Breaking news: there is shit all over your cellphone, and your computer keyboard, and in your mouth, probably. Definitely those first two, plus the third if you've got that nervous habit where you chew on your phone when no one is looking like I do.
This info graphic below, from something called Keeping It Clean (via Mashable), claims that 16% of phones have "poop" all over them, keyboards have 60 times more germs on them than toilet seats, the remote control in your house is basically made of ebola and booger AIDS, and that 100% of you are disgusting shit and germ factories. The answer? Try washing your gadgets off in the toilet, it couldn't make things any worse.

As always, you make me glad I got out of bed this morning.
Let's hope you don't take your laptop to bed with you like I do.
Meant that literally, but also, I guess, metaphorically, which is probably where most of my laptop's germs come from.
Where else would I watch my porn?
The toilet.
You can't keep poo out of your mouth, bud. Deal with it (that doesn't mean that you can start eating it though).
Want to know a real bummer? You know when you let out a real satisfying fart? It's not even yours! It's the amalgamation of billions of micro-farts let off by the bacteria that lives in your butt.
Eat shit, bro.
woh. science.
It never stops being funny how germ phobic Americans are.
When people start dying of poopy remotes, I'll pay attention.
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