Back in the 90s, I was horrified and amused by a new trend that swept through the hardcore scene: stretched ears. Suddenly, moshbros from coast to coast had giant, smelly discs in their ears; dumb piercings and poorly-considered tattoos weren’t enough, I guess. I thought it died out in the early 00s along with JNCOs and Krishna beads, but little did I know that stretched ears are apparently bigger than ever. -- via Stuff You Will Hate
Images via . Here are some of the lulziest examples.

Srs bummer to see a girl this retardedly hot with such stupid tattoos and piercings. “PAIN FREE”? Only until you wake up at 28 and realize what you’ve done to yourself, baby :(


“So stoked I finally worked my way up to 1 3/8″ so you can see my OBEY tat. U MIRIN??”

I love Mexican girls, and this one is hot as fuck… are the gauges a dealbreaker????

Uh… sick 1/8″ gauges??

“No it’s not that much work actually, I just spray them with Pledge like twice a week. As long as I dust them regularly the maintenance really isn’t a big deal!”

Most people don’t remember Ugly Betty’s scene phase

“My grandson says I should get a Tumblr and learn how to two-step, whatever THAT means.”

That awkward moment when you look at yourself in the mirror and realize you have 1 1/2″ Dragonball gauges in your fucking ears

“Hearts represent love, which is what I never got from my daddy. That’s why I mutilate my body in order to gain the approval of strangers on the internet.”

“Why are you staring at me??”

I saved the best for last- MIRIN UR SOCIOECONOMIC STATUS, BRO.
What do you think about stretched ears?? Why do girls think this is hot? Would you trust someone with giant white discs in their earlobes to measure out your prescription????

make it stop.
What do you get when you roll all these fine examples into one highly unemployable masterpiece?
I give you, Pauly Unstoppable.
pauly actually took out all his gauges and piercings and got his face all fixed up- he looks 100% normal now (srs). there are before and after pics on the tumblr i linked too.
Every time I see outrageously big/loud gauges I truly wonder what it would look like if I violently ripped one out.
also, isn't this appropriated from Africans/Real tribes....why are white people who work at CVS doing this?
Been out of internet range for a couple days YOU GUYZ. Will brb with the lulz
Call me a square, but I like guys with regular ear lobes.
It's not completely a deal breaker, however I like to have cuter earrings, soooooooo......
I think everybody is free to do what they want to with their bodies, and only God can judge us... Also if they feel cool with those changes in their bodies, why we should feel confuse or seeing them like monsters.
I think everybody is free to do what they want to with their bodies, and only God can judge us... Also if they feel cool with those changes in their bodies, why we should feel confuse or seeing them like monsters.
Why wouldn't you trust someone who has big plugs in their ears, handling your prescription at their job? You think because someone has a passion for body modification that they're strung out or what? That's a bullshit stereotype and you need to pull your head out of your fucking ass. And I think it's ridiculous to judge someone for a job, based on their piercings or tattoos. They're here to work like everyone else and not hurting anyone. And it's not mutilation, unless certain people make it out to be that way or choose to make it a bloody massacre. Also, they're called plugs and tunnels. Not gauges, you uneducated fucktard. Different? Yes. Extreme? Sure. Art? Definitely. Just because someone looks different and has a different viewpoint, you shouldn't judge them. They know what they've done to their bodies and I'm sure they know they'll have to live with that and accept that, graciously. So they don't need dicks like you bashing them or trying to brainwash them into this uptight, normal looking citizen of this piece of shit planets society. And you know why? Because some asshole said so and got followers, so on and so forth. And you're one of them, so please go die in a fire. ^^
Modied Zombie... I think I love you.
I agree completely with Modified Zombie.
To Luke, the person who posted this: YOU are a fine example of how intelligence is a dying art these days. You are an intolerant, ignorant bastard. These people that you have ridiculed and posted are doing what makes them happy. I, myself, am a passionate member of the body modification community, and I have stretched ears, and I can tell you firsthand that these peoples decisions about how they choose to change their appearance have NO EFFECT whatsoever on the content of their character. They are, without questions, more respectable members of society than you will ever be, because you're blind to seeing the beauty in everyone. Narrow minded people like you need to open their eyes. People with body modifications make conscious decisions about modifying their bodies, just like you make a conscious decisions to cut your hair, etc. Seriously, if you can't even use the proper terms, why are you even sharing your worthless, ignorant opinion. Stretched lobes, plugs, and tunnels are all proper terms for this modification. Maybe if you educated yourself even a little bit, you'd be less narrow minded and judgmental. Judging someone by how they look is wrong. I thought we all learned this during the Civil Rights Movement, but I guess there is still idiocy everywhere on this planet. You have never even met these people, and you are judging them solely because of how you look. What if that was your child, your mother, your brother or sister? Would you hate them? Would you disown them? No. Because they are still the same wonderful person on the inside, no matter how they look on the outside.
I didn't even write this bit, as you will recognize from where it says someone else did. Even still, have a little sense of humor about yourselves. Obviously no one gives a shit what you look like. Do your thing. (via some of my good friends have plugs!) That doesn't mean we can't poke fun at you. And you make it a lot easier when you equate a silly fashion choice with civil fucking rights. Really? That's what you did there?
I have tons of shitty tattoos myself. I have a nose ring and I'm old as fuck. Ear plugs are still silly looking no matter how ostracized you poor self appointed minorities feel.
Lulz @ the civil rights comment. Although, I do think this guy was fighting against neck tattoos, so maybe you're onto something: http://4.bp.blogspot.com/_sx18BOIqvVI/TLNtHdde6JI/AAAAAAAAAAM/rs2H2mU4e9Q/s1600/boston+busing+crisis.jpg
I'm getting a neck tattoo of that picture, actually.
they are plugs not Gauges fucking retards modified zombie i love you
Proud to say I don't have a single shitty tattoo, piercing or plug. Boy, the air sure is fresh on this here high horse!
I have stretched lobes and I love them. Mine are only 22mm but I think they're beautiful and they remind me that I have control over what I show to the world. Assuming things about someone's upbringing based on the modifications they choose to make to their bodies is pretty foolish. Shitty homelife or not, that gorgeous girl has the emotional stability to wear/pierce/stretch what she wants, despite people calling her disgusting and assuming she gives a fuck what they think.
And on a side note, my ears do not smell whatsoever and when I took a break from stretching, they closed to 6 mm after two weeks without plugs. Stereotypes don't apply to everyone.
Yeah man, as I think I said before, I don't actually care what anyone does, and sometimes that shit looks cool. That's not much a funny blog post though now is it?
I guess being hateful doesn't make me laugh
Don't be so melodramatic. Nobody hates you. Everyone should look like whatever they want, that's great. That doesn't absolve you from teasing, sensitive fucking pussies.
who ever posted this is an ingorant fuck who is obviously not happy with there body and life .......... by the way these people are aloud to do what ever the fuck they want with there bodies ... personaly i love body "MODIFICATIONS" you may think its mutilation but like every great person has said before me One Man's Trash Is Another Man's Treasure
I was going to point how many mistakes there were in that paragraph calling us ignorant, but then I got winded half way through tallying all of them up.
Right, we're pussies because we don't appreciate being called disgusting and choose to voice it. Standing up for yourself, disagreeing with another's opinion, that's weak. Lol logic. I can dig it.
wow...you guys are retarded...legitimately stupid. I honestly think I lost brain cells while reading all this stupid ignorant bullshit. WAKE THE FUCK UP! This is not the 50's anymore. we live in a modern society, and the fact that someone, who I would hope is somewhat knowledgeable, would make a hate blog against people with body modifications is sick and disgusting. Call me crazy, but I love a guy with stretched ears it's a HUGE plus cause guess what you shit I'm a chick with stretched ears. WHO HAS A 3.5 GPA AND A VERY LOVING FAMILY WHO ALL WENT TO COLLEGE AND EVERYONE HAS GREAT JOBS! I have never even touched drugs. so you can take your sorry stereotype and shove it so far up your ass you throw it back up, because guess what you sorry bitch? I HAVE NEVER EVER SEEN 1, NOT EVEN ONE, BLOG HATING ON PEOPLE WITH UNMODIFIED EARLOBES. So how dare you feel the need to talk about how stupid and dumb people look when you're just coming like an asshole who is crude and apparently has never been introduced to normal people. guess what silly fuck? 1 in 4 people has some form of modification, so one day you will take a girl home and find out under her pretty smile and clothes she might be covered. Also..don't make a fucking blog about something if you don't even know what it is called. THEY AREN'T GAUGES YOU STUPID FUCK. They are called plugs or tunnels.. gauges is a size a measurement. When you go for a walk you don't say I go miling for a mile you say i walk a mile. Get your facts straight and stop being so fucking judgmental. I bet you no one gives a shit what you look like so why do you even care what others do to their body? It just comes off like you live under a rock and just now found out people don't all look the same.
Also I hate to break it to you all but you can work and be modified... i have no idea why you people think you can't be.
sounds like you really "read the shit out of" this post.
all the stupid stereotypes piss me off. it's fine to not find stretched ears attractive. But you don't have the right to say bullshit like would you trust this man with your pills or your family must not love you. I don't even know where you heard of that stuff.. stretched ears are just a form of jewelry, so what you wouldn't care if a girl had diamond earrings, but you would care if someone had diamond plugs, which would cost a lot more? that makes no sense. Like I said sure you don't like them, but talking about people on a personal level like that is wrong and I hate people who do this. I don't think your attractive, but I don't have a blog saying how no one loves you and how ugly to society you are.. if you wanted to make a good point just say i don't like stretched ears they aren't attractive. It's just hurtful to see someone think such hateful things for no reason
Before the next person posts an angry response, please read mine first.
What point do you think you're making by insulting one another? How much authority do you really give to your argument when there is no respect in it? Gandhi once said, "An eye for an eye only ends up making the whole world blind." and it is evident that this entire fued is pointless since we're arguing with the intention of shaming the other person.
To the modified community: calm down for a moment. With body modification comes the promise of dismay from many, many people and you need to learn how to tolerate those people and move on with dignity. Instead of being hateful and calling them stupid, why don't you educate them in a mindful manner? You act surprised, but it's a universal fact that people are usually opposed to that which they don't understand. What do you think you're achieving by demeaning your character with cheap insults and counterarguments that surely don;t apply to everyone within the bodymod community? Just because you're a good person with bodymods, does not mean everyone with a body modification is too. Saying that is basically stereotyping as well. Another thing that seems to be a recurring point is terminology. Honestly, I've never understood why the word "gauges" heats some people up. Why does it matter what we call it? We all understand that we're all talking about the same thing, don't we? "A rose by any other name smells just as sweet."
To those against body modification: It's okay. No one's is asking you to like them, but tolerance should be practiced here. It is not acceptable to discriminate, publicly or otherwise, and we need to realize both parties are at fault here. I understand how it can seem ridiculous/stupid, but the best way to deal with that is to just disregard it an still give everyone the same kindness they deserve.
I hope people read this and think twice before they post an immature, anger-blinded response. We're better than this; we shouldn't be disrespecting each other like this. This may be a joke-post taken too far, but it doesn't justify all this hate.
Peace and love,
Kayla <3
Thought you might enjoy this: http://www.toothpastefordinner.com/031512/big-ass-earholes.gif
haha this thread is fantastic.
What I think, is that if people have so much time on their hands to write an enraged paragraph about why or why not earplugs make you a good person, your life is probably awesome, immaculate and null of life threatening problems. Everyone wins.
it's very good looking if you don't stretch to much! i love stretched lobes on girls and boys, it's amazing!
I find ear stretching a radical trend. I think they picked it up from the ancient African customs that appealed to the youth in the west.
I'm not going to lie I have stretched lobe, an inch and a half to be exact. I understand I'm going to be judged its inevitable it looks weird to many people. Although I have found that they make for great conversation with those who are curious to the reason why we do it. It doesn't piss me off or make me made when someone says eww look at his ears, or why the fuck would you do that I just say "hey man its not you ears so why care?" I do have two adorable children a 7 month old and a 2 and a half year old who absolutely love me and a great job so pretty much I berry happy Sith my life. What I'm saying is ignorance is bliss just calm down and let people say what they want while you do what you want. Your not going to change anything by blowing up in rage.
I'm pretty happy with my life*
There's no god dumbass
Ignorance, ignorance everywhere. What people do to their bodies is none of your business. People can do whatever they would like to themselves. Weather they have a reason to or not, it's their choice. Unfortunately however, there are always going to be people who judge you no matter what and no matter what reason. Those are they people to feel sorry for..
Cause they look fucking retarded duh and they smell like scrotum cheese.
Sounds like someone got their butt hurt... You mad bro haha you prob have dumb fucking gauged out ears and you probably work in some fucking factory cause you can't get a decent job cause no one wants to hire some dipshit with big stupid fucking ears flopping around. It's like plastic surgery, once you go too far you end up looking like a idiot. Just face it extremely gauged ears will never be accepted in modern society unless you are a local inhabitant on dumb fuck island
Gauged ears are fucking stupid and they stink like shit. And for all the people who say they don't your full of it and live in denial. See how far your extremely guaged ears get you in life even with your high gpa and college education if you modify your body to an extreme well have fun working in a fucking coffee shop, book store or some other bullshit paying job for the rest of your life. Just face it already you look dumb as fuck. And if you get mad and leave a comment on my posting, well then we all know what category of society you fall under ha ha the jokes on you
Spell check and grammar are 2 things you need to work on my friend. Must be the Plugs in your ears, I hear they make people retarded as shit.
Not that I mind, but why are people commenting on this old post again all of a sudden?
I think I smell patchouli and clove cigarettes eminating from this post.. Stfu hippie
Stretch your bottom lip over your face and shut the fuck up dumb bitch
Trying to stir the anger pot
As a matter of fact, STRETCHED ears do not smell bad. How would you know what sebum smells like? Do you suck dirty dicks? Or are you just some white trash kid with a chip on his shoulder and a nasty dong?
Just to be the Devil's advocate, I have stretched ears and work in one of the world's largest advertising agencies, Draftfcb. So, if that is a bullshit job then I'll be damned.
And you use the Oxford comma poorly. Plz lrn2grmmar b4 u intrnetz
I have 00g and I have a totally normal life. I have a good high paying job as an automotive technician. I was top of my.class in high school and tech school. I'm not a burn out or a bum. Never judge a book by its cover. So what if I look different.I don't make fun of you.for having normal baby ears. Personally I don't.care.what people.think cause I know what I am and what I'm not.
Gauged out freak ;P
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