Saturday, July 2, 2011

Bad ass kids are bad ass

Fine, you don't have to clean your room. Jesus.

I was too busy getting nose bleeds and farting boogers all over my GI Joe's when I was a kid to ever be mistaken for a bad ass. Every single one of the future heroes in training on this Buzzfeed post rounding up 50 Kids That Are Cooler Than You'll Ever Be are pretty much calling me a pussy retroactively. Feels bad. Here's a few that I still want to party with anyway.


Playing 'I'll spin the electro-core and you can take the photo booth party pics' is a bit more next level than the shit I did with girls at this age, which was pretend I knew some while making mud pies in an imaginary tree fort.


It's not talked about as much anymore, but the lesser known fourth original element of hip hop was losing your virginity at 11 years old.


Wait, am I judging the fashion sense of this three year old kid, or is he looking through the computer and judging me. I don't think I can win this one.


"Meh. This zoo blows." And you probably used to wet the bed every night thinking about fake monsters trying to eat you. 


Partying every day like you're never going to die is a philosophy that's a lot easier to take literally when that shit is still like 80 years off into the future.

Dude was into Kreayshawn before she was played. And by played I mean born. SWAG

Note to the thirty something dudes I see out at club nights dressed like this all the time: this is exactly the age most people think of your emotional and social development stopping at. My man here still probably has a better shot of fucking Winona than the rest of us do though.


This is what people are talking about when they bring up the good old days of NYC.


Spider-man costume? Fuck that gay shit. This Halloween I want to be a narcotraficante who looks like he's shoveled human remains into a pig sty on more than one occasion.

When most kids whine that they want a candy bar at the grocery store I want to go over and smack them until they shut the fuck up. This kid doesn't even need to ask.

I don't know, maybe go shred those steps outside the mall before band practice, then bang out a couple more silkscreen designs for my successful t-shirt company. What are you guys up to?
When it's someone this age drinking all that milk all the time it's not really as creepy.

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Goddamn Like button not working for anyone else?

Meg said...

Didn't work. I love the Clockwork Orange baby. Awwww. That picture with the cop is awesome too.


Great. Now how am I supposed to know that literally a dozen of people think that I'm special?

Anonymous said...

Nice curated curation. Or is it post-curating curation? Or just curation curation? Not sure. Well done, in at least one of those cases.

Anonymous said...

I think its called editorial curasturbation.

luke said...

That kid with the drug stache scares me.

Indian Pharmacy said...

Bad ass kids are bad ass!!! yes I agree, I think that people should think in when their children grow-up.. my son is a little devil, and he is just 3 years old, !!oh God help me !

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