Thursday, June 30, 2011

Whitey Bulger v. Samuel Beckett v. Ringo Deathstarr v. December Sound

Nothing else ever. Ever tried. Ever failed. No matter. Try again. Fail again. Fail better.

Like getting a less goofy tattoo next time, perhaps? 

Let's see, what else? Bunch of other shit for you to read today, if you're into reading things about other things. Today in the Globe I wrote about the proliferation of "Free Whitey" t-shirts cropping up around Massachusetts lately, which, if you don't know, are ironic expressions of support made by young people for a notorious criminal psychopath who your grandfather wouldn't have thought about sideways without shitting his pants never mind worn a t-shirt that turned him into a goof.

Quigley, 25, remembers Bulger being a fixture of news stories throughout his childhood in Lowell.
“When I heard he got caught, my first thought wasn’t that they should let him go, but that I was disappointed that the legend, in a sense, came to an end. That is what prompted me to make these shirts.’’
Couple pieces on two bands I really dig, Ringo Deathstarr and The December Sound as well, in the Phoenix. More below...

The most Floridian thing I've ever seen

No, not a family of tourists waddling out of a Sizzler to get in the car to drive to a Shoney's across the street, although I have seen that. It's a piece of bacon in an ashtray on the beach. 


As I mentioned the other day, I went to Florida for a few days for my TB4L's wedding. Despite my best efforts to bitch about being in the horrid Florida swamp heat and having to fly, it was actually a blast, and I genuinely enjoyed the beach, even though the water was like 80 degrees and barely refreshing. The beach is still on the List though, sorry.

Remember when people used to make you sit through slide shows of their vacations? I don't, because that shit was like thirty years ago. I remember when it was still a joke on sitcoms though. That must have been weird. Now we have blogs to make people look at our lives in the comfort of their own homes. Let's do that after the jump, k? 

I want to party with both of these dudes

by John Brookhouse

If there's one thing I know about designers, it's that they love it when you ask them for free design work. I asked a few friends of mine to punch something up for PTSOTL anyway, because I don't value creativity.  Here are the first two I really liked. More to come. If you want to throw something together let me know you guyz!!!

Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Flesh-eating cocaine spoils the party

Max Sparber via Flickr

This zombie-cocaine deal is the biggest coke related bum out I've ever heard, except for every single conversation I've had with people on cocaine.  And all the times the coke has run out and everyone is just sort of sitting there staring the grim reaper of morning in the face, wondering how things went sour so quickly. And every time I look at a photo set on Cobra Snake. After those things though, this, this story in the Huffington Post is the worst. 
It seems cocaine has been behind a rash of flesh-eating disease outbreaks in Los Angeles and New York. Cocaine cut with the veterinary drug, levamisole has apparently been linked to a number of cases of rotting flesh, according to Good Morning America
Go read the rest here, or here, or .  

Jesus Christ, the photos of this shit is so gross. I am never, ever going to go near the stuff again, babe. Ughhh. Oh, wait a second though...
Apparently not everyone has the same reaction to the drug however. According to GMA, the effects do disappear from the affected once the drug leaves the body, leaving little but scaring.
Never mind I said anything. Let's fucking party. 

Pics of a fucked up coke ear and two of my favorite coke songs after the jump. 

Good night, sweet prince. Comatose Myspace lurches ever closer to the animated wallpaper in the sky


Myspace has been lost to us for a long time now. We're all just standing bedside, stroking its forehead with a damp cloth, thinking about how sometime soon it won't be in pain anymore, and trying not to wonder out loud who's getting the deed to the cottage on the lake. As Gawker points out today:
News Corp. will probably sell MySpace for less than a tenth of what it paid for the social network, and for less than a third of its stated minimum bid. And, yes, big layoffs are coming

Sure, no one uses Myspace for social networking anymore, not even animated gif enthusiasts, or, what's more problematic, sluts. "When you've lost the hearts and minds (and pouting cleavage shots) of the sluts, then you've lost the war," someone like Winston Churchill probably said.

I haven't checked my page in forever, but just for lulz, I went to see what's happening over there, which is always a good idea if you want to be reminded about how much more hair you used to have years ago. :/ Yikes. It's like Back to the Future when Marty saw how dorky his parents were, only the parents are you, and you gave birth to a slightly less dorky dork self.

wait did we talk like that then yet?

At least bands will still keep their pages updated though, right? Meehhhbeee not. I wrote about this in Alternative Press a few months back. The King Is Dead: With Myspace floundering, where do bands turn?
The reports of the demise of have been coming at a steady pace for a few years now. But despite the vast emigration of personal profiles to , bands that have long used the seminal social networking site as their online home base are now in a precarious position. When you search for a band online, the first page that will likely appear (aside from their own website—if they even have one) is their Myspace page. That's because of the dominating role the company has played in changing the way bands distribute their music and cultivate fanbases during the past five years.

Read the full piece after the jump in which I asked a bunch of bands wtf next, bro?

Accidental Chinese Hipsters is racist

all photos

Racist against hipsters, that is. 

Oh Tumblr, is there any moderately amusing, manufactured sociological phenomenon you can't weave into finely spun internet gold, then bundle together in a package deal with the concept of 'hipsters' the second most important topic on the webz after the ingestion of semen by enthusiastic 'teenagers'?  No, no there is not. 

Our latest most favorite single-serving Tumblr of all time for the next few days give or take a few days will be . 

Couple more photos after the jump.  the rest with captions and explanations. ROR

Sometimes music is good: DJ Die Young/ Make It New

Woh, it's like 11 am, and it's all dark in my apartment all of a sudden, there's a huge line to get into my bathroom, and some techno hippie just knocked into me on the way to the fridge to get a Red Stripe. Or maybe it just seems like it because I'm listening to this new (Thursdays at Middlesex Lounge in Cambridge) promo mix from our man DJ Die Young. See you creeps there.

Track list after the thing, plus the cutest darned picture I've seen in forever.

Tuesday, June 28, 2011

See, I told you guys this was funny stuff

Hey, get me, I'm exactly as funny as a writer and producer on TV's best sort of funny homosexual and latina stereotypes-based sit com, "Modern Family." Where's my fucking Emmy? #humbleblog

None of you ingrates liked this bit back when a salt of the Earth, roll-up-his-blog-sleeves blogger type of Joe like me did it about ten years ago in this post Long day at the meme factory, but now that it's gone mainstream Hollywood, who's laughing now? Still no one, that's who.

Your lawnmower and leafblower and assorted other noise machines are ruining my life

Sounds like a robot is cumming into another robot's gaping robot meathole outside my window right now while a dozen other robots have a robot knife fight,  so I was reminded of this old post. Remember when we did it like this on PTSOTL? The good old days wasn't it? Simpler times. There was a list, and there were things, and you put those things onto that list.  I was P-ing S OTL back before it sold out, yo.

I can appreciate the need to meticulously landscape your 6X6 foot patch of yard outside your home every day of the week, all year long, as much as the next insane person. That grass has it coming, if you ask me. But can we agree on some sort of time window cone of silence deal? Have you got that leaf blower set to 11? Can I get a little less weed wacker in my monitor please? 

I'm ready for the machine apocalypse like any other man-boobed Summer Glau fan, but I just never thought the start of it would be this irritating. Turn that leaf blower torture device down a few notches every single person who lives on my block right now and all day every day for the next two months, or I'm going to stick your face in it.

Not really though, on account of ...I've got a bad knee? Hard to tell anymore. I can't even hear my own pain. 


I'm not the only one who's up in arms about this pressing issue. Residents of Greenwhich, CT were set to host a town meeting over the weekend to get to the bottom of things, Connecticut-style. (Not always an oxymoron). 

Monday, June 27, 2011

Boston hearts the 9tz


Check out this piece I wrote for Stuff Magazine Boston <3s the 9tz: Today's hot new crop of local bands have (sorta) old souls about how the nineties are the new eighties in Boston, and probably everywhere else too but who cares. And while you're there go read this piece in my usual Liquid column about how being in a band and being a bartender are the exact same thing and the rest of the cool stuff in the Music Issue here.

I was walking down Boylston Street a couple of months ago, past the spot where I used to smoke cigarettes (and try to get people to notice me smoking cigarettes) back in my days at Emerson. And I realized all the kids were wearing XXL flannel shirts, cut-off corduroys, and giant socks billowing out of dirty Doc Martens. I thought to myself, "Weird, I guess we're doing this '90s nostalgia thing already." Then I got depressed about my inevitable mortality, but that's pretty standard. 

I should have seen it coming. We've already wrung every last drop of neon synth juice out of the '80s by now. And these nostalgia feedback loops tend to run in predictable cycles. Here we are about 15 years from the grunge decade's meaty nucleus, and the train is arriving right on schedule. With Portlandia, the IFC satire of the quintessential '90s city, Fred Armisen of SNL and Sleater-Kinney's Carrie Brownstein are rehashing ancient hipster clichés for gags. The quintessential alternative video show, 120 Minutes, is coming back this year to MTV2, presumably with actual videos and definitely with affable '90s bro Matt Pinfield at the helm. Young bands like the UK's Yuck are blowing up on the back of their Dinosaur Jr. and Yo La Tengo shtick, while Austin's Ringo Deathstarr are blowing minds - and eardrums - with their MBV and J&MC noise attack (that's My Bloody Valentine and the Jesus and Mary Chain, young'uns). And recently reunited '90s grunge-metal icons Soundgarden are about to embark on a summer tour.

Let’s talk about AZNBROS


Sergeant D of Stuff You Will Hate gets to the bottom of this pressing issue.

If there’s one thing that I miss more than anything else about living in Seattle, it’s aznbros. If you’ve seen The Fast & The Furious, you got a snapshot of aznbros that was a bit cartoonish, but not entirely inaccurate.

Usually seen eating at a teriyaki or noodle shop with a bunch of other aznbros, you can spot them by their North Face jackets, Abercrombie/Polo gear, and 4.0 GPA (typically in a high-value major like accounting, engineering, or finance). In that respect they’re not so different from your typical azn student, but the difference is that aznbros have not only the grades, but srs AZN SWAGGER.

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Sometimes music is good: Just Say "Yes" Mixtape

So I was just out getting my face and shoulders broasted off by the tropical paradise (tourist version) sun, thinking to myself, you know what would make this whole thing a lot better? If it felt more like I was someone's dad getting dosed in the 6tz. Then our man King Ev Rock posted this killer mix which, as far as I know, because it's all I've tested it on thus far, is great for ironing a suit in an air conditioned hotel room to before you go to an outdoor wedding next to a palm tree. Smell you creeps later, I'm blasting off.  *sparks j-bar* *avoids Vietnam* 

Shocking Blue, Status Quo, Thee Headcoats, Paul & Linda McCartney, Harry Nilsson, Syl Johnson, T. Rex, Eddie Cochran, Luther Ingram, Bobby Fuller Four, Barry & The Remains and Suicide. 

Friday, June 24, 2011

Anyone got any good Tampa, Florida jokes?


I'm going to Tampa today. Or St. Petersburg. Not sure the difference. That's weird, right? Bad news is I'll be offline for most of the day probably, so the world is going to have to entertain itself in my absence. Good news is that I'll probably be frothing with so much rage from dealing with the whole airport charade that I'll come back with a thousand posts worth of material. 

Since I've never been there I did a quick search on the internet to try to learn about the local culture. I just really like to do the off the beaten path stuff, you know what I mean? Find little hidden gems away from the touristy spots. I'm kind of an adventurous sort. Just give me my back pack, and a sturdy pair of shoes, and I'll be at home in no time, anywhere in the world. My outlook on life is kind of like one giant white dude dreadlock if you think about it.

So here's what my research turned up. Tell me if I've got an accurate picture of the scene down there.

Thursday, June 23, 2011


Intenet K-hole

Good news for justice, but even better news for Oprah, who could really use a break to be honest, because according to reports the Juice is set to sit down for a special tentatively titled "If I didn't not not do it, this is how it would have not happened, (but it did)" on her OWN network, (which I hilariously think of as the PWN next work all the one times I've ever thought about it in my life). It's said he'll confess to chopping the heads off that nice white lady and her boyfriend. 

O.J Simpson has confessed to Oprah Winfrey that he murdered his former wife, it has been reported.

The talk show host made headlines recently saying that one of her regrets was never having got the shamed former sportsman to confess to the killing.

And it appears her wish may well have come true with reports Simpson has already told one of her producers in an interview from jail that he knifed ex-wife Nicole in self-defence - a confession he will now repeat to the talk show queen during a spectacular televised sit down interview. Daily Mail

And now let's never talk about this again. Just as soon as we get done talking about it every day non stop in every media outlet until the end of time.

A letter to America

Our man Bob Foster has a new thing. It is known. 

Hi America!

We used to do a thing called Platform but now we’re doing a thing called Leisure. There’s a few reasons why we’re doing something new, one of them’s to do with how our other little projects Boiler Room and ISYS are doing their own thing, and it seemed weird that we hadn’t given the photos, writing and jokes about rap videos a separate place to be too. So, we’re doing that. Platform will still be a thing, but I guess we’re looking at is as a launchpad for stuff, not the central thing.

Here’s five great reasons why you Americans should hang out on our new website, or at least til it launches on Monday.

Wednesday, June 22, 2011

I want this movie inside me: Wet Hot American Summer 2 is definitely happening

Well, definitely is kind of a relative term I suppose. Either way, I want this movie inside me right now. 

Via The Playlist comes this teaser from an interview Jeff Goldsmith at did with director David Wain about Wet Hot American Summer's 10th anniversary. 

Wain: Yes, we have been talking about a sequel, prequel, something or other.
Goldsmith: The idea I’ve heard tossed around is that it would be a prequel but when you shoot it they would be 20 years older.
Wain: Well, no that would be absurd. The prequel would be the same summer so they would be 20 years old for the part yeah, but not younger. So it would be 40 year olds playing 16 year olds. And yeah, we’re in the early stages of thinking about that.
The director also says he’s been trying to get Universal (who owns the film) to do a 10th Anniversary DVD/Blu-ray release but they aren’t interested. “I told them we would be willing to do a new prequel teaser short for it and new interviews and new material but they were like, ‘No, nobody buys it. Nobody cares.’”
Ugh, the fact that nobody buys this DVD tastes like burgers and I don't like it anymore.  Cool gallery of original art inspired by the film plus "Will you help teach me about this...what is it? A new way?" after the jump.

Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Musical pit of despair goes deeper than we imagined

Ever imagine falling into a bottomless pit? Would you die from a heart attack at some point, or would you just keep falling and falling and screaming and screaming until you died of thirst after a couple days? I think about that a lot.

Speaking of giant holes, it looks like this musical pit of despair we've been digging ourselves lately goes down a few levels further than we thought. Every day some fresh new horror comes our way, slithering up from the abyss, unfurling its voracious thousand-jawed tentacles to carry us off to a frigid, eternal doom. Like this video from Courtney Stodden, newly crowned turd princess of the internet hinterlands.

Sergeant D over at Stuff You Will Hate writes: 

In case you haven’t heard, this is the 16 year-old girl who married some 50 year-old dude from Lost. In this video, she’s all “Ur man is checking me out, u mad?? Don’t h8 on me bc he wants it, mb u should check urself first!!” This video has been making the rounds on all your favorite blogs about funny internet videos and they’ve probably already made fun of all the obvious parts, so I will just add that my favorite bit is at the very end where it shows her contact info, and her manager has an email address.
Video and weird photos after the jump

Welcome to my wedding. Now fuck you, pay me.

Internet K-Hole

It's only Monday, or whatever day it is in the real world, and I thought I'd already been annoyed by everything on the internet channels, but that's why the internet exists, to touch us when we least expect it. Here's this story from the Boston Globe today about a couple of fucking assholes. Assholes just like you probably! Let's see how, shall we?

Not exactly sure how I ended up on this site, , but boy am I glad I did. Not because it's good, which it most certainly is not, I just had absolute shit to post about today, and my laptop operates like an old-timey train's engine room where I have to shovel shit into the furnace all the time to make it go fast. 

It seems like it should be an amusing idea though, right? I've often thought about how incessantly vapid the handful of celebrities I follow on Twitter are, particularly , but let's face it, he's a 20 year old skateboarder in a hip hop group, that's setting the bar pretty low in terms of expected coherency return, and he still doesn't manage to live up to it.  A demonstrative example:

Sometimes music is good: new videos from Yuck, Skrillex, Rye Rye and Robyn

Don't really hate anything today, so might as well talk about music that doesn't suck. Too much anyway. Still absolutely in love with the video for "Get Away" by Yuck, which I posted about here a while back, but they've got a brand new video out this week for "Shook Down" which is a lot more mellow, but still pokes my 90s brain the happy spot when the guitar line echoes the chorus melody at like 2:58.

Monday, June 20, 2011

Oysters are a fraud

There are so many different types of oysters available at finer seafood restaurants now, how can anyone ever learn tell the difference? As a sophisticated restaurant writer, here's my handy guide to understanding how: You don't.

Ooooo, these oysters are from Duxbury, and these are from Gloucester! Is there a beach town called Snot Locker, because that's where they seem like they're from.  

Maybe my palate isn't sophisticated enough to tell the difference between all these varieties of ice cold ocean jizz, but I don't buy it. You know what I do like though? I like hot sauce and horseradish and lemon, and so does everyone else. You know you can eat those things without signing on to an elaborate play-acting ritual though, right? 

I suppose the elaborate set up is part of the appeal, a nice bed of ice or salt or whatever, and using the little fork and squirting shit everywhere. Same idea with coke or heroin, right? After a while a lot of the appeal comes in the comfort of the rituals, laying out your works. But until they start selling different varieties of powder on plates at restaurants, I'm gonna pass.

The only reason people started eating these slurpy sea rocks is because they were everywhere in the 19th century. There were so many millions of them on the shores of New York City that people had no choice but to eat them just to get them out of the way of their boats and out of their faces for five seconds. People were really poor back then, mind you, and hungry all the time. And a lot uglier. There were so many oysters all over the fucking place that they basically has to invent the idea of restaurants just to unload all the little bastards. 

Soon enough we ate so many oysters that they stopped showing up to the party through natural means, and we had to import them from elsewhere, which fucked up the ecosystem where they lived. Next thing you know they're scarce. Bang! That's when shit got expensive. And now you know why people have to pretend they're really into oysters oh my god, because the only thing more satisfying than eating something that's all over the place to satiate your hunger is eating something that's hard to find to satiate your status. 

All the other jokes that were too boring to put into their own post

That's racist

One of the best parts about living with an elementary school teacher, OK maybe best isn't the right word, one of the parts of living with an elementary school teacher, is that I get to hear all the stuff I didn't pay attention to when I was that age all over again by having to listen to the lesson plans and homework all the time. Most of you probably don't realize this, (aside from the distressing number of people who find this blog via searching for key words in the post I wrote about Cap'n Crunch "Stabbing little kids mouths, just fucking up their mouths"),  but elementary schools video the kids reading stories on flip cams now and make iMovie clips and post them to elementary school blogs that you need elementary school passwords to look at. Weird, right? I only mention that because this one lesson  I heard a nice little boy reading aloud just jumped out at me right now.

"The Five Chinese Brothers was written by Claire Huchet Bishop in 1938," he said.  "The story begins, 'Once upon a time, there were five Chinese brothers, and they all looked exactly alike.'" 

Woh. Woh. Hold on now.

Get me. I'm a real writer. 

Couple pieces in the Wall Street Journal this weekend. That's not really a joke I guess. Unless you consider the fact that I'm actually a real reporter a joke, which is probably a reasonable reaction. Want an Internet that doesn't know your pant size? A guide to regain your privacy ;

Happy Father's Day. You throw like a girl

Sunday, June 19, 2011

Put that bird on the list

In other ornithological* news, apparently I'm a farmer now, because I have a real bird for an alarm clock. This little fellow has been crashing on my back porch lately. "Just until I can find my own place in the city," he said, although dude has been telling me that for weeks. What's that old saying about fish and house guests and birds who shoot the shit right next to your bedroom all fucking morning?  Ass, gas, or grass, and guess what, birds don't know what gas or grass is, and we're fresh out of ass-kickings.

Kind of lost control of that sentence there, but you know what I mean. 

You can't see it in this photo, but there's a cat in the window across the way who is imagining a giant cartoon bottle of ketchup pouring over this dude's head. On the other side of the porch there is a bee's nest that the bird is eye-balling like he's got a drowning boner in his mouth and that shit is a life raft vagina. I drank too much gin last night.

The circle of life.

*That's a word I know because the one single science course I took in college was  Ornithology.  That probably explains a lot. Like the fact that I drive a Toyota Corolla.

Dead deer dangling from power line is a metaphor

"More like a meataphor" - an eagle.  AP Photo/Lee Bridges

A power outage in Montana over the weekend was caused when a cute little baby deer, who probably shouldn't have been wearing such a delicious meat suit if it didn't want to get into this kind of trouble, was dropped onto a power line. The culprit? Not sure, but how about that eagle with a table cloth tied around his neck over there?

[A Northwestern Energy spokesman] said linemen investigating the cause of the outage in a rural neighborhood of East Missoula couldn't believe their eyes when they found the carcass of the fawn draped over electric wires more than two stories high.

Workers blamed the eagle after homeowner Lee Bridges reported that one of the birds had spent 15 minutes perched in a spruce in her yard that morning just after the neighborhood lost electricity.

When Northwestern crews arrived, Bridges approached a repairman to learn what caused the outage.
"He pointed up to the sky and said, 'There's your problem -- a flying deer,'" said Bridges. ()

Haha, good old Lee Bridges, shooting straight and tellin 'er like it is. 

"She said the eagle, one of a family nesting on the nearby Clark Fork River, had likely been plotting how to retrieve what remained of its prey." 

Feels bad to the be that eagle though sometimes, yo. I was at a barbecue earlier and I spilled a couple lumpy chunks of potato salad off an overloaded paper plate onto my tits, so I know exactly how this feels.

Saturday, June 18, 2011

Cunt of the week award

Not sure who to side with on this total viral video you guys of an argument on the Metro North commuter train in New York that everyone is lulzing about this weekend. A few thoughts to help us sort it out.

Imagine in your imagination mind, if you will, the unique tenor of a cunt's squawking, shrill, entitled voice. What does it sound like? (Don't listen to the video yet or it will spoil the answer). Got a sound bite in your head? Ok, now go watch. If that's not 100% exactly like you imagined then congratulations, you don't know any cunts. One point for you and one point for the conductor.

On the other hand the conductor seems pretty calm and reasonable here, but on the  other other hand:  "train conductors."  So... one point for the cunt. 

Buuuut, then again, in the cunt's defense, Indian people (or whatever) are usually really well educated, so.... let's call this one a tie. Except for anyone who had to ride that, specific, or any other hellish hurtling meat coffin in general to the place where they hate themselves every day. They're the real losers here. And everywhere. 

Via BoBo via the Daily What

Friday, June 17, 2011

Our long national nightmare is over: new worst song ever has arrived

This is what we hate fuck with our brains today. (via Gawker) Never thought I'd see an even more budget-ass -- how shall I say it? --  mature, version of , and yet here we are, and now we have. What the fuck is going on here? Are those bottles of champagne actually filled with purple drank?  Kind of like the dirty south flow they're rolling with here, although to be honest when I see this video and the words dirty south together,  a specific style of hip hop isn't the first thing that comes to mind.*

*I mean their vaginas 

Watch video after the jump. You can thank me later.

Pentagon scare suspect found with terror phrases, probably flunking social studies

Kind of loving this report from CBS News/AP about a terrorism suspect found outside the Pentagon. "A law enforcement source told CBS News that the man detained in the discovery of a suspicious car found outside the Pentagon Friday morning was carrying a notebook that contained the phrases, 'al Qaeda,' 'Taliban rules' and 'Mujahid defeated croatian forces.'"  

Haha TALIBAN RULES written in his notebook. Was this guy in terrorism junior high? 

Couple other details in the story that are really hitting the sweet spot too.
Despite the references to the terror organization that organized the 9/11 attacks, the group fighting U.S. forces in Afghanistan and the Arabic word for "holy warrior," the source said the man is not thought to have been involved in a terrorist act or plot, CBS News investigative producer Pat Milton reports.
Oh word? That's what al Qaeda is? Thanks for explaining. What else you got in this piece? Any ridiculous neo-speak to add a spicy note of militaristic absurdity? Glad you asked!
"It seems to be washing out at this point, but it is still being drilled down on," the source told Milton.

"Also still being drilled down on," the source didn't say but totally should have,  "your mom."
"The source said the man's backpack also contained 20 spent 9 mm shell casings and three cans of black spray paint," because he was gonna tag the shit out of the Pentagon with a sick GOLFWANG stencil.

Don't make 'em like they used to I guess. Even our terrorists are phoning it in now.

Just kidding, JSYK you guys from the federal blog monitoring service. Terrorism is fucked up, and I only googled "ammonium nitrate" just now because I couldn't remember if that was the name of .

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Canadian street fingering is a metaphor

(Photo by Rich Lam/Getty Images)

Vancouver is for lovers. Also for car smashers, fire-setters, shit-starters, riot police, hockey hooligans, entry level anarchists, and bored drunks apparently, all of which you can see here in one of the many oddly beautiful slideshows of destruction. This gorgeous photo above though? That's what it's all about. Fucking away the cruel world while it burns down around you. /poetry

That's the most meaningful Canadian girl's bum I've ever seen, besides this one time when I was on vacation in 8th grade. You guys wouldn't know her though.

Or is this video below what life is all about rather? Gang-beating a guy who's trying to protect a store from looters? I'd like to think it's a little bit of both. How great is it that a guy in a gasmask is the one to come to his aid though? Such a cute little street fighter.

USA USA USA Boston Phoenix Music Awards + Boston Bruins + USA USA USA

Last night was the Boston Phoenix Music Awards at the Brighton Music Hall in Allston (total thing). Still not sure if this spontaneous eruption into the Star Spangled Banner in the green room after the Bruins won the Super Bowl was ironic, or 100% sincere. We may never know. Or care. 

Sorry to be a buzzkill and talk about things that were good, but this was genuinely one of the most fun nights the Boston rock world has seen in a while, with some really awesome collaborations that no one in the shitty crowd seemed to care about. During one stretch house band Bodega Girls, who were running through classic Boston rock covers from the Pixies and Til Tuesday among others, invited members of The Real Kids, Dom, Amanda Palmer, Buffalo Tom, and Peter Wolf (natch) on stage to play. Pictures below.

Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Bands can't even sell out right anymore

Assuming everyone has seen the new All Time Low video by now, right? Although I do have this condition where I'm really bad at guessing the median age of readers of blogs, so it's possible I could be off by 20 years on this. 

Go watch it here. No, not because it's good, which it really, really is not, but rather because it's important to check in from time to time on what 'the kids' are listening to, if for no other reason than so you can understand just how irrelevant you've become. Sit through the advertisement and watch it, trust me. You'll come out the other side a better person. An angrier person too, but that's the price you pay for wisdom.

I actually kind of have a soft sport in my heart, and in my panties, for ATL, as we call them in the young community. Rehashed pop punk cliches leftover from the Blink 182 cutting floor? Sure, but what's so bad about that on its face if we're being honest? Pop punk is supposed to be dumb and fun. Those are the rules, no matter how 'gay' we want to say it is. They've got some fun songs like this one below, "Dear Maria", and I sort of started relating to them when I did this story a while back in Alternative Press How One Overzealous All Time Low Fan Exposed The Dangers of Social Networking, about what it's like for bands like them to deal with stalking fans in the age of the internet where kids can use your Twitter and Facebook to pinpoint your movements out in the real world and come find you in your fucking house, because as a super famous blogger I deal with that shit all the time.  

“Sooo we found his address againn, and drove to his house. All his twitters and shit said that he was coming homee today but didn’t say whenn. Soooo we went to his housee, the lights were on but nobody would answer the door. Buttt, i got plentyy of pictures of Peyton and Sebastion. (their dogggsss.) Soo, like the stalkers we are, we waited outside his house for an hour withh nobody comingg homeee.” 

More like All Time Blow, right? Actually, that's one of the many good zingers from this earlier video for the song "Weightless" which you should watch next, because it's a good example of how to be arch and winking in a music video while not taking yourself too seriously. It's also a pretty good example of a band trolling its own fans, which I am always in favor of, because fans are really weird. 

This new video for "I Feel Like Dancin'" is the exact opposite of that. Not only is the song weirdly slow and talky, with tons of pop culture references that seem forced, and awkward hip hop lingo like some awful fifth rate Weezer song (which is no surprise because Rivers Cuomo co-wrote it), the entire premise of the video, that the band is 'selling out' but at least they know it you guys, is handled so ham-fistedly it makes me long for the good old days of music, like five-ten years ago when I saw this exact same concept done dozens of times already. As I wrote here, also in Alt Press, Everything Corporate: How “Selling Out” Has Turned Into Survivalism, 'selling out' isn't even something bands are ashamed of anymore.

Notice all the advertisements at the last show you went to? Maybe you didn’t; they've become so ubiquitous in recent years that it's possible you don’t even realize they’re there. Yet there they are: on the brand-sponsored stages, on the ticket itself, tucked in amid the concession stands and dangling over the stage on imposing banners. To say that this type of corporate sponsorship of punk and indie concerts is a departure from the old way of doing things is an understatement, but perhaps the most interesting part is how little anyone cares about it. In fact, partnering with brand sponsors isn't just a new wrinkle in the music business model—it’s now the entire business model itself. Corporate backing can often make different aspects of a successful career possible for bands. Touring bands wrap their buses and vans in brand logos; clothing and beverage companies bring artists into their own studios to record viral content for their marketing outlets; smaller labels team up with brands to beef up promotional push for an album; and chain restaurants and hotels adopt bands into the fold, offering free meals and places to stay while they are on the road.

Knowing that makes what ATL are trying to do in this video -- get their product placement money but act like it's a joke, have dancing girls in bikinis, but, you know 'dancing girls in bikinis' -- even more offensive. No one even registers it when you have product placement all over your video anymore, except for old grumps like me, so you don't need to place ironic distance between yourself and what you're doing, because, first of all, your fans don't know what irony is, and secondly they didn't even grow up in a world where selling out was something you could actually do. 

We're all born sold out now. (Seriously though, how long do you think it will really be before babies start falling out of corporate tattooed uterii wearing sick Rockstar Energy newborn v-neck onesies? Ten years tops?)   It's like the corporate version of the Christian idea of original sin, and videos like this only further hammer that point home by pretending that it's not true. 

Punk rock died a long time ago, and with videos like this, although it sounds kind of weird to say, selling out is dead now too. With the two poles at either end cut off, what does that leave us with besides a big, boring middle?

Ultimately this video is the equivalent of that little  "I'm so clumsy dance" you do after you trip walking down the street and you feel like people are watching and laughing. It doesn't turn an embarrassing situation into a comical one by acknowledging it, it just makes you look even more embarrassed.

Tuesday, June 14, 2011

Inernet Gullibility Syndrome

Literally Unbelievable, the single-serving Tumblr that basically aggregates all of your gullible aunts’ and uncles’ Facebook reactions to The Onion stories as if they were real, just launched a couple weeks ago, and it quickly went viral. The idea for the blog came about after so many people fell for The Onion’s “Planned Parenthood Opens $8 Billion Abortionplex” piece.

But wait a minute: Isn’t it possible that we’re dealing with an even bigger meta-prank here when we take this blog at its word? How do we know that we aren’t falling into the same satirical trap that these allegedly hapless Onion readers (or non-readers, rather) are when we chuckle at Literally Unbelievable?

Think about all of the iPhone Auto-correct gag blogs, like Damn You Auto Correct!, that went up in the past year or so, with screen shots of text conversations where moms would accidentally text their daughters to say that they’re on their way pick up a dildo from the store — I mean dinner! — due to the phone’s frustrating insistence of fixing your texts for you. Eventually, as with nearly everything else on the internet, people started suspecting them to be fakes, like this one:

Monday, June 13, 2011

Hooray for music journalism

I can't remember if, as part of my regular, beloved PTSOTL series, "Songs from bad ass  boner Boston bands wot r my broz or would at least stand next to me and make awkward small talk for three to four minutes" I already posted this gorgeous newish video from Hooray for Earth, who are famouser and famouser every day, and rightfully so, and also as my colleague and tb4l Michael Marotta points out here in the Phoenix definitely a Boston band and not a New York band no matter what they might claim to be those traitors wait what clause am I in in this sentence kind of lost track of the plot here for a second but maybe if I just punch my way out of it I'll find a path back to daylight, oh right but here the video is anyway for your eye holes and ear holes and life holes. I recommend viewing it with all three.

Meanwhile, follow that link above which is also this link right here in this sentence where MM uncovers definitive evidence that many, many music journalist are lazy hacks who all say the same thing over and over again, in this case, pointing out that H4E's new album True Loves IS WHAT MGMT'S CONGRATULATIONS SHOULD HAVE SOUNDED LIKE OMG. Except me, he probably meant to write. I only compared them to Yeasayer on the last record which doesn't count

Video after the thing -->

Breaking news: Fox Business is racist against not being unracist

You should probably just read this entire post over at MediaMatters about a recent Fox Business report on Ol'Bammer, since I've been sitting here slack-jawed for a half hour trying to think of a single way to make it seem any more absurd than it already does, and I got nothing. Maybe they could have shown Obama strolling to the store with a shotgun in his trench coat to get a box of Honey Nut Cheerios, or accused him of saying his favorite type of food is purple, but short of that they're pretty much all in with the stereotyping here, basketball, thug life, outdated hip hop slang, blinged-out grills, funny African names, uh, eating s'mores?
During the opening of Fox Business' Follow the Money on Friday, Eric Bolling teased a segment about the White House hosting the president of Gabon by saying, "Guess who's coming to dinner? A dictator. Mr. Obama shares a laugh with one of Africa's kleptocrats. It's not the first time he's had a hoodlum in the hizzouse."
Funny that they referenced "Guess Who's Coming to Dinner" there, the film about a presumptuous, successful Negro who thought he was better than you. Go read the rest, it's truly mind-blowing. I'll be over here reading about how we all hate Tracy Morgan now for making homophobic jokes and wondering what the difference is.

Fuck the blonde man, and books, and all that shit

Dude is bummed about the big death on Game of Thrones last night. SPOILERZ: They killed his nigga Ned. He's got a point though, those blonde bitches did do him dirty.

Old timey crime scene photos and criminals are a window into something something

Whiny liberals and commies have been bitching about fair wages forever

The Boston Public Library has put up a pretty amazing collection of historic crime scene photographs on their Flickr page. I've been browsing through them for a while now, and mostly what I've learned is that everyone in the early 20th century acted all spooked like around picture machines, like they still thought the camera was going to steal their soul, but maybe if they stood really still it wouldn't be able to get at them. How uncomfortable do most of these people look here? Like some sort of animal confronted with some sort of light source. 

Let's take a look at a few of them, shall we? For science. History science. Photos courtesy of the Boston Public Library, Leslie Jones Collection.

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