Bob Foster from Leisure is sad, but in a manly way. More from him on PTSOTL here.
The Doctors For Snappy Acronyms Organisation (who ironically have an unsnappy acronym themselves) must have been psyched when they realised that they could make up a term for an only semi-legitimate ‘disorder’ whose acronym meant the same as the full title of the ‘disorder.’ Seasonal Affective Disorder = SAD = just such a brilliant stroke of luck. AIDS sounds misleadingly helpful, given that it’s a pretty unhelpful bug, but SAD works great.
A SAD light arrived for me today. I didn’t get it because I’m particularly SAD or even plain ol’ lower case/actual word sad, it works on normal people too you see! When people ask me what it’s called I’m not going to say it’s a SAD light, because I don’t want to become a social pariah, I’m going say it’s a daylight lamp, because who wants to deal with the social stigma of mental illness? Remember that real men bottle up their feelings until they come out via drunken violence against strangers. I used to live with a girl who had one of these lights and we used to have it on and it would make us feel SO ALIVE, despite our mid January/dole scum/lonesome shitbag statuses at the time. These things make pasta and sauce with no cheese on a Sunday night feel like the second beer and first bump on a payday Friday evening, I’m already so pepped up and psyched on life after it being on for an hour. You should all get one. FUCK OFF WINTER!!!

I enjoy studying and I conceive this website got some truly utilitarian stuff on it! .
interesting post:) I love acronyms
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