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Updated with 30% more crazy below!
Anyone else enjoying watching these superstitious cavemen swirling ever closer to the business end of the relevance shitter with every passing year? How much longer you think this whole Catholicism thing has left in it? Couple good years at best? They've been recycling the same plot lines from the critically-lauded first few seasons forever now. Like "The One Where the Gang Finally Teaches them Fgtz a Lesson." (Side note: ever get a little skeeved out by people who seem to know the actual episode titles of TV shows? Kind of weird, right?)
As I was saying, it's Gay Pride day/week/month in Boston, cause for festivities and tolerance and roving packs of gentle-men striding tits to elbow five across on the sidewalk when I'm trying to walk down the street in peace for shit's sake, right? Nope. Fuck you, says the people who always say fuck you to everything.
The Boston Globe reported today that a Catholic church in the South End, the gayest neighborhood in the city, excepting the few hours today in the Fenway Park area when the NKOTBSB concert was going down, caved to pressure from "motherfuckers who hate themselves and take it out on the vulnerable." I may be getting that quote wrong though. Oh, right, here it is:
A blogger who uses the“The Rainbow Ministry of St. Cecilia Parish invites all friends and supporters of the LGBT community to a Mass in celebration of Boston’s Pride Month,’’ the bulletin said. “The theme of the liturgy, ‘All Are Welcome,’ honors Christ’s message of hope and salvation to all people. We will also celebrate the diverse community that finds its home at St. Cecilia.’’But after protests from conservative church members, the archdiocese intervened.
You're never gonna believe this, but this poor put-upon Catholic in Massachusetts, one of the last downtrodden minorities we have in overwhelmingly Catholic Massachusetts, played the cry-baby card when he got push back for stomping his feet over some bullshit, writing:
I told the Globe, “Celebrating a ‘Gay Pride’ Mass isn’t expressing the moral teachings of the church with clarity and fidelity or telling people their behavior is unacceptable — it’s telling them their behavior is just fine. I also said in a previous post that Cardinal O’Malley should put the pastor on leave. Better put, he should not be serving as pastor of a church anywhere....
I think the plan to celebrate such a Mass targeted specifically at those who identify themselves as “GLBT” was inappropriate, and am pleased to see it was canceled.
If someone believes what the Catholic Church believes, then you believe marriage is between a man and a woman, and sex outside of that heterosexual marriage is not acceptable. That’s what we believe. [Editor's note: We never, ever once in the entire history of our club have acted upon it, but we believe it.]
(As a Catholic, I don’t go around telling orthodox Jews or Muslims what they should believe or what practices of theirs I disagree with. If I disagree with one of their beliefs or practices, I keep that to myself as they are free to practice their religion as they wish). So, why is it that people who apparently cannot accept the Catholic Church’s teachings in this area feel so entitled to weigh in and tell Catholics we are wrong? Do they do that with other faiths, or just this one?Nope, just your faith, bro. Must be troubling being discriminated against like that all the time. Probably feels sometimes like you're not welcome. :( They should set up some sort of Catholic Pride month to let people like you know that it's ok to be who you are: a straight faggot.
Thanks to Susan for forwarding over this release from The Catholic Action League, which sounds like the worst super hero team, or some sort coded language for a homosexual after work basketball group.
The Catholic Action League of Massachusetts today called up on the Archdiocese of Boston to remove those responsible for a planned "Pride Month" Mass at Boston's Saint Cecilia's Church, to unequivocally cancel the event, and to vigorously reaffirm Catholic teaching about the intrinsic immorality of homosexual behavior....
"The Catechism of the Catholic Church, promulgated by Pope John Paul II, teaches that the homosexual orientation is "an objective disorder", while homosexual behavior is "grave depravity." The idea that the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass could be exploited to celebrate pride --- one of the seven deadly sins --- in the mortal sin of impurity against nature, is a scandal and a sacrilege. The notion that the Mass is an opportunity to celebrate one's sexuality identity is as offensive as it is obscene."
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Could be a lot worse:
For 8-year-old Irvington girl who died, a short life bereft of toys, fun
That story in the link there makes me want to kill myself.
Gay people who still identify as Catholic have "an objective disorder". Like battered women who still love their abusive husbands. Be some other Christian faith.
And to be fair -- NKOTBSB was perhaps the least gay event I have ever been to in Boston. Surprised and disappointed.
First part is a good point. As for the second part, really? I find that hard to believe, although a surprising number of my straight as balls friends have been posting pictures from it on spacebook, so perhaps you're right.
What's your problem with the Church, Luke? The American branch pretty much sucks due to the infiltration of homosexuals in its ranks but thankfully they're dying out.
Hi Fraiche!
Gay people can of course be Catholic. They're simply engaging in sin if they choose to act on homosexual impulses.
It's no different than thieves being Catholic, or heterosexual cheaters being Catholic. All people are sinners.
Catholics need to re-read the bible. Jeremiah pranced all over town in a gay bottom S&M costume, and God thought he was pretty cool. It's like that time I could have sworn one of the Babysitter's Club girls developed a coke habit, but eventually I realized I was just remembering some fan-fiction I read on the internet once.
Catholics aren't biblical literalists like most Protestants.
Cool, so we are in agreement that Catholics make shit up.
Tell me more about this babysitters on coke story. That sounds like something I could have faith in.
You would think they'd want to get the gay people to church so they could learn'em how to be straight.
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