After watching this video (via The Daily What) I kind of feel bad about all of the other things I've pointed out as being racist in the last, oh, thirty years of my life. Keep in mind, brave holdouts of national identity and the purity of culture, when you're talking about a country's way of life being eroded by immigration and multi-culturalism, this is what you're defending. What a shame it would be to lose brave patriots like this.
PS: is it racist against the British that I think it's funny how that one lady keeps saying "I ham. I ham."?
For a closer look at how truly deranged these type of racial purity advocates are, check out this post White guilt and ethnic/racial pride in which I got into an argument about this very subject with a certain gentle-man who runs a certain pants-joke and whining-about-taxes blog.
Yeah Luke, "being proud of being white is worse." White people SUCK SHIT. Seriously though, what is it about our race where we feel the need to extinguish ourselves. No other race has this trait. You don't hear Japanese or blacks saying, "We need to be ashamed of ourselves. We need to be overrun and out-populated, we blow."

Still not really sure why I'm supposed to be concerned, as a white person, that my "culture" is being displaced by other people. Countries change, they aren't set in stone. If America is, say, a Spanish speaking country in 50 years, why should that bother me? It might be a hassle for some to have to adapt, but who said life was easy?
I hear you, broski. That's why I think Native American grievances are completely nonsensical.
Neat update: In Britain you're not supposed to say "Afro-Caribbean" anymore. It's "African-Caribbean."
¡I totally didn't know that, man!
she does have a point, though. what if those jamaicans start bringing their food in and shit?
One time I was at a party and a bunch of dudes we didn't know showed up uninvited, and it was kind of a bummer, but then we got to know them and it wasn't a big deal after all. Then another time I was a party and a bunch of dudes came in with guns and made us leave. It was the exact same thing.
Oh Analogy! 1:15 This video would actually be useful for teaching young bros that, even if a chav starts spouting off on the tube, it's still not okay to hit a woman holding a child.
Well, if we're making shitty analogies already, let's go all in.
Good point though, my man was about to do something, then realized there was no winning this one. An American, sorry, African-American, bro would not have been as judicious. Not sure what part of London this was taken in, but I don't see homegirl making it too far with that talk on the Orange Line here in Boston.
I ham.
-China-man ordering a pork sandwich. That's racist.
Ha ha, Mom of the Year material right there. Brits crack me up when they get excited. The soundtrack to racial confrontation on the underground:
I'm pretty racist against people who bring infant-to-toddler aged kids on public transportation and towards people who talk on public transportation.
I am racist against kids being anywhere, and people talking anywhere, so I share your interests in this matter.
I like how the woman who steps in is all "I'm English, what do you say about that?" and you get excited for a second, then it's like, wait, is that racist too?
I know! And then the nice lady from "errr...nigger-or-uagageria errr... whatever" starts going off about how white people don't work and the immigrants have to pick up the slack, etc.
Reverse racism man! Whoooooaaaaahhhh!!!
This 'woman' is typical of Croydon and typical of the English underclass. Can't really call her much of a racist though since she rips into the Poles, her fellow whites. She's simply a Little Englander.
Opa Adolf is having a good LOL right about now, and righly so.
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