I was out in the world the other night wearing my new favorite Avion Tequila t-shirt, which you can see above, just t-shirting around the city, happy as you please, because how hard is it to find a new t-shirt that actually fits right and feels like it's worn-in from the start? Pretty hard. So there I am, without a care in the world, when my t-shirt-cock-blocking friend asked "Who gave you that t-shirt, Turtle?"
Wait, what? Oh, oh shit, what? It took me a minute, since I'm not the type of dude who "shoots hoops" and "drinks beers" and "gets mad pussy" or "watches Entourage" so I forgot the reference for a second. "Goddamit, is this the infamous tequila from Entourage?"
Yes. Yes it is. Ugh. A while back I got pretty mad when I saw a bar advertising that they had "the tequila from Entourage" and promptly put that shit promptly on the list. (Two promptlys)
Nonetheless, PTSOTL will continue to wear this t-shirt all summer, because looking good is more important than being just. We regret the error.
Secondly, PTSOTL inadvertently typed "jaja" into a Facebook chat box this morning when prompted by a friend sending links of dumbs things around the world. I meant to write "haha." Woops. "jj cuz im in bed typing" I said.
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that just looks so wrong for some reason.
Is that the t-shirt with the sleeves that won't stay down?
It's not not that one
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