Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Why Tumblr is making us all stupid ))<>((

I don't get Tumblr. There are a couple reasons for that. 1) I'm a thousand years old.  2) I'm not a vapid culture vampire incapable of expressing myself in anything other than rudimentary pictogram-like communication, and 3) I'm really old. And yet somehow, without my support, the rapidly growing micro-blogging platform is managing to get by. Around 13 million unique users a month make up about 7 million visits per week across all Tumblrs. To put that in perspective, those numbers place it in the top 10 social media websites in the world. More scientifically speaking, that's roughly a metric shit-ton of animated black and white tattooed-tits, cunnilingus .gifs and moody, urban sunset landscapes, shared back and forth over and over again.

fuck yeah Tumblr-ers!

That micro-blogging modifier is important here to differentiate what Tumblring actually is, mostly because everyone who uses Tumblr has a tiny penis. But also because Tumblring is not blogging. I never thought I'd live to see a type of media that makes the increasingly archaic-seeming act of blogging actually seem high brow, but I suppose I shouldn't have underestimated the downward spiral of contemporary discourse rotating toilet-like into the cultural shitter.

I think I love THE STORY SO FAR :/

sing yr <3s out broskis

I'm not ashamed to admit it, this is my shit right here. Been listening to this record all week thanks to the head's up from Sarge D, the evil genius behind Stuff You Will Hate, my number one source of jokes about teenagers and the horrible music they (and I) love. If that sounds relevant to your interests, go read that site. If not, I don't know if we should see each other anymore. Here's what he said below. More from him on PTSOTL here.

My motto for life is “Just let it happen.” You can’t lie to yourself or pretend to be something that you aren’t. Like it or not, you just have to admit the truth, however ugly it may be. Am I proud of the time I was so broke I sold dirty socks to some pervert on eBay (srs)? No, but it happened. Or when I got too drunk and barfed on a naked girl’s back a couple years ago, ruining any potential for stabbing the guts? OK, I’m like semi-proud of that, but you get the point.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011


We're not patient with our musicians anymore. Here's how "checking out new music" works now. We pull up the YouTube vid some "guy who links to videos" in his Facebook feed posts, forward ahead 30 seconds to where you assume the hook will be, then blast the page shut with a karate chop to the [x] when it doesn't twist your wig sideways within 15 seconds. That musician is then dead to you forever and you ignore all further developments in their career until they end up on a commercial or satellite channel you're tricked into listening to for hours at a time (via the gym/work) and go back and remember how you liked them this whole time. 

In order to battle this depressing modern reality, a savvy musician has to cover all their bases in as short a time frame as possible. That doesn't just mean breezing through one or two genres between songs on an album, which they haven't put out yet, because what the fuck is an album anyway? It means loading 17 different styles into one song like a clown car , then toggling back and forth between them on some CNTL/TAB shit.

Marketing and PR fail of the week

Our man sent me a link to this story Marketing, Journalism, and Truth as Competitive Advantage today, writing "You're like the new Mad Men man or whatever," by which I think he meant that everyone wants to fuck me when they're drunk. That's besides the point here though. The central question of the piece is this "In the minds of most people, journalism and marketing were once diametrically opposed. Has that changed in the social media era?"

There are some interesting points made, except this piece of bullshit, which is the bullshittiest bullshit I've read all day: "Marketing is the quest for a product’s 'truth.' By that I mean the best marketers are on a journey to know how their company’s goods and services exist in the hearts and minds of their customers. Then, their job is to express that consumer truth to the best of their ability."

No, marketing is "How do we convince these rubes to buy this shit?" I said in reply to Walt. "Right," he said, "which is what journalism is now too."


Why You Shouldn’t Pay a Cent More for College (If You Attend a Public University)

via NYT

thinks paying too much for a college education is ridiculous. He's right. Here's why. 

Almost three years ago, I wrote a blog post for Street Carnage (included here below) criticizing anyone (and their parents) stupid enough to pay $40,000+ a year for their undergrad education. I think the points I made there still hold true, but the sort of extravagance I was criticizing then is distinctly pre-Great Recession. In expectance of 2012′s economic / Mayan hell-scape, the issue at hand isn’t ridiculously overpaying for college, but paying even one cent more for it.
Yesterday, there was a rally held at my alma mater, Baruch College, to protest a proposed tuition hike of $300 each year for the next four years. The amount may not seem like much compared to Baruch College’s current tuition (nearly $6,000 a year) and especially compared to that of private universities in New York ($40,000+), yet hundreds turned out. That was partially due to the events of last week, when a smaller group of peaceful protestors were violently confronted by NYPD, but also due to the feeling that the tuition increase just wasn’t right.

Monday, November 28, 2011

England for the English: Racist of the year award

After watching this video (via The Daily What) I kind of feel bad about all of the other things I've pointed out as being racist in the last, oh, thirty years of my life. Keep in mind, brave holdouts of national identity and the purity of culture, when you're talking about a country's way of life being eroded by immigration and multi-culturalism, this is what you're defending. What a shame it would be to lose brave patriots like this.

PS: is it racist against the British that I think it's funny how that one lady keeps saying "I ham. I ham."?

For a closer look at how truly deranged these type of racial purity advocates are, check out this post White guilt and ethnic/racial pride in which I got into an argument about this very subject with a certain gentle-man who runs a certain pants-joke and whining-about-taxes blog.

Yeah Luke, "being proud of being white is worse." White people SUCK SHIT. Seriously though, what is it about our race where we feel the need to extinguish ourselves. No other race has this trait. You don't hear Japanese or blacks saying, "We need to be ashamed of ourselves. We need to be overrun and out-populated, we blow."

God hates us all. CT asset managers win $100m lottery

Say what you will about the idea of the lottery, that's it's just a smokescreen constructed to distract the public from the soul-crushing realities of slogging through an indifferent world day by miserable day by offering an infinitesimal glimmer of hope for a deliverance that doesn't exist, (like religion, you might say, or sports, or the idea of having children) or that it's effectively a stupid tax rigged to enrich the State's coffers off the backs of the gullible, but at least every now and again you hear a good story about some sap, who -- why the hell not -- seems just as deserving as anyone else (except you) to win the damn thing. This would not be one of those stories. 

How to get married without being an asshole about it

Stuff Magazine's wedding issue is out today, and me and a bunch of the other writers chimed in on how to get married. Go read it here. My piece has some solid advice and some good recommendations for Boston-area stuff, but because it's in print, I had to shorten it by about a million words (my editor loves me), and since it's a not a sarcastic asshole blog, we ended up cutting out most of my favorite jokes. Here's the long version below, which you might like even if you aren't getting married any time soon -- in fact you might like it more if you hate the idea of marriages in general. <3 4 eva u  guys. 

No one gives a shit about your wedding.Sounds harsh but it's true. Unless your middle name shows upsomewhere on some pretty embossed paper, or you pushed one of thestars of the show out of your uterus at some point, none of itmatters. That's not to say no one cares about you're gettingmarried. Quite the opposite, in fact. Everyone you know isgenuinely happy about that. Hopefully.

Think about the last wedding you wentto, all of the cute little things they (the bride) probably spentmonths working on, the photos, the elaborate name tags, thedecorations. No seriously, think about it. Hard right? Because youdon't remember. What you do remember is the laughs you shared withfriends, and the look of love on the couples faces. I rememberholding hands with the woman I love and crying while I tried to saymy vows. (She was a lot more composed than me by the way).

That's what a wedding is for.Everything is a front. And yet people somehow insist on perpetuatingthis charade of refined elegance where we all pretend that we're richfor a day to impress the invisible wedding judges in the sky. 

Saturday, November 26, 2011

Watching you people get old is depressing

Was just scrolling through Facebook photos and I realized that watching the faces of everyone you grew up with get droopy and slough off like jowly snakeskin over the years online is like watching the scene where they open the ark of the covenant in Raiders of the Lost Ark, but in *really slow motion. Also because I went to high school with tons of Nazis.

Wednesday, November 23, 2011

Maybe they should offer a Groupon for Groupon stocks?

Not sure how we all fell for that Groupon thing for a minute there, and by we I mean you, because I never went near one. There are a few reasons for that, but the most important one is that I am not a cheap cunt. Also because coupons are tacky as shit and you should all be embarrassed for pretending this was anything different than clipping 25 cents off dish detergent inserts out of the local Shopper circular, except you were using it for a $25 plate of scallops. 

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

I've got some "food product, essentially," for Megyn Kelly right here in my pants

I've got some "food product, essentially," for Megyn Kelly right here in my pants, if you know what I mean. No, no, not being gross like that, get your mind out of the gutter. I meant shit. I shit my pants and I want to put it in her mouth. Sometimes you guys worry me. 

"They just wanted them to get our of there, to stop blocking what they were blocking," says O'Reilly, being firm, but fair, I think we'd all have to agree. Blocking what though? He never finished that thought. We may never know what these people were blocking.

M83 and pointing out when things remind you of other things

We all love the new M83 record now, right? Gorgeous, and chilling, and grandiose, and, most importantly, it subconsciously reminds us of a time gone by in our lives. That's the most important function of contemporary music after all, conjuring up nostalgia for other things we've experienced/heard of. The most important function of the internet, however, is letting people know that you know what the things are that other things remind other people of, then sharing that information to bum everyone/let them know you think you're better than them.

People are still racist huh? That's weird.

I'm like the A-Team of racism on the internet. If someone is being racist in your face, and you need help, and you know where to find him, you can send Luke an email...and he'll probably post your thing.  Remember when People Who Said Nigger Today was a thing? My homegirl Debbie is bummed out about some of her friends on Facebook, one of whom she'll probably encounter IRL at her high school reunion this week. Last year she was bummed about people eating lunch at their desks.

There was a moment there, before the flood of sexual harassment allegations, when Republicans seemed to be rallying behind Herman Cain, and I was optimistic that real progress had been made on race relations in this country. Can you imagine a black Republican presidential candidate sparring off with a sitting black President? It’s a beautiful thought, even though it would mean Obama would be debating with a half-moron womanizer (which is better, I suppose, than the alternative of a full-moron woman like Michele Bachmann).

I played backgammon with a hooker in here

Our man Christian is traveling across the country from Boston to LA, trolling bibles and throwing ice coffees at churches (or something). He sent these pictures and notes back from the frontlines of the retarded country. 

Monday, November 21, 2011

Too soon? Maybe everything shouldn't become a meme over night

Anyone seen any wacky new ways to combine #Occupy with other surprisingly incongruous concepts to satisfyingly humorous effect lately? Forever? Not sure we've fully tapped the comedy potential of that one yet, so let's get back to work in the meme factory, team. I want another two thousand examples in my news feed by end of business today. 
That shouldn't be a problem for most of you, because everything is a joke now. I know this sounds strange coming from a guy who is moderately well known among a small subset of people in a specific geographic region for being kind of a prick on the internet, but I'm rather agnostic when it comes to black humor. For example, Hulk Hogan giving the big leg to the twin towers? Hilarious to me for some reason. Of course we've had time to remove ourselves from the messy nucleus of 9/11, the closest thing most people in this country have experienced in terms of tragedy (save the every day crushing oppression of normal life), so distance provides a certain comedy safety zone. How about another example though? Remember way back when we were all horrified by the police at UC Davis pepper spraying peaceful protesters in the face? Boy, we were really fired up about that. When was it again? 

Saturday, November 19, 2011

The least funny tweet I have ever seen

Jesus Christ man, you're a professional comedian. Have you no self respect? You have 1,679,939 followers, (100+ who re-tweeted it, against all odds) and this is how you reward them?  I know a lot of comedians use Twitter to workshop ideas, but I don't think Twitter was even invented yet back when this zinger might have conceivably been relevant, if still not even remotely funny. It's almost as hilarious as all the Nickelback jokes we've been hearing on the internet lately, but manifestly worse in that the band in question doesn't exist anymore, and it's supposed to come charged with meaning due to its implied political tone. Mark Twain would be proud, sir.

Sweatiest man in the world returns / photo dump

Among the vast, oatmeally rogues gallery of floppy-titted PTSOTL characters, there are a few that have really touched a nerve with the viewing public at home. Among the recent winners there's those loveable scamps down at Occupy Boston, the phallo-centric motivational creeps at Alpha Male Lifestyle, that crazy broad wot crawled inside her dead horse, the oblivious ethical n00bz/plagiarists of Wastechester, Scarlett Johannson's sweater hams, and the clammy-pantsed child pornographers of Bar Stool Sports. Everyone has their favorite -- that's why we're the 37th most popular meme-recycling, half-assed music commentary, and link-baiting listicle service in Eastern Massachusetts among people with desk jobs that they don't really care about age 27-33. 

But if I had to pick my own personal favorite, it would be this fella right here, a curious entity known only as The Sweatiest Man in the World. If you'll recall from that link I just posted in the sentence before this one that you presumably followed, he is a one-man gag/meme factory that I have to contend with at the gym every day, who literally sweats rivers of greasy man salt that flows across the entire gym floor. I was walking by his exercise bike of choice today and I happened to catch an unexpected glance at what sort of gland-based damage our man has wrought. It wasn't pretty. Once I got done gagging all over my Larry Bird-era vintage short shorts I snapped a picture, which I will now share with you below, because I don't want you to eat ever again.

Fuck the police episode 50: Berkeley Police beat the shit out of kids

Couple things I don't understand about this video, like why aren't those really violent looking jabs from the police batons doing any actual damage? Pretty sure I would have crumpled over in pain from one of those blows and I'm not a 75 lb nerd / teenage girl. Also, how much restraint does it take to not fight back here? I would be going to jail for a long time / have my entire body broken by the corporate army of uniformed thugs if they started beating me for standing on a piece of grass I wasn't supposed to stand on. Maybe these non-violent hippies really are more enlightened than me. Good work, everyone.

Friday, November 18, 2011

Forever Alone (watching football)

Here's me watching the Patriots.

I have a piece up on Slate today about why I'm such a lonely, bitter man called My friends hate watching football with me. I couldn’t be happier

Your cell phone is going to kill you (via shit germs)

Breaking news: there is shit all over your cellphone, and your computer keyboard, and in your mouth, probably. Definitely those first two, plus the third if you've got that nervous habit where you chew on your phone when no one is looking like I do.  

This info graphic below, from something called Keeping It Clean (via Mashable), claims that 16% of phones have "poop" all over them, keyboards have 60 times more germs on them than toilet seats, the remote control in your house is basically made of ebola and booger AIDS, and that 100% of you are disgusting shit and germ factories. The answer? Try washing your gadgets off in the toilet, it couldn't make things any worse. 

Engagement photos and vibram shoes

I think this one really captures what we we're all about in that it takes the focus, literally, off of our faces, and puts it one of the worst choices we will ever make as a couple. This marriage can only go uphill from here.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Roger Hargreaves' Mr. Happy, drug abuse, and totalitarianism

Music historian and literary critic Jake Zavracky takes a close look at this children's classic this week. More from Jake on this site here.  Follow him on . Follow while you're at it.

One need only read the first few words of Roger Hargreaves' 1972 work "Mr Happy" before a series of gaping flaws emerge: "On the other side of the world where the sun shines hotter than here" it begins, a little generally, don't you think Mr. Hargreaves? The "other side of the world." And where is that exactly? I guess that would depend on where in the world you are, wouldn't it?

This is the very first line mind you.

Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Noel Gallagher feuds with Katie Holmes, talks to me

If you give even half a shit about Oasis, you need to be reading Noel Gallagher's tour blog over on his site. If you don't you need to turn around and get right the fuck off my internet. Sorry, those are the rules. It's not as if the stuff he's saying is even objectively funny, but when you think about him saying them, or, more likely,  trying to explain them to whatever poor sod it is who actually writes the blog, it's pretty great.

The Smiths Sell Out (via Christmas adverts)

Here's a commercial, sorry,  advert, making the rounds this week for, I'm guessing, some sort of British store or other. It's set to Slow Moving Millie's cover of The Smiths classic "Please, Please, Please Let Me Get What I Want." I have to admit I was watching it and thinking the whole time "this anxious little shit is everything that is wrong with our consumer-obsessed culture, and I hope he gets a giant lump of coal." Would probably be a lot more thematically consistent with the Morrissey-vibes of the song anyway, right? But the twist ending, well, gosh-darned if it didn't warm my soul. It's not my own material possessions I should be thinking about this holiday season, it's family's. I really need to go buy more shit. 

Brave Seattle cops pepper spray your grandmother in the face

Joshua Trujillo / Seattle Post-Intelligencer

An elderly woman, a pregnant woman, a teenage girl, and a priest walk into the street...

If you think that sounds like the set up to a joke, you're right, it is a joke, the punchline just isn't very funny. It goes like this: "and they all got pepper-sprayed by police because they don't listen to authority no good."

The Seattle Post-Intelligencer caught the laffer in action yesterday, during the city's attempt to crack down on the Seattle Occupy movement:

sry i ♥ ur brah-step mixxxtape brah

What's the only way to make a hottt traxxx RAGE even hottter these days? THROW A FUCKING CHAINSAW IN THAT BITCH. That's the idea behind this new mixxxtape Bro Tomorrow (DJ Poke Smot's 18+ Mixtape) from my Boston party-rap homeboys Big Digits and the sickest dayglow/keg-stand/roofieswave brother BANGING on the decks DJ Poke Smot, aka Coralcola

Wait though, am I supposed to think this is funny, or think it's hot, because the answer is pretty much both, especially with BALLER titles like Attention (DJ Poke Smot's Kill Yr Frat House Edit), Cherchez La Femme (DJ Poke Smot's Bro With A Chainsaw Edit), Making Progress (DJ Poke Smot's Play This At Your 18+ Party Remix), and Fired Up (DJ Poke Smot's Fire Yr Brostep Airhorn Edit).

sry i ♥ ur brah-step mixxxtape brah LET'S RAGE. BRRR-BRR-BRRR-BRRRR


Tuesday, November 15, 2011

The kids these days can't even mutilate their own bodies in the name of music right


The Phoenix's On the Download blog just digitally hacky-sacked my "WOP" post below.  "I slept all over it, because I'm too old to be falling for some publicist's New Dance Craze trick. I remember Freak Nasty's 'Da Dip' from high school," my esteemed colleague Michael Marotta wrote. 

"Now I feel almost as shitty as I did last night staring at all the naked teenagers on Lansdowne Street waiting in line to get into some day-glow party at the House of Blues. Not sure which feeling is worse, actually."
Well, we did get to see three slutwavers walking down the street with their cans flopping out while sharing a total of four shoes between them, so I think I know who wins there. (No one). 

Speaking of teenagers riding RAGEvibes, and just so we can keep this little bloggy circle jerk going, here's a little slice of their keen shit-sniffing talents over on The Phoenix. This Skrillex arm carving is probably the best decision this kid will ever make in his entire life and something he certainly won't ever regret. "Not to be all crotchety today," Marotta writes, "but when I was younger kids carved SLAYER into their arms. The shit is all this about?

Also, kid, MAKE YOUR BED. Just looks sloppy. 

Haha, I like Skrillex better than Slayer myself personally, but I'm a horrible person. 

The kids these days can't even mutilated their own bodies in the name of music right. This is how we did cutting back in my day: 

J. Dash's "WOP" is apparently a popular music hit

Not sure how this one sneaked up on me here, but apparently there is a singing person in the world named J. Dash who makes music that lots of you people enjoy listening and dancing to for some reason. I would have spent the rest of my days remaining blissfully unaware of this fact if it weren't for a press release I just received, reminding me just how awful the average person's taste actually is. I will now share some highlights with you, my dear readers, because I hate you.

Monday, November 14, 2011

Being a self-hating sports fan

Yeah, this diagram from my internet homeboy Tyler Littwin is pretty much how being a self-hating sports fan works. You scream, and squeal, and pout, and curse, and punch the couch, and storm around the room, and go smoke 50 nervous cigarettes, and drink too much, and eat buckets full of fried bullshit, and then stand up real fast, then sort of slouch down in dejection, then high-five people who aren't there, or maybe people who are there, then skip around a little bit, then get depressed again, then get depressed about getting depressed about something so irrelevant, then giggle like a retarded school girl who just smoked way too much pot, then text your friends stupid one word exclamations, then think about your priorities in life real long and hard, then yell so loud in excitement you wake up your sleeping missus, all in support of a group of tree-man ass-bros that you'd avoid like they had herpes lasers shooting out of their eyes and dicks, which they probably do, if you ever were so unlucky to actually come across one in the wild, all of which I did last night when the Patriots beat the Jets, the gloriously hatable Jets, minus the running into one of them part, thank god. 

Sunday, November 13, 2011

Photography is a fraud | Stealing other blogs' content

via I think?

Remember that bit I did the other day on The Worst Website I Have Ever Seen? Man, those were the days. I also cross-posted it at Street Carnage, like I often do, because they are my bros, and that is how blog buddies roll, via sharing content. It's why I often repost things here from Stuff You Will Hate, and Leisure, and/or vice versa. Information wants to be freeeeee, man. But so do tits, and in order to get access to either you usually have to ask first. 

Speaking of tits, and asking first, this one other site called Wastechester, which I thought was actually pretty cool on the electronic music and tattood hipster nipples vibe*, had an entire series of Street Carnage posts they'd janked off the site going back a few months, like the aforementioned post of mine. This came as a pretty big surprise to Arv and Gavin, who run Street Carnage, when I asked them what was up with my stuff appearing on another site. Naturally, much butthurting ensued, and we contacted them to say "y u steal our shit, bro?"

Marilyn Monroe was a fat dump

No disrespect/nohomo/nosexist/nooffense to the thousands of people sharing this image on Facebook this week, but, no, no it isn't. OK, some offense.  Pro tip for white knights though: pretending that one chick your grandad jerked off to is the hottest thing of all time and that decades of improvements in physical fitness/dietary habits are a sham is a pretty great way to trick sloppy hipster broads into getting retro on your dick. No disrespect to your grandad's dick. OK, some offense.

Friday, November 11, 2011

For the sake of comedy, you might not want to have contracted AIDS

First clip I've seen from Ricky Gervais' forthcoming, I think, show called...something? on HBO, most likely? and it's predictably hilar+. I have nothing else of value to add to this clip, or anything else in the world really. Blogging.

Thursday, November 10, 2011

First of the Year (Penn State Remix)

So there are a few new job openings at Penn State lately over this horrible scandal it seems. Who's in charge of the hiring over there, because I'd like to nominate the girl in this Skrillex video for the job.

PS: As PTSOTL and IRL homeboy Carl L, sorry, C Lavin, pointed out to me, practicing Catholics expressing outrage at Penn State while saying it's different than continuing their association with the Church go right on the fucking list. "If you're a practicing Catholic and a Penn State alum you should be legally required to tell your neighbors when you move to a new town."

Teens Using Vodka Soaked Tampons To Get Drunk /Awesome

There's a hot new trend ravaging America's teenage vaginas and anuses this year, and your kid is going to die from it unless you watch this video. No, not Penn State football coaches, it's a whole other thing! Just ask this Asian guy and police-bro, your kid is getting fucked the ass...with alcohol.

"I have one, so I'm paying attention to this..." says the female newscaster here leading off the piece. What, a vagina? Probably not what she meant, since they really, really go out of their way here to avoid using the V word in the segment. This whole report should have just been a lady winking over and over again while holding a bottle of booze and gesturing toward her "down there." 

Parents need to get involved more, they conclude. The answer is simple then, sniff your kid's assholes, mom and dad, it's the only way to be sure.

4 ways to tell if you drank too much last night

1) Did you find a half-eaten bag of Hot Dog flavored potato chips in your kitchen when you woke up?

Avril Lavigne got her face fucked

still looking good tho bb

Not in the good way, unfortunately. Earlier this week Lavigne and her boyfriend Brody Jenner got in a fight outside the Roosevelt hotel in Hollywood. 

SAD Light! Fuck off Winter!

Bob Foster from Leisure is sad, but in a manly way. More from him on PTSOTL here.

The Doctors For Snappy Acronyms Organisation (who ironically have an unsnappy acronym themselves) must have been psyched when they realised that they could make up a term for an only semi-legitimate ‘disorder’ whose acronym meant the same as the full title of the ‘disorder.’ Seasonal Affective Disorder = SAD = just such a brilliant stroke of luck. AIDS sounds misleadingly helpful, given that it’s a pretty unhelpful bug, but SAD works great. 

New video 'Fok Julle Naaiers' from Die Antwoord

Here's the new video from Die Antwoord, which I'm posting because I signed the lifetime guarantee buzz blog contract just like everyone else and I really have no choice. I like the part where the one mutant cartoon rapper threatens to "fuck you in the ass, you punk ass white boy," then calls us all faggots. I guess that settles that debate.  Also the part where the anime thug broad from the shittiest pajamas ghetto on the moon eats a butterfly. There's probably a song involved here somewhere as well, but who can really be sure?  The song title, I'm told, translates from Afrikaans to "Fuck you, you fuckers" which isn't the most groundbreaking artistic sentiment I've ever heard, but it also happens to be the phrase running through my head every time I step out of my house, so I can relate to where they're coming from here.  Video below. 

Wednesday, November 9, 2011

The Loutallica trail of tears continues

Evan Kenney got a serious case of the bum-outs from the Lou Reed and Metallica collababortion a while back, but he's still thinking about it. (I think he secretly wants to marry it). This live performance video puts the final nail in the zombie's brain. 

The Loutallica trail of tears continues as these two rock & roll versions of impetigo decided to play to a room full of white people adjusting their collars and looking around nervously. The performance above happened last night.

It's safe to say that I have seen better crowd reactions at . Too soon?

I'll be honest, I took about a half-listen to this "modern take" on a classic VU song. It's tough to get past James' mohawk and the fact that their sound guy must have walked into a Guitar Center earlier that day and asked one of the workers if he could have 3 amps that had a sound comparable to the distortion on Hoobastank's very first demo tape. At least the new Metallica bass player (I call him "NOT Jason Newsted) decided to take the "angry gorilla playing a bass" dance from a level 10 to a level 4. Thanks, brah. 

The worst website I have ever seen

That's you, dawg, three vaginas at once and shit.

I kind of need someone else to go process this website Alpha Male Lifestyle for me. I really wanted to give a thorough rundown of all the ways in which it's killing me from the inside, and I keep being tempted to go back into the shit swamp with a helmet on so I can research it more thoroughly, but then I get distracted by another embarrassment like 30 Beta Male Traits You Must Avoid, and I have to close the browser window like it's going to spill on me. I feel like I just accidentally came in my own mouth in front of my grandmother. I had to construct one of those toilet paper roll viewing glass things you make to look at an eclipse just to scroll down the sidebar.

It really may be the platonic ideal of The List in web form. Is my mission here done? Have we lost? Is this the holy grail of douchebagdom, the capital of Douchebaghdad, you might call it? Yes. Yes it is. Here are a few highlights gleaned by alternatively sneaking a quick glance/puking on my own dick, and vice versa, back and forth, forever. 

Tuesday, November 8, 2011

Embarrassingly dumb Forbes article on overpriced restaurant foods

Yum (?)

Did you know that sometimes when you buy food at restaurants it costs more than if you'd made it yourself? That's news to Forbes readers, apparently, says my food-writer homeboy MC Slim JB:

Forbes published an embarrassingly dumb article on overpriced restaurant foods this month. Its basic premise is, "Hey, you know you're getting *ripped off* with certain restaurant dishes, because the ingredients are really cheap and their markups are huge and you could easily make them at home?"

If you thought you bagged a bargain by skipping the $29 burgundy-braised short ribs and opting for the $18 baked ziti with mushrooms, marinara sauce and chicken, you’d be wrong. With food costs only accounting for about 18% of the menu price, the pasta dish is where the restaurant is making the most profit. Believe it or not, the beef is actually the better deal, since it costs nearly half the menu price to source and prepare it.

Bet that's a real newsflash to Forbes readers: "Pasta is not an expensive food ingredient, and all you have to do is boil it, yet you may pay $10 and up for a plate of spaghetti and meatballs." Amazing the author missed the chance to point out that wine is often marked up by 300% and more: you could save a bundle drinking at home in a dark room by yourself, you know!

Never mind the other thuddingly-obvious points utterly missed here, like:

Do me a wicked quick solid bro?

and stop being so difficult about it you big baby. Then go like . Maybe , thanks? I don't care if you've never been to Boston and don't know what a bar is, you'll get a few lulz out of it.

Monday, November 7, 2011

Frat boy panda bear pisses on passed out buddy's face, lulz ensue

I'm not ashamed to say I giggled like a Japanese tourist filming a panda bear pissing and shitting on another sleeping panda bear's face while I watched this. Some gags cross all cultural boundaries.

Is it OK to occasionally use the word 'fag' or not?

Brett Ratner, the fleshy, beardly-flesh-bearded auteur of slow-motion explosions and buddy-based racial conflict laughs in the inimitable Rush Hour series and at least one Heavy D and the Boyz video, was in the news last week when details emerged from the recent memoir by Olivia Munn, tied for the fifth least funny/second most bangable Daily Show reporter, that he used to jerk off with shrimp (wtf?) and that he was a sleezy casting couch director cliche.  But "she wasn't Asian back then," he pointed out, which is kind of a sweet diss. So far no biggie. A few days later, Ratner, who is producing the Academy Awards this year, which probably surprises him as much as it does the rest of us,  held a Q+A after a screening of his recent film in which he denied doing much rehearsing before shooting, because "rehearsing is for fags." Haha, pretty sweet diss again, Ratner, you old crustacean-knuckled wanker. 

Surprising, right? No, not because someone in Hollywood, who should obviously know better,  used language like that, but because Brett Ratner said something funny. Rehearsing is for fags. 

But wait, does that make me a violent, despicable homophobe because that was my first reaction?  

Hipster Costume Mix by KingEvRock

If I knew any Vermont jokes they'd go here

Evan Kenney went on a vision quest to Vermont and all he brought me back was this shitty mixtape. More from him on this site here. Listen to his band you deadbeats.

So this past week, I took a GAY-cation and went to Manchester, VT with my "tenderoni." Manchester has a total scene, dude. It's kind of like "24 Hour Party People," except instead of all the young kids dancing to The Happy Mondays at the Hacienda, everyone in the town listens to one OAR cassingle that they play out of a TALKBOY that is in the center of town. They also still have Sam Goody's there. Deal with it.

Manchester, VT is also home to the world's oldest J.Crew Outlet. The outlet was the first summer job of John Wilkes Booth in 1767. Anyway, all I did was getting radical on serious maple syrups and sugar scones, whilst listening to these jams. Every morning, I made sure to remember to wear my hipster costume so I would freak out the squares at the local watering holes. It was a truly magical week, I wish you were there. Actually, no, I take that back...I don't really like your face, and you smell like wet cigarettes. Listen to this mix and then talk shit about it. Luke needs page views. 

Saturday, November 5, 2011

We're all going to die

Friday, November 4, 2011

Most frivolous lawsuit/biggest pussy of the year award

World's most punchable face? H & H Photographers via NYT

I promise you you will not read a more embarrassing story this week than this one in the NYT Years Later, Lawsuit Seeks to Recreate a Wedding, unless you're Hermain Cain reading back transcripts of things you have actually said in the media with you own mouth. 

Thursday, November 3, 2011

Occupy Washington protesters fail to fall for job application prank, therefor their argument is invalid

Trolls gone troll

This political trolling gag is exactly the type of thing I was writing about in this post about how we're constantly made to feel ridiculous for being progressives. Something called The Blaze, which should probably be a lot cooler than it is with a name like that, is giddy about showing these lazy hippies a thing or two. "The news media watchdog Accuracy in Media (AIM) released a video Wednesday that may denounce the notions from some that the Occupy protesters are primarily concerned with jobs."

May it? Well, it's hard to argue with  pranks designed to discredit the anger of millions of citizens through a few goofy anecdotes. Maybe you just suck at recruiting AIM, did you ever think of that?

Michigan Senate pushes 'god made me fag bash' bill

This report in the Michigan Messenger is a must read for people who are concerned about the problem of bullying in schools in this country, and for people who are looking for an excuse to go do a sailor dive out their window onto the pavement. The basic gist is this: Michigan's Republican-controlled state senate is pushing through a bill (yet to be agreed upon by the Republican house, although, come on...), that not only struck out any of the material pertaining to minority status bullying provisions that Democrats had tried to include, but actually added new language that would allow for faith-based bullying. The bill reads in part "God made me bash them fags up real good, so I get a free pass." Basically. 

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