Monday, July 18, 2011

The most gorgeous photos I've ever seen (in a while)

SPOILER ALERT: Look, they're really friends after all. Does this kind of ruin the banner image for you? It's ok, maybe the Wolf and Red got an argument after this other photo here was taken and he's still going to disembowel her in the banner image. Let's hope so anyway. 

Go check out the rest of the beautiful photos from Israeli Shlomi Nissim here or on his , most of which is in, er, Israeil talk? Hebrew I guess you call it, so I can't really make out many details about him, although it says here *adjusts glasses* that he "likes" Iron Maiden, Metallica, Bob Dylan, and Lady Gaga, so in that sense he's a lot like me, if I was lying to you about four things I liked. 

Oh wait, Here's his website. A bunch more gorgeous photos after the jump, all of which I am posting here without permission and sort of hoping it all works out. 

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Ule Koko said...

You can imagine where it goes from there...

Mint E. Fresh said...

are you sure it's not "Irishman Shlomi Nissim"


I guess not. Why do you ask?

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