Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Brave Seattle cops pepper spray your grandmother in the face

Joshua Trujillo / Seattle Post-Intelligencer

An elderly woman, a pregnant woman, a teenage girl, and a priest walk into the street...

If you think that sounds like the set up to a joke, you're right, it is a joke, the punchline just isn't very funny. It goes like this: "and they all got pepper-sprayed by police because they don't listen to authority no good."

The Seattle Post-Intelligencer caught the laffer in action yesterday, during the city's attempt to crack down on the Seattle Occupy movement:

Wait a second, maybe this is just a really modern retelling of the Maiden, Mother, and Crone myth, although the outcome here seems just as fantastical.
The local protesters were marching in support of the Occupy Wall Street protesters who were kicked out of their camp at Zucotti Park in New York and a judge ruled that their free speech rights do not extend to pitching a tent and setting up camp for months at a time.
No right to pitch a tent? OK, now you've got my attention, you fascist bastards. That's something I'll go to the barricades for. 
The protesters have been camped out in the privately owned park since mid-September. Mayor Michael Bloomberg said he ordered the sweep because health and safety conditions had become "intolerable" in the crowded  plaza.
How nice of Bloomberg and other city officials throughout the country to have the health and safety of the protesters in mind. Here's one way to take care of that: don't pepper spray them in the fucking face.

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Anonymous said...

That photo is kind of hard to look at. Make it go away.


Awful, just awful looking. Ughghhg


That dude's orange hat, I mean.

Anonymous said...

Looks like that one Nazi bro that opened that magic thing in that one Han Solo movie. Jesus.

niccolo and donkey said...

The state has now shown that it's willing to use force. Your move, protestors.

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