Friday, June 17, 2011

Pentagon scare suspect found with terror phrases, probably flunking social studies

Kind of loving this report from CBS News/AP about a terrorism suspect found outside the Pentagon. "A law enforcement source told CBS News that the man detained in the discovery of a suspicious car found outside the Pentagon Friday morning was carrying a notebook that contained the phrases, 'al Qaeda,' 'Taliban rules' and 'Mujahid defeated croatian forces.'"  

Haha TALIBAN RULES written in his notebook. Was this guy in terrorism junior high? 

Couple other details in the story that are really hitting the sweet spot too.
Despite the references to the terror organization that organized the 9/11 attacks, the group fighting U.S. forces in Afghanistan and the Arabic word for "holy warrior," the source said the man is not thought to have been involved in a terrorist act or plot, CBS News investigative producer Pat Milton reports.
Oh word? That's what al Qaeda is? Thanks for explaining. What else you got in this piece? Any ridiculous neo-speak to add a spicy note of militaristic absurdity? Glad you asked!
"It seems to be washing out at this point, but it is still being drilled down on," the source told Milton.

"Also still being drilled down on," the source didn't say but totally should have,  "your mom."
"The source said the man's backpack also contained 20 spent 9 mm shell casings and three cans of black spray paint," because he was gonna tag the shit out of the Pentagon with a sick GOLFWANG stencil.

Don't make 'em like they used to I guess. Even our terrorists are phoning it in now.

Just kidding, JSYK you guys from the federal blog monitoring service. Terrorism is fucked up, and I only googled "ammonium nitrate" just now because I couldn't remember if that was the name of .

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Anonymous said...

Ha ha, Mr. O'Neil. We're more concerned with all of your "hairy Arab pussy" searches. That and the "veiny Turk" which comes up more than not.

All the best,

Homeland Security


Heh. The hairy Arab pussy I know is Nazim, and I think he's actually Indian.


For real though, surprising number of people from really spooky sounding federal DC type IP's come to this site. But think it's just fanz and frienz in the gvrnmnt biz.

Anonymous said...

Feds love coke too! Nazim is going to be pissed.

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