Here's the new video from Die Antwoord, which I'm posting because I signed the lifetime guarantee buzz blog contract just like everyone else and I really have no choice. I like the part where the one mutant cartoon rapper threatens to "fuck you in the ass, you punk ass white boy," then calls us all faggots. I guess that settles that debate. Also the part where the anime thug broad from the shittiest pajamas ghetto on the moon eats a butterfly. There's probably a song involved here somewhere as well, but who can really be sure? The song title, I'm told, translates from Afrikaans to "Fuck you, you fuckers" which isn't the most groundbreaking artistic sentiment I've ever heard, but it also happens to be the phrase running through my head every time I step out of my house, so I can relate to where they're coming from here. Video below.

WTF why is the header image all shortened now? Ugh, I am a retard. Can't fix it.
they totally ripped off mellencamp.
Don't talk that way about Johnny Cougar in front of the internet.
the fact that I love this band is like the most embarrassing thing in my life, other than my tiny dick
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