Sergeant D from Stuff You Will Hate files this report from the baseball cap wars. I like the part where the teams they are repping are really shitty ones. What's an awful Australian rules football team, because I want their merch. Also, come on dudes, you couldn't spring for the second Z in your name? Deez Nutz has a much more br00tal ring to it.
In case you aren’t familiar, DEEZ NUTS are a thugcore band from Australia. If you haven’t, check out . If you didn’t know better, you’d swear it was an SNL skit, but as far as I know. they are 100% non-ironic, which is as depressing as it is lulzy. As if that wasn’t embarrassing enough, they apparently have a rap side project called GRIPS & TONIC.
In this song, “Keep A Fitted,” they chime in on the topic of snap back vs fitted hats. As you might guess from the title, they are backing fitteds -- very controversial, with the rest of the hip hop world repping snap backs. But these guys don’t give a FUCK! They’re fucking crazy like that!! AJ Hernz?? Tyga??? WHO DAT IS. BRING THE BEEF, NIGGA!! WHAT!
Unfortunately I can’t think of anything else witty to say about this video, because I seriously can’t understand a fucking word they’re saying. Can any Aussies translate??
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I feel like the guy on the left with the blue shirt is someone I'd have a crush on in high school.
Was your high school in a prison?
I think that's the nigga that stole my bike right there.
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