Feel a little shitty about taking a secret photo of my man here, but he was literally in this awkward half dead/half napping position dangling with his head in a sort of impromptu sweatshirt neck hammock for a half hour while I was on the machine behind him. Eventually I went over and asked if he was ok. "Just stretching," he said.
Reminds me of this old Street Boner bit from Gavin McInnes: "Koreans like to brag about only needing 6 hours of sleep a night but they’re forgetting the 2 hours a day they spend collapsing.”
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Nice job snapping the photo in the mirror. Artsy and discreet.
I thought I was being all discreet turning off the camera sound until the flash went off. Woops.
Stretching his eye lids maybe. /dasracist
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