No, not a family of tourists waddling out of a Sizzler to get in the car to drive to a Shoney's across the street, although I have seen that. It's a piece of bacon in an ashtray on the beach.
As I mentioned the other day, I went to Florida for a few days for my TB4L's wedding. Despite my best efforts to bitch about being in the horrid Florida swamp heat and having to fly, it was actually a blast, and I genuinely enjoyed the beach, even though the water was like 80 degrees and barely refreshing. The beach is still on the List though, sorry.
Remember when people used to make you sit through slide shows of their vacations? I don't, because that shit was like thirty years ago. I remember when it was still a joke on sitcoms though. That must have been weird. Now we have blogs to make people look at our lives in the comfort of their own homes. Let's do that after the jump, k?
Here's the view from my room. It was a total touristy resort place, but vacation is vacation I guess. Sorry I don't have more shit to talk. It feels kind of unnatural to be honest. I suppose sometimes things are nice? Weird.
Here's the beach view. This is a little before we had a shark attack in the ocean. Well, sort of. It was late at night and pretty dark and we were all in the water talking about how sharks probably come closer to the shore at night. Then there was something flopping around in the shallows. A little 1.5 foot shark. FUUUCKKKK. I promptly ran out of the water like a squealing baby. My man went over to pick it up and toss it back into the water, right near where all our friends were. Woops. Pretty sure little baby sharks don't just chill out on their own, right? A few of my friends didn't believe me when I told them to GTFO NOW. "There's no sharks in here," one said, which is exactly what a dude says right before he gets his stomach ripped open by a shark. Fortunately we all made it out alive.
We caught up with that dude later and partied with him anyway.
The rain falls in rain icicles that aren't ice here. Also weird.
Here's the bar we hung out at. That's racist against the Irish.
And the handsome couple who are probably stoked to have their wedding photo on something called Put That Shit on the List.

Best week of my dome. Evah.
It was pretty great.
bwah! Put that picture on the state flag.
How much ecstasy did you wash down with entire bottles of Robitussin? None? YOU DID FLORIDA WRONG
Needs more Alligator and swamp themed goth metal.
Oh GOD. One of the worst memories of my LIFE was the time I went to a Shoney's in West Virginia with 12 good ol' boys and girls. I literally tripped over a standie of Jeff Foxworthy and fell to my knees.
What's a standie?
a life sized cardboard cut-out
You know how you know you're a redneck? You're on your knees in front of Jeff Foxworthy.
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