Wednesday, June 29, 2011

Accidental Chinese Hipsters is racist

all photos

Racist against hipsters, that is. 

Oh Tumblr, is there any moderately amusing, manufactured sociological phenomenon you can't weave into finely spun internet gold, then bundle together in a package deal with the concept of 'hipsters' the second most important topic on the webz after the ingestion of semen by enthusiastic 'teenagers'?  No, no there is not. 

Our latest most favorite single-serving Tumblr of all time for the next few days give or take a few days will be . 

Couple more photos after the jump.  the rest with captions and explanations. ROR


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Anonymous said...

That's basically what Lou Reed looks like now isn't it?


I'm waiting for my (impending death).


I think I saw a few of these broz @Throwed last night.

Anonymous said...

That guy on the train is amazing.

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