Monday, June 27, 2011

Let’s talk about AZNBROS


Sergeant D of Stuff You Will Hate gets to the bottom of this pressing issue.

If there’s one thing that I miss more than anything else about living in Seattle, it’s aznbros. If you’ve seen The Fast & The Furious, you got a snapshot of aznbros that was a bit cartoonish, but not entirely inaccurate.

Usually seen eating at a teriyaki or noodle shop with a bunch of other aznbros, you can spot them by their North Face jackets, Abercrombie/Polo gear, and 4.0 GPA (typically in a high-value major like accounting, engineering, or finance). In that respect they’re not so different from your typical azn student, but the difference is that aznbros have not only the grades, but srs AZN SWAGGER.

Classic internets: GOT RICE, BITCH?? My favorite part is when he disses forks.

Kid Yamamoto, the ultimate tuff aznbro

Always coming correct in the freshest, preppiest clothes, the aznbro manages to live up to his dictatorial azn parents’ sky-high expectations while still repping Shoreline/Irvine/Alhambra/etc. every weekend with his dance crew, tuning his Acura/Lexus/Infiniti and chilling with his fiancee.

Typical girl an aznbro would be seen with, hanging out at the Alderwood Mall or outside the Zumiez at Victoria Gardens

Speaking of his fiancee, if you are from the west coast, you know the kind of girl I’m talking about, not nerdy, math-Asian, but a hot, slutty Asian girl who drives a white Integra, shops at Wet Seal/Forever 21 and rebels against her rich, controlling parents by going to the club, getting sloppy drunk and grinding on black guys (who she will fuck, but never ever marry).


Do they have aznbros in your part of the country/world?? Or are all the azns where you live Chinese grad students in physics or stats? U jelly of aznbros for having rich parents and hot, slutty girlfriends?? Are you LOLing at me for buying an Acura because aznbros drove them back in the 90s??


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Anonymous said...

Lulziez. We have these bros all over the place in Seattle.

Anonymous said...

Does it count as racist if it's mainly t-shirt based jokes?


t-shirts are a race too.

What did I miss while I was gone?

Anonymous said...

I got Asian bros. They're all middle aged Vietnamese dudes that come to work with hernias, chain smoke, and drink their weight in coffee. Pretty much the opposite of D's bros. Cool enough but some of the food they microwave is enough to knock a buzzard off of the shit wagon.

felicia said...

My favorite azn bros are the Jabbawockees from America's best dance crew. fuck they're cool

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