drinkers tend to be higher turn out Democrats, because anything remotely affiliated with Canada is obviously a communist plot. Corona and Heineken drinkers lean heavily toward the left, but, strangely, don’t vote that much, perhaps because they’re too busy pooping out that gross swill on the toilet to leave the house on election day? The data doesn’t really get into bathroom habits, the rest at Bullett.

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vegan jules said...

A bar manager once informed me that when you drink most beers you're actually voting republican as most major beer companies heavily support republicans.


if the company is big enough, and most of the beers here are, they support both sides equally, just inc case.

vegan jules said...

hmmm. Can't say I'm gonna into this. But I might.

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