Thursday, July 7, 2011

Found photos are sad. Internet cake hole more like it

Is it lame to not be into the Smiths if they still haven't been invented yet?

All photos via internet k-hole, the most mesmerizing found photo blog on the web out of all the found photo blogs I look at which is like one, one-ish anyway, because most of those things suuuuck

This photo made me so happy for a minute before I realized grandpa is definitely dead.

Look, /nopedo, but if you still need evidence that the school girl uniform thing presses a special button in the brain, the boner button I think they call it, just compare and contrast above and below. 

Nice alarm clock, loser. jsy-everybody-ks, this is what a teenager's bedroom looked like before the internet and video games arrived and turned you all into an army of fatties and adderall junkies.  Back in my day you had two options, you either read a book or practiced your guitar. And then you went on to be mediocre at both those things later in life but still kept on clinging to the dream well past the point you should have learned a real world skill.

OMG this could be from last night in Brooklyn haha because of hipsters. Sweet PBR, poseurs.  

I'm not a body language expert, but this woman is definitely being held captive against her will here, right?  Haha, marriage.

How come whenever I talk to a black dude, or like a skateboarder or a guy who works in a store where they have like 50 different kinds of spray paint for sale, I always end up finishing all of my sentences with "...and shit"? Like, "Hey man, let me get that t-shirt right there. And shit." Or, like, "What time is it dude? And shit."  Is that racist? 

Not now kids, mommy is in the middle of bumming everyone out with the saddest birthday party ever.


I'm just glad I'm not alive to see this come true. Side note: Junkies with better beach tans than me. What's that all about?

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That site sucks you in like some sort of drug thing there should be a name for.

Anonymous said...

that site rules. everything sucks now.


Kind of like after you watched The Wire the first time then tried to go watch Law and Order.

greg said...

gucci gucci for the guido, euro club kids


this was a good one


"Kind of like after you watched The Wire the first time then tried to go watch Law and Order."

know that feeling


Haha, yup. Everything is grey now.


Way too few of you fuckers liked this one. Sometimes I feel like I don't even know you guys anymore.

chelleskins said...

i thought the first girl was me until i realized i've never worn that outfit.



chelleelelelelelelle said...

that is my EXACT NOSE. it's not an easy nose to have and i'd recognize it anywhere!

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